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May I has help with Tp2

XavioriaXavioria Member Posts: 875
Hello I'm coming back to the game and wanting to make a kit for myself that I've always wanted to try, but my Tp2 is coming up with parsing errors, and I can't seem to figure out what they are. I'll go ahead and post my Tp2, maybe someone can figure out what's wrong with it, because I don't see any errors there...

Also please show me how to do that "spoiler" drop down thing I keep seeing so that I don't take up a bunch of room in the post... please and thank you for anyone willing to help me out. :)


  • BillyYankBillyYank Member Posts: 2,768
    Put square brackets around the word spoiler at the beginning and around /spoiler at the end.
  • XavioriaXavioria Member Posts: 875
    edited September 2015

    BACKUP ~Loremonger/backup~
    AUTHOR ~Xavioria~
    VERSION v1.0.0

    BEGIN ~Loremonger kit for Bards~
    INCLUDE ~Loremonger/Files/fl#add_kit_ee.tpa~
    ~RL#LREM 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1~
    ~RL#LREM 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0~
    ~RL#LREM 0 12 0 13 0 15~
    ~RL#LREM 0 0 0 0 0 0~
    ~RL#LREM 0 17 0 0 0 15~
    ~RL#LREM 0 17 0 0 0 17~
    ~RL#LREM 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0~
    ~RL#LREM 0 0 0 0 0 0~
    ~RL#LREM 0 0 0 0 0 0~
    ~K_B_H K_B_D K_B_G K_B_E K_B_HE K_B_HL K_B_HO~
    ~0x00040008 5~
    ~CHAN12 * * BAG30 RING06 RING34 CLCK02 BOOT01 AMUL19 BRAC16 BELT10 AROW11,40 BULL03,40 BOLT06,40 POTN52,5 POTN04,2 POTN14,5 DAGG12 SW1H28 STAF08~
    SAY ~loremonger~
    SAY ~Loremonger~
    SAY ~LOREMONGER: The LOREMONGER is impatient, fixated, and more interested in grabbing up knowledge than she is in studying and learning it. This thirst for power makes this rogue volatile and dangerous. THeir only allegiance is to arcane power and would much rather steal and horde it, than study and learn it properly.
    - May learn one extra spell per spell level
    - Gains access to the Mage HLA's: Extra Level 6 Spell, Extra Level 7 Spell, Extra Level 8 Spell
    - Always Vocalized

    - Cannot use ranged weapons
    - Does not gain access to the HLA's: Set Spike Trap, Set Exploding Trap, Set Time Trap
    - Can only be Lawful Neutral, True Neutral, or Chaotic Neutral
    - Cannot become proficient with two handed weapons or learn two handed weapon style
    - Bardsong does not improve with levels~

    LAF fl#add_kit_ee
    biography = ~-1~
    briefdesc = RESOLVE_STR_REF ~LOREMONGER: The LOREMONGER is impatient, fixated, and more interested in grabbing up knowledge than she is in studying and learning it. This thirst for power makes this rogue volatile and dangerous. THeir only allegiance is to arcane power and would much rather steal and horde it, than study and learn it properly.
    - May learn one extra spell per spell level
    - Gains access to the Mage HLA's: Extra Level 6 Spell, Extra Level 7 Spell, Extra Level 8 Spell
    - Always Vocalized

    - Cannot use ranged weapons
    - Does not gain access to the HLA's: Set Spike Trap, Set Exploding Trap, Set Time Trap
    - Can only be Lawful Neutral, True Neutral, or Chaotic Neutral
    - Cannot become proficient with two handed weapons or learn two handed weapon style
    - Bardsong does not improve with levels~
    fallen = ~0~
    kit_name = ~RL#LREM~
    clswpbon ~1 0 3~
    numwslot = ~2~
    thiefskl = ~0 0~
    traplimt = ~0~
    clascolr = ~24 67 56 2 25~
    hpclass = ~HPROG~
    clsrcreq = ~1 1 1 0 0 0 0~
    clasthac = ~0~


