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Greater werewolf

How the hell do you kill that greater werewolf in the ship? I used to be able to kill him in the old edition but now he's unbeatable, takes no damage from spells, fire, electrical, acid or melee attacks. I have made nearly a dozen attempts but can't even cause him damage.


  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    the silver bane dagger or the sword of balduran are the only 2 weapons that can deal damage to him, unfortunately the sword is on the same level as him in a trapped desk or chest and im not 100% sure where the dagger's location is ( dradeels hideout?) do you know what also awesome about the sword of balduran? instead of being a large sword in bg1 so you could have some proficiency with it, it is now a bastard sword, so chances are you will not be skilled with it either, good times
  • wubblewubble Member Posts: 3,156
    there's also the bastard sword +1 +4 vs shapeshifters.
  • SmilingSwordSmilingSword Member Posts: 827
    I'm pretty sure you can destroy him with potions of firebreathing, like 3 going off at the same time. I always just use the sword and dagger, but I'm sure I read the firebreathing technique on these forums awhile ago.
  • wubblewubble Member Posts: 3,156
    My tactic has always been wait till whoever has a weapon has taken a bit of his health off and then unload all of your spells at him as fast as possible. that includes wands scrolls and just about anything you can throw at him.
  • DragonspearDragonspear Member Posts: 1,838
    List of cold iron weapons (that I know of)
    Sword of Balduran (Bastard Sword, same level of the fight you're talking about. Trapped/locked chest)
    Butter knife of Balduran (Same Location)
    Bastard Sword +1, +3 V Shapeshifters (2 possible: first map of cloakwood, kill the noble or pickpocket it. Second is from the same noble near Flaming Fist HQ in Baldur's Gate.
    Albruin, Bastard Sword (Final quest for Dorn, outside Baldur's Gate)
    Flametongue (Longsword, I remember getting it in Chapter 5)
    Werebane Dagger (I think, and if I remember it is on the island)

    Those are all the ones I remember. What you need to search for in particular on the googles, are weapons with the Cold Iron property. Unfortunately that property is not listed in their description.

    1-2 7th or 8th lvl fighter types with the increased thac0 V Shapeshifters neck, and running a full compliment of potions, should be able to easily win you the fight. Even if they aren't proficient in the weapon.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
  • dunbardunbar Member Posts: 1,603
    In homage to my PnP days I always give a fighter charname proficiency or more in Bastard Swords, so by that stage I just rush him with the aforementioned BS+1+3 vs s/shifters - gets the job done in no time.
  • brotherboobrotherboo Member Posts: 48
    Thanks for the help, I had remembered the Bastard sword vs Shapeshifters and had my main PC take him out.
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