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The best of Drizzt!

This has to be my favorite shot of Drizzt in the game. I feel it does the character all the justice( Just Us ) he deserves. On his back while my fearsome foursome has a laugh and loots his body.

"Help me or die!" ~Sanctimonious Prig

"How about we help you die!"~Fearsome Foursome


  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
  • SkaroseSkarose Member Posts: 247
    edited September 2015
    @bengoshi Nah, shorties lack the finesse and style to properly end that Drow abomination's reign of cheese. Backstabs, poisons and traps, that's the ticket.

    I've always disliked the Drizzt character and his appearance in the Baldur's Gate Series justs cements it for me. He must die! Elven Assassin Justice! Viconia even gave my elf a celebratory peck on the cheek afterwards.

    Afterwards I did decide this group needed a dwarf and recruited Kagain. I think this will be my evil party for Siege of Dragonspear. The Fearsome Fivesome!

    Elf Assassin NE MainChar
    Kagain(Swaps out for Korgan in BG2ee)
    Empty slot for guest NPCs and their quests (Maybe Sarevok in ToB)
  • SkaroseSkarose Member Posts: 247
    edited September 2015
    Elf: "Nah, shorties lack the finesse and style to properly end that Drow abomination's reign of cheese. Backstabs, poisons and traps, that's the ticket."

    Dwarf: "Really lad? And how many o' ye lads are ye gonna need to end this lone drow?"

    Elf: "One Assassin and his adoring fans, there just here to pat me on the back and tell me how awesome I am plus Viconia says I am the best kisser!"

    (The Elf actually soloed Drizzt, Backstab+6 Traps +Poison=EarthNapping Drizzt, the Evil Party is just there for their amusing banter and to help speed up some encounters!)
    Post edited by Skarose on
  • YannirYannir Member Posts: 595
    You people are evil. CHAOTIC evil.
  • GrumGrum Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,100
    Yannir said:

    You people are evil. CHAOTIC evil.

    To be fair...that screenshot was taken after I solo'd BG1 with that character. I was curious to see whether Durak could take Drizzt, so I went to my last save before entering the final fight, and hunted the elf down.

    The only other time I managed to kill Drizzt was in a neutral evil playthrough. Dorn's poison did the trick. I did it because my neutral evil shadow dancer wanted Drizzt's sciminar and Viconia wanted his armor. His own fault for carrying around such valuable equipment in the open.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    when I play a single player game, I take down drizzt with a level 1 team, with no special gear, and no traps, but with that being said, I use cheese galore, if im playing a multiplayer team, I do things a little bit differently, but still take him out with a hyper low level team
  • Abi_DalzimAbi_Dalzim Member Posts: 1,428
    I'm pretty sure the only times I've soloed Drizzt involved a Blackguard PC. It's just too tedious otherwise. At the least, I'll bring friends along as fire support otherwise.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    actually, speaking of Drizzt, I had a battle with him today, and had a very interesting experience, so I thought; hmm, maybe if I make him hostile inside the gnolls they will surround him and get him stuck inside and hopefully he won't come after me, so I had my thief shoot an arrow at him and had my main nitz guy go south of him about 90 game feet, and something very strange happened, I kept my main guy in that area and drizzt was blasting him with spells and fighting the gnolls, and I didn't move any of my other characters, and once drizzt finished killing all the gnolls, he just stood there picking his nose, so I got all my ranged characters and started pelting him with ammunition and he just continued to stand there, getting pelted on until he finally fell, I guess somehow I must have broken his script, but good enough I guess, usually it takes me longer to kill drizzt with a level 3 team, so it was a nice change for once
  • DragonspearDragonspear Member Posts: 1,838

    Mind reloading to before you doing that and trying it one more time? For science!
  • SkaroseSkarose Member Posts: 247
    edited October 2015
    @sarevok57 Yeah, I had the same experience with my Blackguard. Dorn, Mainchar(Blackguard) and Viconia just went and plinked him to death, it took forever and we might have been 2nd level. I rushed to get Dorn and Vickie!

    PS: I was hoping to nab him later, combat with him was kind of accidental, but once I realized that stupid drow couldn't figure out what was killing him, I just went with it, because Drizzt is such stupid cheese to begin with!