    COPY "Loremonger/Files/LU#RL.2da" "override"
    COPY "Loremonger/LREMspl/SP#RL0.spl" "override"
    SAY 0xC #-1
    COPY "Loremonger/LREMspl/SP#RL1.spl" "override"
    SAY 0xC #-1
    COPY "Loremonger/LREMspl/SP#RL2.spl" "override"
    SAY 0xC #-1
    COPY "Loremonger/LREMspl/SP#RL3.spl" "override"
    SAY 0xC #-1
    COPY "Loremonger/LREMspl/SP#RL4.spl" "override"
    SAY 0xC #-1
    COPY "Loremonger/LREMspl/SP#RL5.spl" "override"
    SAY 0xC #-1
    COPY "Loremonger/LREMspl/SP#RL6.spl" "override"
    SAY 0xC #-1
    COPY "Loremonger/LREMspl/SP#RL7.spl" "override"
    SAY 0xC #-1
    COPY "Loremonger/LREMspl/SP#RL8.spl" "override"
    SAY 0xC #-1
    COPY "Loremonger/LREMspl/SP#RL9.spl" "override"
    SAY 0xC #-1

    Thank you @BillyYank
  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    edited September 2015
    When you try to install it, what does it say, specifically? It almost always gives the line number, for example, which is very helpful
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • XavioriaXavioria Member Posts: 875
    @Grammarsalad There was an error at line 21, if i take out the LU table it's fine until line 38, both say parsing errors, but I'm not sure which of my commands were incorrect. @subtledoctor I thank you for the information, I was going to attempt it with rogue rebalancing with their altered bard progression table and if it worked I was going to ask for permission to use it as an addition to the mod IF i decided to publish it, although if it still will not work that way then perhaps I'd have to change things around...
  • XavioriaXavioria Member Posts: 875
    SO i'm terribly sorry for double post but it seems that the issues are with the HLA table, and the briefdesc part... I removed those and it installs successfully, so something is wrong with those two peices of the puzzle... I'm going to continue looking it over and if I can figure out what parsing errors they were having then I'll post them here...
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • XavioriaXavioria Member Posts: 875
    @subtledoctor okay that's awesome, I'll take a look at that. As for the parsing errors at the lines I had previously posted, any thoughts? It all looks correct to me, but it's VERY possible that I've set things up incorrectly considering I've only ever created two mods before this one.
  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    edited September 2015
    Xavioria said:

    @subtledoctor okay that's awesome, I'll take a look at that. As for the parsing errors at the lines I had previously posted, any thoughts? It all looks correct to me, but it's VERY possible that I've set things up incorrectly considering I've only ever created two mods before this one.

    They looked correct to me a well. I have not yet done a custom hl table, or brief description. One thing: for the hla you just took it out? Ie, you did not replace it with anything?

    I ask because brief description is optional, but a high level treble l table it necessary. It should have given an error
  • XavioriaXavioria Member Posts: 875
    @Grammarsalad yea I just took it out, and it at least got to the ability to install. I do apologeize if I had said I did install, I didn't actually try to install it, I figure that would be fool hardy, and perhaps that would cause an issue, especially where the HLA table is concerned. I thought maybe the name was too long or something but I am very confused as to why it's showing a parsing error with it. Do you think I should try to install to see if it comes with errors by not using the HLA i had prepared?
  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    edited September 2015
    Try installing with the default table for now.

    Edit: one step at a time
  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    Also, what engine are you installing it in?
  • XavioriaXavioria Member Posts: 875
    Okay... I do apologeize for not understanding what you mean by engine, if you mean OS, I am using windows 8, if you mean version of Weidu, I'm using v238 (i think) and I'm doing it on the Enhanced Edition.
  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    edited September 2015
    Sorry, I meant which game and game version. So, the enhanced edition. IWDEE, bgee, or bg2ee?

