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Fall Release delayed?

at this rate, can we still expect a fall release?


  • cmk24cmk24 Member Posts: 605
    The devs made it clear when they announced the game that there goal was end of 2015 (or early 2016), so it is a bit early to speculate about any "release delays."
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    In order their release is not a fallen one, I say: "Skip a fall release".
  • spacehamzterspacehamzter Member Posts: 77
    I expect mid December
  • killerrabbitkillerrabbit Member Posts: 402
    The problem with the "wait for a bug free release" meme is it delivers a false promise. Every release has bugs and the Beamdog model -- issue large patches very infrequently -- means that if you care about a particular bug you will be waiting a loooong time for a fix to arrive.

    The slayer change bug didn't bother me -- but it bothered plenty of other people. The nerfing of the sleep effect doesn't bother some people but it does bother me. When the spell 'emotion' was changed I stopped playing my sorcerer builds and have been waiting for a fix. Waiting for quite some time -- I lost count of how long. I even mentioned the bug during the public period but no change . . .

    The Obsidian model is better -- get something out there, start burning the midnight oil to fix the issues that fans really care about and, after the triage, start combining patches with new content. Fans get the game and every so often they get free content.

    I'm going to buy SOD as soon as comes out but I'm doing so because I like 2nd ed and Baldurs Gate. I still hope someone else will come along and build upon what beamdog has done right but also acknowledge that some parts of Beamdog's model just don't work. Perhaps then we can get a game that is done right AND on time.

    Hey Beamdog -- stop fearing hot patches.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    @killerrabbit As I said when the patch for BG2EE was released about the sleep effect change, it's a major change and it's very bad that this was overlooked.

    But there's a fix - by @Tresset . It's a very important fix and I understand completely how without this fix playing a sorcerer can be a no go for you.
  • dibdib Member Posts: 384
    Since no dates have been announced there couldn't possibly be any 'delay'.
  • the_spyderthe_spyder Member Posts: 5,018
    I'd personally much rather they wait until they have a product that they are proud of and release it then, rather than setting some date and pushing out the door whatever they have done at the time.

    It is tough for us who are anxious to play it, but respect their ability to choose when to release and know that it will be a quality product when they do.
  • FeytorFeytor Member Posts: 57

    Bonus points to Beamdog for a 21st of December release, the 17th Baldur's Gate birthday.

    I would realy like a X-mas present (also lots of time around then) so Beamdog plz remember the apple approving system and their downtime 'round x-mas' :smile:
  • killerrabbitkillerrabbit Member Posts: 402
    Thanks @bengoshi for the link. bengoshi for president. of the world.
  • drawnacroldrawnacrol Member Posts: 253
    I'd much rather a later polished game than a Christmas release, Pillars of Eternity was rushed out with some ridiculous bugs that should never have made it through, same with Wasteland 2.
  • killerrabbitkillerrabbit Member Posts: 402
    PoE had some annoying bugs I was impressed by how quickly they were fixed and how receptive the Obsidian crew was to fan feedback. The fans told the devs what they wanted and the devs responded . .

    Sure, we all want polish but bugs are inevitable. The problem with setting up a praise echo chamber is this:

    1. The game gets released
    2. Those primed to say it is great say it is great
    3. The devs tell themselves they did a good job
    4. The bugs that need to fixed don't get fixed for 9 months or so

    Which, again, is annoying if you hoping that a given bug will be fixed. I really do like the beta hot fix idea.

    tap. tap. Is anyone listening? hello?

    TL;DR priming to praise polish will presumably prolong present procrastination and postpone patching -- prefer prompt production
  • ValamirCleaverValamirCleaver Member Posts: 184
    edited October 2015
    Fall release? The original announcement was end of 4th quarter 2015, the final day of that quarter is 31 Dec 2015. Therefore according to that it won't be late until after that date. The revised announcement was when it's ready, my reasonable assumption would be by the end of 1st quarter 2016. In light of that I wouldn't start complaining about it being late until after 31 March 2016.

    The nerfing of the sleep effect doesn't bother some people but it does bother me.

    I don't usually play characters that primarily use Wizard spells, so I don't know exactly what the change affected, but how does the present state of the Sleep spell compare to the spell description?

    Page 138 of the 2nd Edition AD&D Player's Handbook; top of the 1st column, 3rd paragraph of the spell description: "Slapping or wounding awakens affected creatures but normal noise does not. Awakening requires one entire round."

    When the spell 'emotion' was changed I stopped playing my sorcerer builds and have been waiting for a fix.

