[MOD] IWD:EE Portrait Variations

A mod for Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition that gives you more options for enjoying the awesome portraits in the game.
It has two components which can be installed independently:
Zoomed-in side bar portraits

This component modifies all the built-in portraits, to make their small versions (which are displayed along the right edge of the main game screen) zoomed in closer and more consistently on the characters' faces.
It also flips them where necessary to make sure no characters are facing the screen edge.

Photoshopped variations

This component adds a few additional portraits which I photoshopped from built-in ones - either to make them suitable for other races and classes (e.g. Cleric weapon replaced with Mage weapon), or for cosmetic changes (e.g. hair color).
The variations appear right after the corresponding original in the in-game portrait selection screen.
Detailed preview:EFF- "Elf Female Fighter 1"

- original
- with black hair + better contrast
HFF- "Human Female Fighter 1"

- original
- wielding a mace [suitable for a Fighter/Cleric]
2MBAR1- "Male Barbarian 1"

- original
- zoomed in
- zoomed in + wielding scimitars [suitable for a Fighter/Druid]
HEFC- "Half-elf Female Cleric 1"

- original
- wielding a staff [suitable for a Wizard]
- red dress
- red dress + wielding a staff [suitable for a Wizard]
HMC2- "Human Male Cleric 2"

- original
- better color balance
HFW3- "Human Female Wizard 3"

- original
- without the sword & bow [suitable for a Druid]
GMT- "Gnome Male Thief 1"

- original
- with pointed ears [suitable for a Gnome]

Get it from the download page on GitHub.(File name: iwd_portrait_variations_1.3.7z)
@Illustair: Glad you like it! Also, if you have a Windows or Mac installation of the game, please let me know whether the mod works correctly there. I've only tested it on Linux so far.
So I'm lifting the alpha status and calling this version "1.0"...
A request: BGified portraits. That is, change the large portraits to zoom in on the face like bg(ee). Of course, maybe there is a resolution issue...
The resolution varies from portrait to portrait, because I simply cropped them from the source images and did not down-scale them.
In this example the second one from the left could barely be considered a candidate for BGification, but the other three, no chance.
Unless Beamdog releases higher-resolution versions of the original images, that is.
The GOG.com release of the game does include a much much higher-resolution version of a cropped portion of one of the portraits, as part of the "screenshots/avatars/etc." digital bonus downloads:
This suggests that the higher-resolution paintings from which the bundled portraits originate, still exist.
Do you think there's a chance Beamdog might release them if we beg them to?
Who should we beg?
@Dee is it possible to check?
Usually bg large portraits zoom in on the face and upper chest. What if these were zoomed out a bit?
I went through them all and cropped them so that the bottom edge is near the collarbone and the top edge slightly above the head, while preserving the aspect ration.
Because it would've been a colossal hassle.
Many thanks to ineth for taking the time and effort to do this.
Hey, I love your mod! Would you be interested in changing the sword to a mace or warhammer in this portrait? I often use this portrait as a fighter/cleric or ranger/cleric, so it would be awesome to have the right weapon!
Does this look ok?
Thanks for responding so quickly.
I am uber-impressed!
Thanks again, @ineth
Besides the new photoshopped portrait (see 3 posts above this one), I also improved the sharpness/smoothness of two of the zoomed-in portraits, and updated the Weidu executable to the latest version.
- Beamdog's official press page for IWD:EE (http://press.icewinddale.com/) has high-resolution versions of 5 of them.
- The GOG.com version of the original (non-EE) IWD has an "Artworks" bonus download which contains high-resolution versions of another 10 of them (although not quite as high-res as the ones from the press page).
Granted, they are not exactly equivalent to the in-game portraits, for example look at the shoulder strap in:- this one from the press page
- the corresponding portrait in the game
— the one from the game had a small amount of additional detail/shading added in. In other cases, it looks like the in-game portraits had some levels/gamma correction applied compared to the high-res originals.I suppose that means you may technically be right that there are no higher-resolution versions of the fully polished/post-processed portraits exactly as they are in the game. But clearly, there are higher-resolution versions of the raw images that the portraits were based on.
Beamdog must have them, right? After all, they set up the press page.
From the sources listed above, I now have high-res versions for 15 of these portraits, but not for the remaining 44 ones (IWD:EE has 59 portraits in total).
Can't you ask the Beamdog marketing & art department to release whatever they have for those remaining ones, to us fans? (Even if it's raw/unprocessed images.)
Pretty please...
The side-bar versions ("M") are 169x266 and tend to be slightly higher-resolution than the "L" variants, but they are still zoomed out too far for BG2, so cropping them and then upscaling to BG2 size (210x330) definitely adds blurriness and resize artifacts.
And that's for using them in BG2:EE.
For using them in IWD:EE (which this mod is for, and which is how I understood @Grammarsalad 's request), they would have to be upscaled even more, since IWD:EE shows character-sheet portraits at 240x377 (at least when playing the PC version on a 1920x1080 monitor).
I did try it with one:
From left to right, these are:
- The original HMC2_M.BMP that comes with the game [169x266]
- After cropping to BG2 proportions and flipping [141x221]
- After upscaling to BG2:EE character-sheet size, sharpening, and postprocessing [210x330]
- After further upscaling to IWD:EE character-sheet size [240x377]
The manuaul post-processing for the second one took me several minutes (mostly using the Sharpen brush to sharpen edges, and Blur brush to remove resize artifacts like graininess from the skin).And I'm still not thrilled with the results.
And that's with one of the portraits where the original "M" version was reasonably good to begin with. Imagine how I'd fare with ones like this one (HFF2_M.BMP) where the original face is already tiny and blurry:
Update: IWD:EE Portrait Variations v1.2
- Added 1 photoshopped variation ("Gnome Male Thief" → with pointed ear)
(click for full resolution)

- Renamed files to include my modder prefix.
- Some minor improvements to existing variations.
- Slightly improved README file.
I also started using github, and followed @argent77's example of specifying a license which ensures that, among other things, the mod can be continued by others should I ever go MIA.The ear actually was pointed in the original Icewind Dale and Icewind Dale 2 games:
But in IWD:EE he has a rounded ear, like a Human or Halfling. My guess is that the ear was first painted round by the artist, and then "corrected" when it was added to the game as a portrait. And then when Beamdog remastered the portraits in higher resolution for the EE, they used the original art again...
Anyway, I restored the pointed ear based on the low-reslution original IWD image as best I could.
This means that if you have an old version of the mod installed, you should uninstall it before extracting and installing this one, and you may have to re-select portraits for some party members (Character record → Customize character → Appearance).
- you could fix the female gnome wizard portrait and the human wizard (two of several portraits looking like enlarged form a small image in the original game). My options, but fitting the original cropping:
I do see them sitting in the override folder. When I copy them to the portraits folder in my documents, I do see them, but I can't select different images for the small and large versions.
The zoomed component works fine. I saw some of the portraits mirrored as intended.
It adds the photoshopped portraits by patching `bgee.sql`, which in IWD:EE 1.4 was the file that determines the gender and order of the standard portraits. I'll have to port this to whatever mechanism 2.5 uses.
@JuliusBorisov Good to know. I'll give it a try.
Update: IWD:EE Portrait Variations v1.3
(Thanks to @Thels for notifying me.)
(2 of the zoomed-in portraits have been remastered from higher-resolution source art found by @Sirielle )