    And were you able to install using the default high level table?
  • XavioriaXavioria Member Posts: 875
    OH lol, well it's version 1.3 (latest) it is fully up to date on BGEE. I'm not doing two just yet. However I hit a bit of a road block that I'm currently trying to figure out... it's saying invalid arguement (filename.code_extension) I checked all the extensions to the files that go with the mod and now I'm even more confused, so I guess it won't even install now... I'll put the debug up here... maybe you'll be able to help me fix it.

    WeiDU v 23800 Log

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition\Data\00766\Setup-LREM#RL.exe
    [./chitin.key] loaded, 495088 bytes
    [./chitin.key] 73 BIFFs, 35212 resources
    [./eekeeper.ini] loaded, 714 bytes
    [.\weidu.conf] loaded, 17 bytes
    [.\lang\en_us/dialog.tlk] loaded, 7942254 bytes
    [.\lang\en_us/dialog.tlk] 57531 string entries

    Using .\lang\en_us/dialog.tlk
    BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2 0 0 Installed
    BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2 0 1 Installed
    BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2 0 6 Installed
    BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2 0 9 Installed
    BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2 0 10 Installed
    BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2 0 11 Installed
    BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2 0 12 Installed
    BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2 0 14 Installed
    BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2 0 15 Installed
    BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2 0 16 Installed
    BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2 0 18 Installed
    BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2 0 19 Installed
    BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2 0 22 Installed
    BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2 0 23 Installed
    BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2 0 26 Installed
    NPC_EE/NPC_EE.TP2 0 141 Installed
    NPC_EE/NPC_EE.TP2 0 202 Installed
    NPC_EE/NPC_EE.TP2 0 261 Installed
    NPC_EE/NPC_EE.TP2 0 282 Installed
    NPC_EE/NPC_EE.TP2 0 321 Installed
    NPC_EE/NPC_EE.TP2 0 381 Installed
    NPC_EE/NPC_EE.TP2 0 403 Installed
    NPC_EE/NPC_EE.TP2 0 501 Installed

    Install Component [Loremonger kit for Bards]?
    [I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit?
    Installing [Loremonger kit for Bards] [v1.0.0]
    Adding RL#LREM Kit ...
    BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [./lang/en_us/DATA/DEFAULT.BIF]
    BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [./cache/DATA/DEFAULT.BIF]
    [./DATA/DEFAULT.BIF] 6201616 bytes, 522 files, 0 tilesets
    Stopping installation because of error.

    ERROR Installing [Loremonger kit for Bards], rolling back to previous state
    Unable to Unlink [Loremonger/backup/0/OTHER.0]: Unix.Unix_error(1, "unlink", "Loremonger/backup/0/OTHER.0")
    [Loremonger/backup/0/UNSETSTR.0] SET_STRING uninstall info not found
    Will uninstall 0 files for [SETUP-LREM#RL.TP2] component 0.
    Uninstalled 0 files for [SETUP-LREM#RL.TP2] component 0.
    Unable to Unlink [Loremonger/backup/0/READLN.0]: Unix.Unix_error(20, "unlink", "Loremonger/backup/0/READLN.0")
    Unable to Unlink [Loremonger/backup/0/READLN.0.TEXT]: Unix.Unix_error(20, "unlink", "Loremonger/backup/0/READLN.0.TEXT")
    BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2 0 0 Installed
    BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2 0 1 Installed
    BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2 0 6 Installed
    BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2 0 9 Installed
    BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2 0 10 Installed
    BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2 0 11 Installed
    BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2 0 12 Installed
    BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2 0 14 Installed
    BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2 0 15 Installed
    BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2 0 16 Installed
    BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2 0 18 Installed
    BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2 0 19 Installed
    BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2 0 22 Installed
    BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2 0 23 Installed
    BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2 0 26 Installed
    NPC_EE/NPC_EE.TP2 0 141 Installed
    NPC_EE/NPC_EE.TP2 0 202 Installed
    NPC_EE/NPC_EE.TP2 0 261 Installed
    NPC_EE/NPC_EE.TP2 0 282 Installed
    NPC_EE/NPC_EE.TP2 0 321 Installed
    NPC_EE/NPC_EE.TP2 0 381 Installed
    NPC_EE/NPC_EE.TP2 0 403 Installed
    NPC_EE/NPC_EE.TP2 0 501 Installed
    ERROR: Invalid_argument("Filename.chop_extension")
    PLEASE email the file SETUP-LREM#RL.DEBUG to Xavioria

