@ARKdeEREH , ah, I see. Never used that trick myself, probably because I rarely import an old character - creating new ones (or recreating the old ones from scratch) is half of the fun for me.
Hey @Grammarsalad how about you leave this forum and join a philosophical forum? You're not any good at that, either, but you'd be closer to being in the right place. You seem to show absolutely zero interest in keeping this thread on-topic. Can that be linked to you having a bad life as a child?
thats a good little soldier boy! Don't reflect, react! also you have an ad hominem in your teeth but I suspect it's been there for a while. I can see it because your mask slipped.
Hey @Grammarsalad how about you leave this forum and join a philosophical forum? You're not any good at that, either, but you'd be closer to being in the right place. You seem to show absolutely zero interest in keeping this thread on-topic. Can that be linked to you having a bad life as a child?
thats a good little soldier boy! Don't reflect, react! also you have an ad hominem in your teeth but I suspect it's been there for a while. I can see it because your mask slipped.
@Grammarsalad The ad hominem was my attempt at irony. You were making inane assumptions about a guy because he made one sexist joke, so I made ridiculous assumptions about you for no reason as well.
I have to say, I'm really disappointed by the community members who participated in a lot of this thread. It started off sexist and transphobic, and has managed to wind up defending the same... and no, "one sexist joke" isn't a good defense. If someone is enough of a jerk to make one sexist joke--or defend one--in a public space, then they are enough of a jerk to do it again.
As a male gamer, a game designer, and a teacher of game design, I'm always saddened by this stuff.
perhaps throw in "the girdle of opposite race" for good measure.
Now that's an interesting idea. The question is, would that make Ellissime a drow or a dwarf? ...actually, never mind, I'd be pretty satisfied with either. ]:D
In case anyone was seriously curious about the mechanics of the belt, you can't use it to do gay stuff. I know because I've tested it on myself. There is a love match variable that is set in the character file at character creation, and the belt doesn't change it. It also doesn't change your spellcasting voice - if you started female, you will still cast spells in the female register.
Some modded npc's have lines written that recognize if you are wearing the belt. I know that Gavin does. (He thinks it's creepy, and definitely *doesn't* become attracted to you suddenly.)
It really doesn't do anything at all except to change your avatar and to change the word "male" or "female" on your character screen. None of the original npc's react to it in any way, and it doesn't change any scripting variables. There are very few dialogues that refer to Charname by gender - whether it switches the pronouns in those couple or three dialogues around, I don't know.
It was meant to be just a joke, and to make the first-time player pay for a remove curse spell at a temple to get rid of it. It also implies that the ogre you killed to get it was actually a female ogre, but they didn't even change "her" corpse after you get the belt to show that. (BTW, how do goblins, hobgoblins, kobolds, xvarts, and ogres reproduce, since they all seem to be male?)
So, maybe the girdle could be better explored now, specially with the gay content being introduced in the game. If they change the sex, character screen label AND voice, you will be able to at least roleplay the use of the item.
The 3 new NPCs should surely recongnize the use of this item.
Another item that need a better introduction AND must become easier to get, is the Helmet of opposite alignment.
@RomulanPaladin so close the entire forum bro, cos there's not a single thread with an starting flame on it. The fire will lower and the discussion will continue as always.
@RomulanPaladin so close the entire forum bro, cos there's not a single thread with an starting flame on it. The fire will lower and the discussion will continue as always.
Yeah hey you're right. Just realized though; most of the conflict seems to be about romance / sex / sexuality. Who would have guessed that people to follow a game based on D&D would have so much angst in that department...
@RomulanPaladin so close the entire forum bro, cos there's not a single thread with an starting flame on it. The fire will lower and the discussion will continue as always.
Yeah hey you're right. Just realized though; most of the conflict seems to be about romance / sex / sexuality. Who would have guessed that people to follow a game based on D&D would have so much angst in that department...
Probably because they are angry nerds who haven't gotten laid.
Before anyone jumps me for making a dumb joke, I am making fun of myself as well.
People will discuss about anything, it's in human nature. If not the gay/sex/sexuality content, something else will be put on the table to raise the flames, religion, politics, sports... and therefore on. People will even discuss about the needless of discussions or about how important they are... sometimes the thematics are laughtable.
I remember a thread that had a discussion about useless discussion in a thread. Yes it was quite recursive.
Isn't that comment itself recursive?
Same genre, different topic: would you like to join the tautology club organization? I like it because it's likeable. We mostly talk about Sci-Fi fiction though.
I bet the Ogre that drops the belt looked just like RuPaul...
If your main puts on the belt after Saervok encounters you outside of Candlekeep, he might just become confused as hell and never find you again. Good thing all those bounty notices address you as the "ward" of Gorion (gender-neutral). No need to drop a fortune at Kinko's reprinting them!
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Yes he probably bookmarked it, just go to "my bookmarks" on the left and than press on the unbookmark symbol to the right of the discussion..
@mch202 - yeah I bookmarked it on accident. In my browser the bookmark symbol in these forums is extremely glitched and only about 4 pixels of [what I believe is a star logo?] exist. So I had to click it again. I must've done so on accident earlier. I fixed it yesterday. Thanks belgarathmth and mch202.
perhaps throw in "the girdle of opposite race" for good measure.
Now that's an interesting idea. The question is, would that make Ellissime a drow or a dwarf? ...actually, never mind, I'd be pretty satisfied with either. ]:D
Or would it make a god a mortal, or vice versa? A shortcut to bypass ToB!
Truth is, what BG needs is a magical portal that if you step through changes your sex and alignment. Hilarity will ensue. Tiaxina the Lawful good Cleric/rogue
First playthrough, I didnt identify and tested the belt on Khalid, thinking it was probably str or dex. Jaheria kept pegging him as always. I think the experience brought them closer together.
Ya dig?
I was asking questions ( that he actually handled quite well btw).
perhaps throw in "the girdle of opposite race" for good measure.
As a male gamer, a game designer, and a teacher of game design, I'm always saddened by this stuff.
...actually, never mind, I'd be pretty satisfied with either. ]:D
Some modded npc's have lines written that recognize if you are wearing the belt. I know that Gavin does. (He thinks it's creepy, and definitely *doesn't* become attracted to you suddenly.)
It really doesn't do anything at all except to change your avatar and to change the word "male" or "female" on your character screen. None of the original npc's react to it in any way, and it doesn't change any scripting variables. There are very few dialogues that refer to Charname by gender - whether it switches the pronouns in those couple or three dialogues around, I don't know.
It was meant to be just a joke, and to make the first-time player pay for a remove curse spell at a temple to get rid of it. It also implies that the ogre you killed to get it was actually a female ogre, but they didn't even change "her" corpse after you get the belt to show that. (BTW, how do goblins, hobgoblins, kobolds, xvarts, and ogres reproduce, since they all seem to be male?)
The 3 new NPCs should surely recongnize the use of this item.
Another item that need a better introduction AND must become easier to get, is the Helmet of opposite alignment.
I vote discussion closure.
Before anyone jumps me for making a dumb joke, I am making fun of myself as well.
Same genre, different topic: would you like to join the tautology club organization? I like it because it's likeable. We mostly talk about Sci-Fi fiction though.
If your main puts on the belt after Saervok encounters you outside of Candlekeep, he might just become confused as hell and never find you again. Good thing all those bounty notices address you as the "ward" of Gorion (gender-neutral). No need to drop a fortune at Kinko's reprinting them!
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