  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018


    Mind reloading to before you doing that and trying it one more time? For science!

    unfortunately that save file is long pass that moment, but of coarse I should have another save somewhere and I will give it another go and see if it works again

  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    @Dragonspear so I just ran over to drizzt and shazam jam, it happened again, here Is what you do; you need your missile ranged people and a "runner per se"

    1- have drizzt talk to you and tell him you will help him defeat the gnolls
    2- get the gnolls to surround him after that dialogue
    3- have an ranged character fire something at him while having your runner go south of his position ( 60-90 game feet, make sure drizzt can still see your runner)
    4- if everything is done right, drizzt will start to cast spells on your runner ( since he should be closer to drizzt than your ranged characters, but no to close that drizzt comes in for the kill)
    5- while drizzt casts offensive spells on you he will attack the gnolls ( during this entire time, I did not have my ranged characters attack him, I only attacked him once to get him hostile then I went through the steps above)
    6- after drizzt has slain all the gnolls he just stands around like a jackarse, so then I started pelting him with ranged weaponry and he just takes it, when he got down to low health he cast a cure spell on himself but did nothing after that
    7- so in essence, you can kill him with a level one team no sweat, no traps, no tricks, just AI exploit, right arm
  • DragonspearDragonspear Member Posts: 1,838

    Ty, my own evil party might try it. But honestly I'm a paladin at heart so I'll prolly let him leave.

    Speaking of that paladin-ness, I used my lawful good (not stupid tendency) in case we did feel the need to report it as a bug (which I don't, single player game). ^^

    Seriously though, thank you for that. Being able to replicate is the difference between luck and a bug :)
  • SkaroseSkarose Member Posts: 247
    House Devir gets some justice. My blackguard let Viconia do the honors this time. He's all about the revenge!

  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    Skarose said:

    House Devir gets some justice. My blackguard let Viconia do the honors this time. He's all about the revenge!


    ah, so favourite weapon does say the name of the actual weapon if it is identified, in bg1 I have never seen the magical name of it haha, and cure medium wounds? wow, that must be A LOT of casting because mine is usually command, the only level 3 cleric spells that I EVER use are protection from fire and animate dead

  • SkaroseSkarose Member Posts: 247
    @sarevok57 "ah, so favourite weapon does say the name of the actual weapon if it is identified, in bg1 I have never seen the magical name of it haha, and cure medium wounds? wow, that must be A LOT of casting because mine is usually command, the only level 3 cleric spells that I EVER use are protection from fire and animate dead"

    Yeah, I always have Vicky memorize one, but I hardly ever use it. It must be cast when my party rests. (I have the "rest until healed" option set on all of my games.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    yeah, kinda figured, I have that option turned off in my games, but unfortunately even if you don't cast your healing spells, the game will still use them if you attempt to rest and get awaken by monsters, so instead of having some in reserve they waste it all on your party starting at the top character, and that is with the option turned off, but one of my favourite healing spells in bg1ee is beserk rage, apparently when you rest and still have some beserks available you will gain 15 HP back for each one, it doesn't work in bg2ee but for some weird reason it works like this in bg1ee
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    i'm actually amazed drizzt can get poisoned, iirc his save vs death is 1, so unless your poison attack gives them a penalty on the save, I would say there be a mystery on our hands
  • SkaroseSkarose Member Posts: 247
    @sarevok57 I'm pretty sure Assassin/Blackguard Poison Weapons show the poison effect even if he makes his save. I think this is due to the fact that the target takes some, limited poison damage even if he makes his save.

    Example as above:


    If he'd missed his save it would have read
    Ernoc did 17 damage to Drizzt(24-7)

    instead of the:
    Ernoc did 17 damage to Drizzt(24-7)
    Drizzt Save vs Death : 19
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772

    The poison weapon "deals an extra 2 points of damage per second with no saving through (for a maximum of 12 points damage" (so if you manage to hit an opponent, he's poisoned no matter what) and additionally "if the target fails a saving throw... he will suffer an extra 1 point of damage for 4 seconds there after".
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    bengoshi said:


    The poison weapon "deals an extra 2 points of damage per second with no saving through (for a maximum of 12 points damage" (so if you manage to hit an opponent, he's poisoned no matter what) and additionally "if the target fails a saving throw... he will suffer an extra 1 point of damage for 4 seconds there after".

    Hacks I tell ya, hacks :)

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