Android vs ios which one to buy ?

Flip flopping between the iPad mini 4 and the samsung galaxy tab s2 8.0, has any one played any of these games on both platforms and which works more smoothly ?
For our games, I'd still go with iOS unless modding is important to you. iOS's touch interface is just smoother than Android-by-Samsung in my experience (this may have changed recently, but I've never been terribly impressed). Your experience may differ, though; if you have the chance to try them out side-by-side in the store, I'd recommend doing so before making a decision.
I think ultimately the question is, what do you need the tablet for, aside from these games--and do you have other iOS/Android devices that you're going to want to interface with using this new tablet?
Sorry for my rough review, but I would seriously go Bassilus insane in 2 days if all I had for BG was an iOS version.
The Apple ecosystem is way too constraining for my taste. They basically force you to stick to their (overpriced, uncustomizable and often one generation of hardware behind) products.