Don't Know where to put this discussion but eh

i want a recommendation on a challenge play through on the easier side (Character made to fight lich gnomes as requested by my brain) so any recommendations. so like an easy solo run or easy duet or easy no reload.
Post edited by Xeroshi on
My best build so far has been
Level 1 daggers ** scimitars **
Level 3 DW * level 6 DW **
Or replacing daggers with longbows, or taking dual wielding at level 1 and scimitars at levels 3/6.
The check to hide is rolled at the beginning of each round and also the light factor in, so with a low average between HIS and MS is not possible to hide in full daylight. But hiding in a shadowed corner and having a positive check is possible to move into full light as long as MS allow. If you are not true sighted, thing that override the MS hide time.
Backstabbing is an art and these are the basics, the skilled rogue get a feeling for this, know where is easy to hide, spots the low light points just after a corner in a dungeon so can run away after a backstab, glad that the enemy is following him. Because he know that turned that corner, in the short time when he is out of enemy wiew he will hide again ready for the second backstab.
But this require timing, if he backstabs too early the first time he will turn the corner before the other round begin and the hide icon will not be active. This make MS so important, the more you stay hidden the more you can use correct timing and don't have to rush to backstab.
Backstabbing is a difficoult art to master, but if you do becomes very powerfull. A low level thief that has mastered it (the player) can easily kill a fighter that have 10 levels more and plenty of HP, whith multiple backstabs, without reciving any damage. Without mislead, invisibility potions, speed boots or ohter stuff. He and his weapon alone. And staves are the best backstabbing weapons not (not only) because some of them do an amazing damage, but because he can backstab from a little more distant and begin to run avoiding the fighter backfire......
As I told backstabbing is a difficoult art to master,
when you think you know almost all about it...................
Quite frustrating X_X
He is immune, he moves and you are no more behind, you are too slow and your invisibility has expired, you use a weapon that can not backstab, you do something wrong like change weapon as you are hidden before you hit (in notEE if you want to do so you have to change it in inventory screen and not using the buttons in the regoular screen).