Blackrazor Question (Spoilers)

I have a question about the Longsword Blackrazor.
Is there a way of getting blackrazor without turning evil? I really wanna get the weapon for my blade, but if there isn't a way to get it and stay NG, then I'll prolly just go scimitar in BGEE and Katana in BG2EE.
Thank you in advance.
Is there a way of getting blackrazor without turning evil? I really wanna get the weapon for my blade, but if there isn't a way to get it and stay NG, then I'll prolly just go scimitar in BGEE and Katana in BG2EE.
Thank you in advance.
Damnit, I'll have to get it on my assassin or blackguard run most likely
The larger issue around it, is that I have a problem. Gonna run the canon party, where a bard fits really well. But Khalid uses Longswords, and if I use longswords as well, then I'm not spreading the loot out as efficiently as I could.
Alternatively, I could use scimitars, since jaheria and clubs are just as good in BGEE. Dunno, maybe I'll just go longsword anyway.
Just console spawn it in the game if you want it, or go into EEKeeper and adjust your alignment after. But as far as I know there's no good way to get it from an RP perspective.