Wands overpowered in BG:EE?

Just a curiosity... I find Wands to be of great power in Baldur's Gate. Almost too good... Anyone disagree with me? Basicly takes out the challenge of the game as a mage.
That said, I think they'd be fine if it weren't for the fact you can recharge them... Then they'd be more of a last resort, rather than a central part of any battle-plan.
I suppose cutting the maximum number of charges might help... 5 or 10 maybe. You could still allow recharging then, as it would at least require greater planning.
I like to use wands with bards since I think it fits their class well and usually my party's bard gets to hold all of the wands I find/buy, but rarely use them.
If you know how to use an item to its best and when to use it, nearly everything can become powerful. But if the game throws on you everything in return, then the situation changes.
The only wands I never use are wands of sleep as by the time you get one for free, the enemies have decent saving throws. The Wands of Magic Missile are a little bit useless as well since they release a level 1 wizard's Magic Missile. I can admit though that I have never sold a wand with the purpose of recharging it.
Regardless though, wands are OP in BG1 due to low levels which means low saves and HP. In BG2 they face high saves and HP so they are for the most part useless.
This goes without saying, a wand is still nowhere near as powerful as a ranger equipped with arrows of detonation.*nods*
@Calmar throw in some explosive potions too !
From Thalyntyr, 50 on wand of fire, 100 on monster summoning.
Edwin spent a lot of time filing his nails and complaining about boredom the last run through. All his spells, all his great knowledge which he doesn't hesitate to let you know about, reduced to standing back watching a rugby scrum.
I like the wands in BG1 and glad they nerfed the wand of Monster Summoning as that was hysterical. In BG2, wands become ridiculous once again IMHO. There seems to be a bloody wand for everything.
Whether you use them or not, is of course up to your own play-style.
I like Wands, and I occasionally use them with any Wand-capable class, but I use them most when I've got a Bard in the party. Bards with Wands are a powerful class, able to substitute fairly effectively for a full Mage in BG1 and BG2:SoA (although not BG2:ToB), by reserving the Bard's limited spell-slots to memorise his buffs (etc.) and using Wands instead of memorising attack-spells.
I do recharge Wands, but for completionist reasons rather than in a way which facilitates much abuse. I stash spare and/or used-up Wands, and don't sell-and-buy-back until I'm nearing the final battle of each game, then go into the final battle with fully-charged equipment (both Wands and other chargeable items), even though I don't always use those items in the final battles.