Forgotten Realms novels

So, I was browsing the Baldur's Gate wiki when I more or less stumbled upon the fact there have been novelizations done about the games, most everyone seems to think their utter jokes however upon using google, so I will be skipping those.
However, I also came to the realization I don't really know all that much about the forgotten realms setting other than the random lore scroll I occasionally went past while playing.
What books would you consider worth the time reading that has a relation to characters, events, deities and so on hinted at or seen in game?
However, I also came to the realization I don't really know all that much about the forgotten realms setting other than the random lore scroll I occasionally went past while playing.
What books would you consider worth the time reading that has a relation to characters, events, deities and so on hinted at or seen in game?
This thread may give you some insight.
If you would like to know more about the Time of Troubles, I strongly advice you to read the Avatar Series. I believe anyone that has ever played BG should give them a go, because they are very insightful on the events that lead to the games (specifically, how come a god started mating with mortals left and right).
If you instead would like to know more about characters like the Harpers, Elminster, Drizzt, Cadderly and so on, there are specific cycles of novels for each. I'd start with the Avatar series though.
Ao is a badass.
A luminous presence greeted him, enveloping his energies within its own. It was both a warm and a cold entity, forgiving and harsh. "And how does your cosmos fare, Ao?" The voice was at once both gentle and admonishing.
"They have restored the balance, Master. The Realms are once again secure."