Any chance you are fixing the off-hand equipment slot?
Well, now that interface improvements are made (woho!), any chance of fixing the off-hand equipment slot so you can put a weapon or shield in it even while you have a two handed weapon in the primary slot (even if you then of course should not benefit from the off-hand slot.). So you can for example switch between bow and sword+shield on a fighter using the quick slots and not going into the inventory and moving things around. This would be a very welcome improvement (as would more quick selection slots).
(videos time should be pegged at the answer)
but in reality dual wielding is the stronger option and good against some undead (crushing damage), enemies resistant to ranged attacks...
Say you have a longsword in weapon slot 1, a halberd in weapon slot 2, a sling in weapon slot 3 and a longbow in weapon slot 4 (fighters had 4 weapon slots, right?), while there's a shield in the offhand slot. When selecting the longsword or the sling, the shield would be enabled, and when selecting the halberd of longbow, the shield would be disabled.
That sounds like the most convenient solution to me. Still doesn't allow swapping between dualwielding and sword and board, but you can't have everything.
If you were a sword and boarder and had niche weapons (extra bonus vs certain enemy for example), you would still be having to juggle them with the best shield.
If beamdog could just have an off-hand swap like they do for the main hand swap that would be ideal. 3 slots for warriors, 2 for Rogues and priests and one for wizards would simplify things greatly.