BG2 or something else?

Spoilers contained herein.
I have a week off of work after xmas. My plan is to do absolutely nothing except for play a crpg (or maybe other computer game) from start to finish. My top contender right now is BG2 with ToB. My main reason for this is that, while I've played it a million times, I've never actually finished it. I think the furthest I've made it is Spellhold, and even that was only once. The problem is that I eventually hit a wall where, between the HLAs and tedious metamagic, the game gets a little lost in the system. Also, I don't think there's much story left for me to discover. I pretty much know that Imoen is my sister, all/most of the Bhaalspawn are competing to become the next Bhaal or something like it. Sarevok comes back, but different and can join the party. Irenicus is a twisted freak that just wants the power inherent in Bhaalspawn. Is there much else at this point?
If I don't go with BG2, I'm not sure what I'd go with. I feel like I've played everything. I started looking at Pillars of Eternity and Wasteland lately, as they are newer. From what I've read, PoE is still working out its kinks and probably won't be solid until the next expansion/update. While I was looking forward to Wasteland, I've read a lot of mixed reviews about that (mostly how quirky the system is and how it's really unbalanced).
Also, I play on a laptop with integrated graphics (Intel i7), so that's definitely a limitation.
So, is there anything left for me to discover in BG2 that makes it worth another run? Or, if I go with something else, what would you recommend? I'm looking for something with a story that will really draw me in which also has engaging gameplay. Thanks for any tips.
I have a week off of work after xmas. My plan is to do absolutely nothing except for play a crpg (or maybe other computer game) from start to finish. My top contender right now is BG2 with ToB. My main reason for this is that, while I've played it a million times, I've never actually finished it. I think the furthest I've made it is Spellhold, and even that was only once. The problem is that I eventually hit a wall where, between the HLAs and tedious metamagic, the game gets a little lost in the system. Also, I don't think there's much story left for me to discover. I pretty much know that Imoen is my sister, all/most of the Bhaalspawn are competing to become the next Bhaal or something like it. Sarevok comes back, but different and can join the party. Irenicus is a twisted freak that just wants the power inherent in Bhaalspawn. Is there much else at this point?
If I don't go with BG2, I'm not sure what I'd go with. I feel like I've played everything. I started looking at Pillars of Eternity and Wasteland lately, as they are newer. From what I've read, PoE is still working out its kinks and probably won't be solid until the next expansion/update. While I was looking forward to Wasteland, I've read a lot of mixed reviews about that (mostly how quirky the system is and how it's really unbalanced).
Also, I play on a laptop with integrated graphics (Intel i7), so that's definitely a limitation.
So, is there anything left for me to discover in BG2 that makes it worth another run? Or, if I go with something else, what would you recommend? I'm looking for something with a story that will really draw me in which also has engaging gameplay. Thanks for any tips.
And then when you get to ToB ... that's still a little linear even with the EE side-quests, but that's not a problem first time through.
And you don't mention finding out what's going on in Watcher's Keep.
Yes, there's more to discover. And some battles which require different tactics, much more magical than in the earlier stages, so again that's quite a refreshing change when you haven't seen it before.
For ToB, install the Ascension mod:
Black Pits 2 is also solid fun, and adds quite a lot of hours of play as well. I highly recommend it.
You know what we could use? A new Ultima game. It's been about 16 years....
I did a solo transmuter with permanent alacrity and haste recently. Most fun I've ever had with BG1ee.
Icewind Dale (get the EE. It's just like baldurs gate, only more combat less rp)
Planescape Torment (it's just like baldurs gate, only more rp less combat)
I've been googling games. I'm really starting to think I've played everything worth playing...