Water Genasi Portrait

in Off-Topic
So I'm starting up a new campaign and I'm going to be playing a Water Genasi Druid and I need a portrait (full body or not) and I'm having a lot of trouble finding one. If anyone has anything like this please share! (Male or Female)
However, you will be overwhelmed with results just by simply using different search tags. For example, a suitable Water Genasi portrait might suddenly pop up if one looks for the following words: "Mermaid/-men/-folk", "Triton", "Scylla", "Aquatic Elf", "Atlantean", "Sirene", "Elemental", or even by simply typing "Water", "Sea", and "Ocean". There are of course countless other terms and words, which you could search for in other laguanges as well. It really pays off to be creative with the portrait search here.
Two examples:
After a couple of tries, I came across these two artworks below. Since I didn't know whenever you were looking for more humane features or a more fish-like look, I simply included both.
Made by adlovett (Aaron Lovett)
Made by Diablera (Diana Lebedeva)