Waiting for SoD Busywork

So, i first played and beat BG1 back in 1998, heard about BG:EE in 2012, forgot about it for awhile, and then downloaded it two months ago, and beat it about a month ago. I first beat BG:EE on my Dark Moon Monk, and pondered jumping straight to BG2:EE, but figured i'd wait for SoD to release. Exporting my Monk into BG2:EE, beating that, then having to export an earlier, lower level of that same Monk into SoD, would just feel wierd.
While i've been waiting for it to release, i've been running my numerous other characters through BG:EE to get their Bhaalspawn powers (Dwarven Defenders are ridiculously good). What have you guys been doing in BG during your wait?
While i've been waiting for it to release, i've been running my numerous other characters through BG:EE to get their Bhaalspawn powers (Dwarven Defenders are ridiculously good). What have you guys been doing in BG during your wait?
I currently have a LE Human Dark Moon Monk, a NG Dwarven Defender, a LG Human Cavalier, a NE Human Blackguard, a NE Half-Orc Kensai, a CE Half-Orc Barbarian, a CG Elf Archer, a TN Half-Elf Shapeshifter, a NE Elf Shadowdancer, a NE Half-Elf Jester, a NE Elf Priest of Talos, a LE Elf Dragon Disciple, a TN Elf Wild Mage, and a NE Half-Elf Cleric/Mage. As you can see, i have a lot of Evil characters. A lot of Elf/Half-Elf characters as well.