How is companion level determined when they join you?

Title says it all, how exactly does the game decide how much XP will a companion have when they join your group? It's always somewhere around the amount the PC has, but I have seen them have anything from double the XP to about 2/3. So how exactly is this determined?
There's likely guides out there on the great webs that can tell you about the specifics about the individual NPCs, I don't know any of them off-hand.
In other words, for the original NPCs, they check your level.
For the new NPCs, that is, Dorn, Neera, Rasaad, and Baeloth, they check the total experience of the main character, they are scaled based off your actual experience rather than your level.
Also, don't forget what @Erg once discovered:
1) NPC level is indeed set on entering the area
2) NPC level will not change if you level up while standing in the area where they are
3) if you don't speak with them, or if you speak with them but don't let them join you, and leave the area, the NPC level will be reset on reentering the area. Time is not a factor, you can leave, level up, and reenter right away and the NPC will be updated according to your current level.
4) if you let them join and then park them, they will be locked forever at their current level.
One thing I'm not clear about - @bengoshi, how does it work for the new NPCs in BG2ee?
Anyway, for BG2 and BG2EE in terms of vanilla NPCs we have - the numbers in that table refer to your party's level, not your CHARNAME's level alone. Not the XP, level. This means when your party consists only of charname being a lvl 10 thief, Minsk is at the 10th level as well, for him meaning 800.000 XP.
I believe for the EE NPCs in BG2EE it's the same - as for vanilla NPCs in BG2 and BG2EE.
So sometimes it's best to talk to an NPC early, have them join then drop them from your party so you don't have to worry about them losing out on how you'd like to develop them, like in Pokemon. Then later if you want to use them you can if you want.
You are not wrong, but the current system is: good idea, horrible implementation.
I like this system but the 32k limit is way too low for BG1. It makes latecomers like Alora, Quayle and Tiax severely underpowered considering it's not at all uncommon to first enter BG city way over that XP point.
During SoD, there's a new threshold (161,000) but as of v 2.1 there's a bug where NPCs won't level up if you recruited them and then removed them from the party during BG1.
I really think they should add a couple more thresholds (64 and 128k, at least). Default BG1 behavior was that NPCs could join at up to Level 6 which is impossible right now.
is not quite accurate. According to Dudleyville NPC Guide [recommended] : Branwen will be Level 5 when recruited by Charname Level 4.
When I am playing an FMT then Fighter3/Mage3/Thief4 has proven sufficient to set Branwen to Level 5 when recruited. But if I am playing a single-class Fighter then I have to hit Level 5 in order to get the Level 5 Branwen.
Next play-through I am planning on experimenting with the Mage2/Fighter build so I don't know how it works with Dual Class or how it works with F/M,F/C,F/T, etc.
My intended contribution was at least three-fold:
A) ~Introducing the informative Dudleyville materials,
B ) ~Inviting mavens of the EE game to investigate the Branwen finding re the larger rule-of-thumb that Charname level in BGEE is the sole determinative factor checked by computer,
C) ~Enjoying my chance to chime in on a subject of recurring interest in my various playthroughs.
Cheers! Salud! ~