    Install Component [Loremonger kit for Bards]?
    [I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit?
  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    edited September 2015
    Xavioria said:

    OH lol, well it's version 1.3 (latest) it is fully up to date on BGEE. I'm not doing two just yet. However I hit a bit of a road block that I'm currently trying to figure out... it's saying invalid arguement (filename.code_extension) I checked all the extensions to the files that go with the mod and now I'm even more confused, so I guess it won't even install now... I'll put the debug up here... maybe you'll be able to help me fix it.

    WeiDU v 23800 Log

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition\Data\00766\Setup-LREM#RL.exe
    [./chitin.key] loaded, 495088 bytes
    [./chitin.key] 73 BIFFs, 35212 resources
    [./eekeeper.ini] loaded, 714 bytes
    [.\weidu.conf] loaded, 17 bytes
    [.\lang\en_us/dialog.tlk] loaded, 7942254 bytes
    [.\lang\en_us/dialog.tlk] 57531 string entries

    Using .\lang\en_us/dialog.tlk
    BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2 0 0 Installed
    BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2 0 1 Installed
    BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2 0 6 Installed
    BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2 0 9 Installed
    BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2 0 10 Installed
    BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2 0 11 Installed
    BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2 0 12 Installed
    BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2 0 14 Installed
    BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2 0 15 Installed
    BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2 0 16 Installed
    BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2 0 18 Installed
    BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2 0 19 Installed
    BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2 0 22 Installed
    BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2 0 23 Installed
    BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2 0 26 Installed
    NPC_EE/NPC_EE.TP2 0 141 Installed
    NPC_EE/NPC_EE.TP2 0 202 Installed
    NPC_EE/NPC_EE.TP2 0 261 Installed
    NPC_EE/NPC_EE.TP2 0 282 Installed
    NPC_EE/NPC_EE.TP2 0 321 Installed
    NPC_EE/NPC_EE.TP2 0 381 Installed
    NPC_EE/NPC_EE.TP2 0 403 Installed
    NPC_EE/NPC_EE.TP2 0 501 Installed

    Install Component [Loremonger kit for Bards]?
    [I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit?
    Installing [Loremonger kit for Bards] [v1.0.0]
    Adding RL#LREM Kit ...
    BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [./lang/en_us/DATA/DEFAULT.BIF]
    BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [./cache/DATA/DEFAULT.BIF]
    [./DATA/DEFAULT.BIF] 6201616 bytes, 522 files, 0 tilesets
    Stopping installation because of error.