    You mean the Hopelessness effect? Page 157; top of the 1st column, 6th complete paragraph: "7. Hopelessness: The affected creatures submit to the demands of any opponent: surrender, get out, etc. Otherwise, the creatures are 25% likely to do nothing in a round, and 25% likely to turn back or retreat. It counters (and is countered by) hope."

    The entire spell descriptions for context:

    Sleep (Enchantment/Charm)
    Range: 30 yards
    Components: V, S, M
    Duration: 5 rounds/level
    Casting Time: 1
    Area of Effect: Special
    Saving Throw: None

    When a wizard casts a sleep spell, he causes a comatose slumber to come upon one or more creatures (other than undead and certain other creatures specifically excluded from the spell’s effects). All creatures to be affected by the sleep spell must be within 30 feet of each other. The number of creatures that can be affected is a function of Hit Dice or levels. The spell affects 2d4 Hit Dice of monsters. Monsters with 4 + 3 Hit Dice (4 Hit Dice plus 3 hit points) or more are unaffected. The center of the area of effect is determined by the spellcaster. The creatures with the least Hit Dice are affected first, and partial effects are ignored.

    For example, a wizard casts sleep at three kobolds, two gnolls, and an ogre. The roll (2d4) result is 4. All the kobolds and one gnoll are affected (1/2 + 1/2 + 1/2 + 2 = 3 1/2 Hit Dice). Note that the remainder is not enough to affect the last gnoll or the ogre.

    Slapping or wounding awakens affected creatures but normal noise does not. Awakening requires one entire round. Magically sleeping opponents can be attacked with substantial bonuses (see Combat, page 90).

    The material component for this spell is a pinch of fine sand, rose petals, or a live cricket.

    Emotion (Enchantment/Charm)
    Range: 10 yards/level
    Components: V, S
    Duration Special
    Casting Time: 4
    Area of Effect: 20-foot cube
    Saving Throw: Neg.

    When this spell is cast, the wizard can create a single emotional reaction in the subject creatures. The following are typical:

    1. Courage: This emotion causes the creatures affected to become berserk, fighting with a +1 bonus to the attack dice, causing +3 points of damage, and temporarily gaining 5 hit points. The recipients fight without shield, and regardless of life, never checking morale. This spell counters (and is countered by) fear.

    2. Fear: The affected creatures flee in panic for 2d4 rounds. It counters (and is countered by) courage.

    3. Friendship: The affected creatures react more positively (e.g., tolerance becomes goodwill). It counters (and is countered by) hate.

    4. Happiness: This effect creates joy and of a feeling of complacent well-being, adding +4 to all reaction rolls and making attack unlikely unless the creatures are subject to extreme provocation. It counters (and is countered by) sadness.

    5. Hate: The affected creatures react more negatively (e.g., tolerance becomes negative neutrality). It counters (and is countered by) friendship.

    6. Hope: The effect of hope is to raise morale, saving throw rolls, attack rolls, and damage caused by +2. It counters (and is countered by) hopelessness.

    7. Hopelessness: The affected creatures submit to the demands of any opponent: surrender, get out, etc. Otherwise, the creatures are 25% likely to do nothing in a round, and 25% likely to turn back or retreat. It counters (and is countered by) hope.

    8. Sadness: This creates unhappiness and a tendency toward maudlin introspection. This emotion increases chances of being surprised by -1 and adds +1 to initiative rolls. It counters (and is countered by) happiness.

    All creatures in the area at the instant the spell is cast are affected unless successful saving throws vs. spell are made, adjusted for Wisdom. The spell lasts as long as the wizard continues to concentrate on projecting the chosen emotion. Those who fail the saving throw against fear must roll a new saving throw if they return to the affected area.

    The relevant portion of Combat, page 90:

    Situation Attack Roll Modifier
    Attacker on higher ground +1
    Defender invisible -4
    Defender off-balance +2
    Defender sleeping or held Automatic*
    Defender stunned or prone +4
    Defender surprised +1
    Missile fire, long range -5
    Missile fire, medium range -2
    Rear attack +2

    *If the defender is attacked during the course of a normal melee, the attack automatically hits and causes normal damage. If no other fighting is going on (i.e., all others have been slain or driven off), the defender can be slain automatically.
    Post edited by ValamirCleaver on
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited October 2015
    @ValamirCleaver Currently in BG2EE if an enemy is affected by say a Sleep spell or an Emotion Hopelessness if they are hit they will wake up. This was introduced in BG2EE 1.3 and is a known issue (#11613).

