Feh. They're berserkers - wild Viking warriors. If the only way the game can justify how they work is by saying "no no, you see, they are tranquil wild Viking warriors" then, I'm just saying, that's pretty terrible.
By all means, there could be a kit that has some kind of extra discipline and meditation and can shield their mind from magic attacks... but that kit should be called something other than "berserker."
I'd say that wild Viking Warriors are better represented by Barbarians, myself.
Actually, it's a LOT more than just resistance to sleep and charm (but not as much as BG games grant).
It takes 10 rounds to "Go Berserk". It's not an "instant on" ability.
While Berserk, the character gets +1 to attack, +3 to damage, and +5 hp.
Immune to spells: charm person, cloak of bravery, command, enthrall, friends, hypnotism, sleep, irritation, ray of enfeeblement, scare, symbol, geas, and emotion (except fear result).
+4 to save vs the following spells: blindness, Tasha's uncontrollable hideous laughter, hold person, charm monster, and confusion. On a failed save vs. charm monster, Berserk state is not broken and berserker cannot be controlled, but he/she counts the caster as an ally.
Fear spells (fear, emotion with fear result): Berserker gets a normal Saving Throw. If made, no effect. If failed, Berserk state is ended prematurely, but no other fear effect.
Finger of Death - spell effects don't apply until after the Berserk state ends (but no immunities/bonuses to save)
Must engage current opponent until the opponent is down, then must move to the next nearest opponent and attack them (exception: a taunt spell automatically succeeds and the berserker engages the taunter).
Cleric healing spells do not affect the berserker until the Berserk state is over. In fact the berserker's player is not supposed to know how many hit points their character has left while in a Berserk state.
Berserk state lasts until the fight is done. At the end, the berserker collapses, as if hit by Ray of Enfeeblement, for a number of rounds equal to the length of the Berserk state.
It takes 10 rounds to "Go Berserk". It's not an "instant on" ability.
While Berserk, the character gets +1 to attack, +3 to damage, and +5 hp.
Immune to spells: charm person, cloak of bravery, command, enthrall, friends, hypnotism, sleep, irritation, ray of enfeeblement, scare, symbol, geas, and emotion (except fear result).
+4 to save vs the following spells: blindness, Tasha's uncontrollable hideous laughter, hold person, charm monster, and confusion. On a failed save vs. charm monster, Berserk state is not broken and berserker cannot be controlled, but he/she counts the caster as an ally.
Fear spells (fear, emotion with fear result): Berserker gets a normal Saving Throw. If made, no effect. If failed, Berserk state is ended prematurely, but no other fear effect.
Finger of Death - spell effects don't apply until after the Berserk state ends (but no immunities/bonuses to save)
Must engage current opponent until the opponent is down, then must move to the next nearest opponent and attack them (exception: a taunt spell automatically succeeds and the berserker engages the taunter).
Cleric healing spells do not affect the berserker until the Berserk state is over. In fact the berserker's player is not supposed to know how many hit points their character has left while in a Berserk state.
Berserk state lasts until the fight is done. At the end, the berserker collapses, as if hit by Ray of Enfeeblement, for a number of rounds equal to the length of the Berserk state.