    ERROR Installing [Loremonger kit for Bards], rolling back to previous state
    Unable to Unlink [Loremonger/backup/0/OTHER.0]: Unix.Unix_error(1, "unlink", "Loremonger/backup/0/OTHER.0")
    [Loremonger/backup/0/UNSETSTR.0] SET_STRING uninstall info not found
    Will uninstall 0 files for [SETUP-LREM#RL.TP2] component 0.
    Uninstalled 0 files for [SETUP-LREM#RL.TP2] component 0.
    Unable to Unlink [Loremonger/backup/0/READLN.0]: Unix.Unix_error(20, "unlink", "Loremonger/backup/0/READLN.0")
    Unable to Unlink [Loremonger/backup/0/READLN.0.TEXT]: Unix.Unix_error(20, "unlink", "Loremonger/backup/0/READLN.0.TEXT")
    BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2 0 0 Installed
    BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2 0 1 Installed
    BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2 0 6 Installed
    BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2 0 9 Installed
    BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2 0 10 Installed
    BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2 0 11 Installed
    BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2 0 12 Installed
    BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2 0 14 Installed
    BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2 0 15 Installed
    BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2 0 16 Installed
    BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2 0 18 Installed
    BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2 0 19 Installed
    BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2 0 22 Installed
    BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2 0 23 Installed
    BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2 0 26 Installed
    NPC_EE/NPC_EE.TP2 0 141 Installed
    NPC_EE/NPC_EE.TP2 0 202 Installed
    NPC_EE/NPC_EE.TP2 0 261 Installed
    NPC_EE/NPC_EE.TP2 0 282 Installed
    NPC_EE/NPC_EE.TP2 0 321 Installed
    NPC_EE/NPC_EE.TP2 0 381 Installed
    NPC_EE/NPC_EE.TP2 0 403 Installed
    NPC_EE/NPC_EE.TP2 0 501 Installed
    ERROR: Invalid_argument("Filename.chop_extension")
    PLEASE email the file SETUP-LREM#RL.DEBUG to Xavioria

    Install Component [Loremonger kit for Bards]?
    [I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit?
    Hmmm...I'm not quite sure

    One thing that I like to do when I am not sure what is going on is to start fresh with a kit that I know works, preferably a kit of the same class.

    I have been meaning to create base templates for kit creation for every class. So, I threw one together for the bard. Attached is that template for the bard. Please feel free to use it, modifying as you see fit. Also note that this is from a druid kit, so you need to change the values for weapon proficiencies and alignment to fit the bard.

    The only thing that you might be confusing is that it is traified. That is, instead of having the text in the tp2, you use the symbol "@""" followed by a number reference which corresponds to a number in a tra file which determines what is actually said. An example might clarify:

    For the "lower" description where you have:
    "SAY ~loremonger~"

    I have:

    "SAY @1"

    where "@1" is found in a tra file in this path:


    and in "english.tra", which can be opened with any text editor, you find,

    @1 = ~bard~

    Now, the text between the tilde's (i.e. these symbols, "~") determines what is said. So, if you changed

    @1 = ~bard~


    @1 = ~loremonger~

    in the tra, then your lower description will change accordingly. Tra's aid in translating mods.

    Anyway, let me know if anything doesn't make sense.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    As long as we're on this topic, I've been wondering how to add and use new strings via WeiDu. I want to add custom descriptions for new spells and HLAs, but don't know how.
  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    edited September 2015

    As long as we're on this topic, I've been wondering how to add and use new strings via WeiDu. I want to add custom descriptions for new spells and HLAs, but don't know how.

    As Camdawg once told me, whenever you want to add text, think "SAY"

    Here is an example from the kit tutorial on this site.
    COPY	"example/spl/your1.spl" "override"

    SAY 0xC ~this is the spell's name~

    SAY 0x50 ~this is the spell's description~
    0xC and 0x50 are references (in hex) to the 'locations' of names and descriptions of spells. See here:

    Heh, looking here, 0xc is actually the 'identified' spell name. I'm not sure why DC uses that. You can also use the 'unidentified' spell name as well

    ie .

    SAY 0x8 ~this is the spell's name~
    or just,

    COPY ~example/spl/your1.spl~ ~override~
    SAY NAME1 ~spell name~
    SAY UNIDENTIFIED_DESC ~spell description~
    It does matter when adding items, which have a very similar structure to spells, because items need to be identified.

    BTW, tilde's and quotes are interchangeable (though, don't start with one and end with another--e.g. ~hi". I don't think that'll work.) You could just as easily have this,

    COPY "example/spl/your1.spl" "override"
    SAY NAME1 "spell name"
    SAY UNIDENTIFIED_DESC "spell description"
    I use tilde's because I like they way they look. Meandered a bit there, but hopefully this was helpful
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