Themed Parties - noblesse oblige

So, an idea hit me today.
Keldorn (noble)
Anomen (noble)
Nalia (noble)
Jaheira (noble...even though she was smuggled out as a baby and raised by druids, she still has and acknowledges her noble blood)
Vaylgar (noble)
You could have a balanced party where everyone inside of it is of noble blood.
Have Charname be a fighter to complete the ensemble. Somewhat noble-ish due to having divine blood, and you end up having social status given Nalia's keep. I'd probably make Charname a fighter/mage for this, as it just seems more posh.
Really makes me want to try it. Anyone else have any themed party ideas which really jump out at them?
Keldorn (noble)
Anomen (noble)
Nalia (noble)
Jaheira (noble...even though she was smuggled out as a baby and raised by druids, she still has and acknowledges her noble blood)
Vaylgar (noble)
You could have a balanced party where everyone inside of it is of noble blood.
Have Charname be a fighter to complete the ensemble. Somewhat noble-ish due to having divine blood, and you end up having social status given Nalia's keep. I'd probably make Charname a fighter/mage for this, as it just seems more posh.
Really makes me want to try it. Anyone else have any themed party ideas which really jump out at them?
A themed party idea off the top of my head:
With a male NG Jester Charname romancing Viconia. I call it "Redemption Through Cheerful Silliness." I think being subjected to those personalities would wear down any Evil person's resolve over a long enough span of time.
Then go to de'arnise keep and tell that mouthing noble bitc... woman she can stick it!
The merry band of thieves:
Yoshi - BH -> Imoen (T-M)
Hexxat (thief)
Jan (T/I)
Haer'dalis (hey, he's got pickpocketing and this team need a decent 'tank')
Nalia (t-M)
CHARNAME Thief/cleric
The band of treehuggers:
Jaheira (F/D)
Cernd (Druid/SS)
Minsc (ranger)
Valygar (ranger/Stalker)
Charname (druid/avenger)
The band of do-gooders (very unoriginal though, and quite similar to the noble themed party):
Keldorn (Inq)
Anomen (F-C)
Nalia (t-M)
Aerie (C/M)
Minsc (buttkicker for goodness)
Charname (whatever, but some kind of thief perhaps.)
Charname is CN Half-Orc Cleric/Thief, I was actually thinking of dualing Yoshi over to Fighter and just buffing the hell out of him for a tank.
Never tried dualing Yoshi. I very, very rarely use him. Would never have thought of that, but it's an interresting idea.
The thief/cleric can be buffed for tanking. You don't even have to armor swap alot since you will have plenty of rogues to pick locks and disarm traps for you anyways. Your APR will ofc suck, but you will be able to stand there and take the heat with a massive negative AC and resistances from AoF etc. If you're not anti cheating, a swashie or an assassin/cleric could be interresting. Never tried it, but it should work.
What equipment are you using/planning to use @abacus? I'm thinking something along the lines of:
Yoshi - BH -> Tuigan Bow and CF
Hexxat (thief) -> throwing daggers mainly?
Jan (T/I) -> Army schythe, left-over short swords (ie arbanes for free haste spell) .
Haer'dalis-> DW Kundane and best available LS,
Nalia (t-M) -> hmm.. spell slinging mostly, and any left-over shortbow you can find.
CHARNAME Thief/cleric -> qstaffs and sling perhaps.
Skeleton Warriors are going to play a *big* part.
For Yoshi, I dualled him straight away... Getting the strength belt from the promenade was first priority. After that, with S19, D18 & C16 he's fairly solid.
I think he starts at level 10, so it's 750,000 to reach fighter11. Chapter 2 is where all the best parts of the game are... Not sure what I'll do beyond that.
Still early doors, but fresh out of Irenicus' dungeon, he's BH10>>F6 with Katana**** and TWS**.
I stayed with katanas mostly for flavour. It wastes the point he already has, but as has been noted above, he's hardly a super long-term investment.
I'm not all about the best gear... almost anything is workable with the right tactics.
Off to pick up Jan and Nalia next.
He can even run around in FP I guess since, just as with charname, he doesn't really have to do alot of thievery. It's easy enough to unequip armor for the occasional trapping.
Gaah, as always when discussin matters like this I get so excited to start a new run. Must. Resist. Restartitis!
For BG2 I've had the urge to do a clerical party:
1. Jaheira
2. Cernd
3. Anomen
4. Viconia
5. single class Cleric or Druid player
I don't recall if there are other clerics in BG2 aside from Aerie, but going through that ridiculously mage-centric game without a mage would be most satisfying, I think. While some of those mage spells seem really essential sometimes, I think clerics could do it. Fighters can, why not them?
I suppose this would make Yoshimo a neccesity, or perhaps Hexxat for a thief who would stay the whole game.
Druids are good anti-mages with their insect plagues etc so you can afford creating a pure class druid or cleric CHARNAME and still have a free slot for a thief. A ranger/cleric would fit your theme for the party perhaps and the possibility to cast high level druid spells ("Old school style") can be added with a simple config, if you're not opposed doing such things.
But as said above by @kaigen, a T/C would also make a good addition to your team and you wouldn't need to find a sixth member to the team. Adding Keldorn and using his dispel vs mages would be benficial to you, but perhaps you don't want that at all. Just throwing it out there for you to consider.