Who's your favourite Lawful Neutral NPC?

Everyone has their favourite Lawful Neutral NPC don't they? So who is yours?
- Who's your favourite Lawful Neutral NPC?47 votes
- Xan.29.79%
- Umm ... this poll is a bit pointless don't ya think?23.40%
- I'm only voting so I can see who is winning. I really don't care one way or another.46.81%
I mean, gee golly, another poll on NPC's? Goody!
Darn it.
I did the first tongue in cheek poll (i think) and it went down like a lead balloon.
Good to see a sense of humour on the forum...
@Zafiro My favourite letter would be Q. Are we talking upper or lower case?
@Anduin Where is your poll on proficiencies?
12 days to go...
It means personal dignity or honour,personal prestige in hindu.
I know...
Ha ha , funny , u know what word I mean
What, nobody thought of that before me?