    Also could you please put the pnp description in your post in a spoiler tag. Its a lot to have to scroll through at the moment.
  • brusbrus Member Posts: 944
    Will release date be affected by Torment: Tides of Numenera?
  • ValamirCleaverValamirCleaver Member Posts: 184
    edited October 2015
    @elminster So the spell currently functions "more-or-less" as per the spell description I quoted? And why are people complaining about that?...
  • killerrabbitkillerrabbit Member Posts: 402
    Dee said:

    We actually have a pretty well-balanced echo chamber on these forums; the people who have problems have no issue vocalizing them, and the people who don't have problems offer some good perspective while people are waiting for fixes.

    I think you'll find that most echo chambers have at least some margin of "complaints"; the question is whether or not those complaints are heeded and acted upon.

    Thanks for taking time to reply. I see things differently -- I think a number of the critics or 'complainers' left the board at some point. Most left after having their complaints about Hexxat deleted and/or thread locked. The attitude is/was "we've heard enough, the devs aren't going to do anything, stop beating a dead NPC"

    Those who like the lack of complaint make the same point I am making when they say that the tone of this forum is superior to, say, obsidian or blizzard.
    Dee said:

    . . . the question is whether or not those complaints are heeded and acted upon.

    I agree but I think the two issues are tied together. On other boards fans complain, the complaints build momentum, reach a critical mass and eventually the devs respond. This doesn't happen here and I think that part of the reason it doesn't is because it is difficult for complaints to build momentum. I think the game would be better if this dynamic were allowed play out. I also think it would be better for Beamdog because the I *suspect* that some of the complainers who left went on to troll the review sites.

    @Dee Can you / would you say if the issue of beta hotfixes have ever been discussed at Beamdog?
  • ChnapyChnapy Member Posts: 360

    So the spell currently functions "more-or-less" as per the spell description I quoted?

    Sleep does. Well, more-or-less indeed but more-or-less is pretty much how everything follow the rules in baldur's gate. Emotion: Hopelessness is another story: slapping people a bunch isn't known to instill hope, and nowhere does it says in your description that it should. Now, just lying on the ground as if one was unconscious isn't really proper behaviour either, but again. more-or-less.
  • FaydarkFaydark Member Posts: 279
    edited October 2015
    @Dee ah, the slippery slope of "better" =D

    Given that we're all Baldur's Gate (or Infinity Engine for a broader scope) fans here, then isn't praise also just as good feedback as constructive criticism; Praise in this context being "you've improved on the original in a way that I like, it's now Better(tm)"

    I've seen a lot of "constructive criticism" here that amounts to "you should have done it this way instead, because this is the way I like it", and I'll say that not all of that results in "better".. since better is subjective anyway.

    TLDR: IMHO, both forms of feedback are as valuable as each other. It's all a matter of interpretation.
  • ValamirCleaverValamirCleaver Member Posts: 184
    Chnapy said:

    Emotion: Hopelessness is another story: slapping people a bunch isn't known to instill hope, and nowhere does it says in your description that it should. Now, just lying on the ground as if one was unconscious isn't really proper behaviour either, but again. more-or-less.

    If someone was striking you with a weapon with obvious intent to at least wound you if not outright incapacitate and/or kill you, you would allow them to do so? You have no sense of self preservation?...

    Domination is a 5th level spell.
  • FaydarkFaydark Member Posts: 279
    edited October 2015
    Emotion: Hopelessness

    Let's do some roleplaying!

    "Gee, things are so hopeless right now, I think I'll just lie down here and give up"

    You have no sense of self preservation?...

    "oh great, now that meanie is hitting me with their sword. just perfect. get it over with then, I just don't see how I can do anything to stop you, everything is so.. hopeless."

  • killerrabbitkillerrabbit Member Posts: 402
    I'll take the cue to PM but in closing I will say that of course we agree that homophobic and racist comments are beyond the pale. And that Oscar Wilde is amazing. But I do think so legitimate "complaints" were lumped with unacceptable ones. I'd like to see more complaints and more signs that complaints are taken seriously.

    So we agree on some matters and I'll mail you a cookie for engaging. Hope you like molasses.
  • TorinTorin Member Posts: 229
    brus said:

    Will release date be affected by Torment: Tides of Numenera?

    I don't see how when Torment is not being released for another 6 months
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    Torin said:

    brus said:

    Will release date be affected by Torment: Tides of Numenera?

    I don't see how when Torment is not being released for another 6 months
    This is not a fact but your opinion on this matter. The latest information is that TToN will be released in 2015, see and the whole thread.
  • TorinTorin Member Posts: 229
    bengoshi said:

    Torin said:

    brus said:

    Will release date be affected by Torment: Tides of Numenera?

    I don't see how when Torment is not being released for another 6 months
    This is not a fact but your opinion on this matter. The latest information is that TToN will be released in 2015, see and the whole thread.
    That latest information is outdated. Compared to current state of the game and how long WL2 was in beta, TToN has at least 6 months before release.
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