Is Dorn going to bring disbalance to my party?

So I my party is consisted out of all good/neutral guys: Me (chaotic good), Jaheira (true neutral), Khalid (neutral good), Coran (Chaotic Good) and Neera (Chaotic neutral); which makes party of 5, but I want 6 and the problem is that all of the characters I've meet so don't seem to be interesting (Xan,Edwin,Kivan,Eldoth,Ajantis, etc) and I just want to mention that I acidentally killed Minsc, so that Leaves me without a sixth guy, which brings me to Dorn, I've stumbled upon him in Friendly Arms and he seemed so awesome, but then the problem it seems is that he is neutral evil and I worry that he will be a problem if I add him to my party, so my question is: will the rest of my party hate me if I add him and like wise will he hate me if I don't do evil things?
To make him happy, don't let your reputation get to 19 or above. He'll stay if you keep an eye on it.
Unlike in BGII:EE, it does not overly affect your relationship with others if your adding removing them all the time (unless they are characters like "Old School"[non-EE] Kivan who would never rejoin your party if you removed him from the group).
Note : I use to have to reload all the time with Viconia since I didn't want to lose my 'relationship' statis with her, but I had so much good juju that she would either leave the party in the middle of something or Keldorn would lose it on her with Casomyr... I honestly wish there was a way to get her to neutral way before the expansion (and much earlier in said expansion) or at the very least an item to turn her 'neutral' until you could change her alignment.
This is one of the few things I really wish Overhaul had retconned or "fixed" in BG:II-EE
From what I know Ajantis and Shar-Teel are the two NPCs who will not get along with Dorn and will fight him. Though Ajantis doesn't seem as interesting in the base game, with the NPC Project he has some interesting dialogue. His stats are also pretty good, for parties of good alignment either he or Yeslick are good additions and prime candidates for gauntlets that raise their Dexterity. If I were you though I'd get rid of Khalid, his whining and poor morale is even worse than Xan's so send him into his death. I haven't gotten around to BG2 yet but I know Khalid doesn't show up like Jaheira does there, so we can assume he gets killed anyway.
I want to get Dorn, his seems so badass and I like it
it's not difficult to balance the reputation to keep it at a reasonable level for Dorn to stay. He has a pretty good personal questline as well, but make sure you talk to him before going to the mines or else you might encounter the same bug as I did where he becomes unrecruitable if you meet up with some people from his past before talking to him in FAI.
Also, NPC's who get into fights can often be circumvented by saving/reloading when you see the fight bantering starting. I've done it with Dorn/Shar'teel and it seem to work most of the times. The banter starting the fights starts but if you save/reload from right before or at least before they cross swords, the end up as if the the fight is over and they never speak again since they are stuck at the end of their convo tree without a fight actually happening.