#17023 Seeking Sword should not provide incorrect Weapon Style Bonuses when dual-wielding
Activating the Seeking Sword and equiping a secondary weapon allows the Priest of Helm to receive the benefits of Master Two Weapon Style and Single Weapon Style simultaneously. This should not happen. It's expected that the Priest can only ever benefit from one proficiency in Two Weapon Style, and the Single Weapon benefit should never be active while the Priest is dual-wielding.
This problem occurred regardless of which secondary weapon I used, but the class functioned normally if I equipped a shield instead (i.e. I got the Sword and Shield benefit only).
This problem occurred regardless of which secondary weapon I used, but the class functioned normally if I equipped a shield instead (i.e. I got the Sword and Shield benefit only).
Post edited by Gate70 on
It's taken me a little while to work out how you may have come to this conclusion so would appreciate confirmation.
If Single-Weapon Style has been taken, AC drops by 1 when dual-wielding with Seeking Sword. AC does not drop by 1 if Single-Weapon Style has not been taken.
Main / Off Hand THAC0 are the same whether Two-Weapon Style has been taken or not. However, the Main Hand and Off Hand attack modifiers are removed as if Two-Weapon Style Mastery is active.
i.e. from the Record or Inventory screen or elsewhere, what values did you use to work out what the causes were.
EDIT: -3 is the THACO he has in his main hand regardless of whether or not he's dual-wielding with the Sword.