Rasaad vs. Viconia

So I was rereading the new features, when I skimmed over Rasaad's profile to find that his monestary is devoted to Selune. Viconia is a priestess of Shar. I do already understand that Viconia cannot be changed due to contractual agreements, but does the fact that these two worship enemy goddesses mean that they'll hate each other?
Say it ain't so-oo-oh-oo-oh. My love is a heartbreaker.
...Too much Weezer today, sorry.
This will be one of the major draws to play the stand-alone adventures such as the Black Pits, "Adventure Y," and whatever new stand-alone quest modules get released in the future via DLC.
I'm going for a balanced party alignment-wise, so I think this will be that:
TN Fighter-Mage
Imoen (NG)
Viconia (NE)
Rasaad (Lawful-?)
Neera (Chaotic-?)
Dorn (?-Evil; Obviously evil, but not sure if Blackguards must be Chaotic vs. 'any evil')
I expect Rasaad and Viconia to be the Xander/Cordelia of BG: EE. You wouldn't expect them to go together, but somehow they do. Love triangle time!
Our new Monk NPC may have some extra features.
But Dorn I'm absolutely insanely curious. Because they did a good job balancing all the fighters in BG1 to all be awesome in different ways, so I'm looking forward to seeing how they balance him in the fray.
A monk, a cleric, a druid and a paladin walk into a bar.........
Plus it would make me happy because I could gloat about how much better he is than Minsc.
Oops forgot to add ranger to that list
That's actually a big deal, imvho. Any further development of the existing characters is something that will make customers very happy. And if it is only in reaction to new content, no one is really going to notice the circumstances. Any new lines from our beloved NPCs will be something fans are gonna appreciate mightily.
It would feel weird to have the existing NPCs always remain silent while only the new NPCs have interactions in the game's old areas. So I'm really, really glad to hear this news!