The best of Drizzt!

This has to be my favorite shot of Drizzt in the game. I feel it does the character all the justice( Just Us ) he deserves. On his back while my fearsome foursome has a laugh and loots his body.
"Help me or die!" ~Sanctimonious Prig
"How about we help you die!"~Fearsome Foursome
"Help me or die!" ~Sanctimonious Prig
"How about we help you die!"~Fearsome Foursome
I've always disliked the Drizzt character and his appearance in the Baldur's Gate Series justs cements it for me. He must die! Elven Assassin Justice! Viconia even gave my elf a celebratory peck on the cheek afterwards.
Afterwards I did decide this group needed a dwarf and recruited Kagain. I think this will be my evil party for Siege of Dragonspear. The Fearsome Fivesome!
Elf Assassin NE MainChar
Kagain(Swaps out for Korgan in BG2ee)
Empty slot for guest NPCs and their quests (Maybe Sarevok in ToB)
Elf: "Nah, shorties lack the finesse and style to properly end that Drow abomination's reign of cheese. Backstabs, poisons and traps, that's the ticket."
Dwarf: "Really lad? And how many o' ye lads are ye gonna need to end this lone drow?"
Elf: "My fearsome fouresome."
Dwarf: "Really lad? And how many o' ye lads are ye gonna need to end this lone drow?"
Elf: "One Assassin and his adoring fans, there just here to pat me on the back and tell me how awesome I am plus Viconia says I am the best kisser!"
(The Elf actually soloed Drizzt, Backstab+6 Traps +Poison=EarthNapping Drizzt, the Evil Party is just there for their amusing banter and to help speed up some encounters!)
I do like how our two styles show the respective tactics of the races.
The dwarf puts on the best suit of plate armor he can find, picks up the most highly enchanted warhammer he has, lifts a tower shield that is as large as he is, and dons an enchanted helmet. He then breaks Drizzt's legs and crushes the elf's head.
The elf spends hours meticulously setting deadly traps. Lures Drizzt into the area (possibly using expendable humans as bait), and once the traps goes on he puts a poisoned dagger into Drizzt's back. For the fables ranger, everything fades to black.
Just doing what benefits ME! (And saving the younger races from a tyrant who wishes to force all of the adventurers in the Sword Coast on some sort of horrible genocidal quest!)
The only other time I managed to kill Drizzt was in a neutral evil playthrough. Dorn's poison did the trick. I did it because my neutral evil shadow dancer wanted Drizzt's sciminar and Viconia wanted his armor. His own fault for carrying around such valuable equipment in the open.
Mind reloading to before you doing that and trying it one more time? For science!
PS: I was hoping to nab him later, combat with him was kind of accidental, but once I realized that stupid drow couldn't figure out what was killing him, I just went with it, because Drizzt is such stupid cheese to begin with!
1- have drizzt talk to you and tell him you will help him defeat the gnolls
2- get the gnolls to surround him after that dialogue
3- have an ranged character fire something at him while having your runner go south of his position ( 60-90 game feet, make sure drizzt can still see your runner)
4- if everything is done right, drizzt will start to cast spells on your runner ( since he should be closer to drizzt than your ranged characters, but no to close that drizzt comes in for the kill)
5- while drizzt casts offensive spells on you he will attack the gnolls ( during this entire time, I did not have my ranged characters attack him, I only attacked him once to get him hostile then I went through the steps above)
6- after drizzt has slain all the gnolls he just stands around like a jackarse, so then I started pelting him with ranged weaponry and he just takes it, when he got down to low health he cast a cure spell on himself but did nothing after that
7- so in essence, you can kill him with a level one team no sweat, no traps, no tricks, just AI exploit, right arm
Ty, my own evil party might try it. But honestly I'm a paladin at heart so I'll prolly let him leave.
Speaking of that paladin-ness, I used my lawful good (not stupid tendency) in case we did feel the need to report it as a bug (which I don't, single player game). ^^
Seriously though, thank you for that. Being able to replicate is the difference between luck and a bug
Yeah, I always have Vicky memorize one, but I hardly ever use it. It must be cast when my party rests. (I have the "rest until healed" option set on all of my games.
In my all paladins playthrough the plan was for our cavalier to both soak and deal the majority of the damage.
Turns out Ernoc the blackguard got a bit jealous and decided it was time for three consecutive critical hits (with poisoned weapon), a round and a half later poor Drizzt was no more.
Quite anitclimactic.
Example as above:
If he'd missed his save it would have read
Ernoc did 17 damage to Drizzt(24-7)
instead of the:
Ernoc did 17 damage to Drizzt(24-7)
Drizzt Save vs Death : 19
Silly wizard was warned about the consequences for offending a son murder, but in the end it was our dear Vicky who delivered the telling blow!
A shame that now we've sold the scimitars and mithral chain, his name is finally erased from the party's records and all memories of him within the game fade in significance compared to our latest foes. The servants of Shar has had her vengeance and that Drow ranger has slid into oblivion.
What was his name again?
Drizzle, or Dizzy? something like that, but what does it matter, Viconia Devir moves on to the next challenge.
The poison weapon "deals an extra 2 points of damage per second with no saving through (for a maximum of 12 points damage" (so if you manage to hit an opponent, he's poisoned no matter what) and additionally "if the target fails a saving throw... he will suffer an extra 1 point of damage for 4 seconds there after".