[SCS] How to beat Kahrk

This guy got buffed immensely with SCS.
His spellbook is filled with lots of deadly magic and even in melee he's on par with my best warriors.
I can beat him, sure. But it it always takes a bit of luck, cheese and reloading.
How do you deal with him (mid level party tactics prefered)
The guy in question:
His spellbook is filled with lots of deadly magic and even in melee he's on par with my best warriors.
I can beat him, sure. But it it always takes a bit of luck, cheese and reloading.
How do you deal with him (mid level party tactics prefered)
The guy in question:
- Wand of Paralysis - Ignores invisibility. It has a very low success rate but pretty much wins the fight immediately when it works.
- Polymorph Self -> Mustard Jelly. Proceed to laugh in his face.
- Skeleton Warriors - almost immune to magic and resistant to slashing damage. Even so, it takes about three or four to tank him while the rest of the party pelts him with missiles.
- Inquisitor. True Sight + Dispel Magic makes a joke out of him.
- Boring cheap way - kill him with an Arrow of Slaying.
Eventually just set traps on spawn location. Hopefully not a no reload game; the L key is worn out.
This guy and then the 4 dwarven spirit warriors on the first basement level of Durlag's tower are for me the most difficult challenges in BGEE with SCS. Nothing else even comes close to those two battles.
1) Traps in my way back. Just in case.
2) Oil of Speed + Potion of Invisibility
3) Potion of Clarity. You know, just in case.
4) Detect Illusion + Arrow of Dispelling + Arrow of Slaying.
Proceed with loot.
Question, does the arrow of slaying auto hit and give a saving throw? A 2nd question, do dispelling arrows auto-hit?
And by the way, made a test: you don't need to dispel his protections. If your hit roll with the AoS is a hit the ogre mage will drop dead.
Edit: Thinking better about your question, IDK if AoS is auto-hit. There was a hit roll, but the game may be tricked my Thac0 bonus to assure a hit. The AoD, in other hand, can miss. In the test I've mentioned the shot with the AoD was a miss and with the AoS was a hit.
Target: Self (1)
Power: 0
IDS target: EA.IDS - 2 / ANYONE - 0
Timing mode: Instant/While equipped (2)
Dispel/Resistance: No dispel/bypass resistance (0)
Duration: 0
Probability 1: 100
Probability 2: 0
# dice thrown/maximum level: 0
Dice size/minimum level: 0
Save type: ( No save )
Save bonus: 0
Unknown: 00 00 00 00 h
No thac0 bonus, do those bold lines implicate armor bypass too?
He is cake with that arrow, very difficult without it with SCS.
Next you can use Agannazar's scorchers (wand) to kill Kahrk.
This will become even more easier if you have a thief, who can detect illusions to remove Improved Invisiblity and mirrors. And generally many other SCS fights also.
1) Made him appear and...
2) Tiax sent his ghast as a folder cannon to keep Kahrk busy until Charname's...
3) Detect Illusion kicks in -> His Mirror Image was gone and Charname was able to land an...
4) Arrow of Dispelling -> Applied the WS miscast magic and exposing him completely so the rest of the party kept...
5) Hitting him with the point/sharp/blunt end of whatever they were using until he stops moving.
By the way: i) if you're playing a WS and are not carrying AoD, you're playing it wrong; ii) Thief -> WS is way more powerful than I ever imagined, especially due to the fact that I maximized Detect Illusion before dualing (actually, that was the only skill I invested).
He was just so embarrassed at losing to a lower-level party ...
All that aside, this has to be one of the hardest encounters for unprepared in BG1. You are walking around the Firewine Bridge, getting ambushed by kobolds and skeletons, and all of a sudden a hasted level 12 ogre mage with all possible protections jumps in front of you...
Though yes, they are fairly close to the cap. I decided to push all the way to Imoen getting her thief skills back after a level 6 dual before entering the Nashkel mines, and this shot is from late in the process. All of the characters have at least one level left to go before the cap, but that's about it in most cases.
What do they lack? A lot of very useful scrolls only found in chapter 3+. No Spell Thrust, no Secret Word, only Polymorph Other as a level 4 offensive arcane spell.
So, my answer to that minor globe? Use an invisibility potion, retreat, wait it out. The Improved Haste was still going when I came back (8 APR - probably should have waited a few more rounds), but at least I could use more of my spells.
Looking back at that post ... yeah, my use of "lower-level" is confusing there. I meant it from Kahrk's perspective, not from the perspective of BG1 parties in general.
This one isn't a fully logged run; it's just the pre-show to my "last hurrah" run of 2.5. A katana-using human berserker for one half of the picture ...
A dwarven defender going all out could reach -11 AC vs slashing (0 base with a potion of defense/invulnerability, -1 from a protection item, -3 from 17 Dex, -4 type modifier from full plate, -3 type modifier from belt). With 55% physical resistance in defensive stance ... you're still taking about 22 damage per round from the melee attacks as long as Improved Haste is active.
A blade with defensive spin could get better AC, but they have to worry about the 10% chance of crits since they can't wear a helmet. 26.4 melee damage per round even with the best possible AC, and much more dangerous spike damage because of the crits.
Actually, I think it is not as bad as this. I think DD's AC can be -14 (with ring of protection +2 and shield). So, with his thac0 of 3, Kahrk needs to roll 17 or higher to hit the DD. That's 0.2 probability of hitting. With 8 attacks per round, he is expected to hit DD around two times. Since his damage is 11-21 (so, 16 on the average, as the DD is protected from critical hits), he would be expected to deal 32 damage to the DD per round. Taking half of it off, it is 16 damage per round expected. Taking a healing potion per round reduces it to 8. So, a sturdy DD with a good constitution should be able to survive his improved haste assault...