Inquisitor late game potential
I was set on the Inquisitor as my main character although I still have a bit of hesitations with my Sorcerer (which was imported from BG1 Black Pits and is lvl 10 at the beginning of Chapter 2 vs the lvl 8 of the Inquisitor). I would love to have the high level damage spells of the Sorcerer but I like to have a maxed out Fighter and having the dispell magic is very nice if I can get rid of mage buffs and then beat them. I also want to go for the Carsomyr sword for my Inquisitor eventually.
I however was trying to understand Dispell Magic better last night and when reading about it, some people said that it does not dispell certain protection spells and is useless vs any strong mage and such in the late game. Is it true that the Inquisitor's anti-magic kit becomes unreliable and not so great as you fight stronger enemies late game? It's the main reason why I made him but if I end up having to use other spells like Breach and Pierce Shield still because Dispell Magic doesn't work or doesn't cut it, perhaps I'd be best to just use Keldorn (he'll just be a bit weaker than my own Inquisitor since I'd have to waste gloves to fix his dexterity and he'd have slightly less health) and then go with the fun spells on Sorcerer along with a few dispells?
Also about Carsomyr, people say that it dispells on hit but the description only says that it dispells magic weapons. How does it work?
I however was trying to understand Dispell Magic better last night and when reading about it, some people said that it does not dispell certain protection spells and is useless vs any strong mage and such in the late game. Is it true that the Inquisitor's anti-magic kit becomes unreliable and not so great as you fight stronger enemies late game? It's the main reason why I made him but if I end up having to use other spells like Breach and Pierce Shield still because Dispell Magic doesn't work or doesn't cut it, perhaps I'd be best to just use Keldorn (he'll just be a bit weaker than my own Inquisitor since I'd have to waste gloves to fix his dexterity and he'd have slightly less health) and then go with the fun spells on Sorcerer along with a few dispells?
Also about Carsomyr, people say that it dispells on hit but the description only says that it dispells magic weapons. How does it work?
Furthermore, the Inquisitor's Dispel Magic is different from regular Dispel Magic not only because it dispels at x2 the level, meaning you almost always hit with it at higher levels even against the toughest mobs in the game, but also because it is an innate spell with spell level 0. That allows it to work even against enemies immune to certain spell levels (Liches, Rakshasa, etc.), which a regular Priest/Mage Dispel Magic would simply not work against.
Inquisitor is one of the most powerful kits in BG2, for sure.
If you're playing without mods, an Inquisitor's Dispel Magic should dispel almost any mage or cleric's buffs quite reliably. It maxes out at caster level 40 when you hit level 20. That will work against basically everything all of the time.
Carsomyr dispels automatically, but Protection from Magical Weapons can block it completely. Note that Dispel Magic can remove PFMW. Also, Carsomyr's dispel effect can be blocked by a save vs. spell if you have SCS installed.
Almost everything can be removed by a sufficiently strong dispel effect. Exceptions include spell protections like (Minor) Globe of Invulnerability (I think) as well as (Minor) Spell Turning/Deflection/Trap/Immunity and innate effects like Hardiness and Poison Weapon.
Playing inquisitor is easy mod all along. With Carsomyr+cloak of mirroring it becomes very easy mod quickly.
Most high lvl mages are lvl 25 or around. A lvl 15 inquisitor will dispel as a lvl 30 caster. Thus a lvl 15 inquisitor will dispel everything. Only spell immunity:abjuration will stop his dispel, but no enemy uses it in the vanilla game afaik.
Carsomyr will dispel everything if it connects. Stoneskin, mirror image etc. won't stop Carsomyr, it will dispel all that it touches. Only a very good enemy ac can make you miss the attack roll (unlikely) or a protection from magic weapons spell will stop Carsomyr. You can still dispel the protection from magic weapons spell with your dispel magic, and get back to killing.
Just yesterday the mighty Draconis was few steps from my sorc's PI, who had finised to cast the alacrity, pour lizard, he had not the chance to walk that few steps, whith IH active, he died just in front of the PI, that had enought time of IA to cast 4 wishes to refresh the spells of the party (in the party that I use for this run all but Imone and charname sorcerer are multi casters and fighters. no damaging spells over levl3 used in that battle.
And sorc is a lot more then damaging spells......
Who will cast IH for all the fighters in a pinch?
Who will give 120% damage resistence to all the party before a hard battle?
Who will dispell, incapacitate, lower saving throws of the enemies as the fighters da their work?
Who will never, ok almost never, use TS when in a party?
Who will wish to rest to recharge spells and items, and that's one of the reasons why uses very seldom lv9 damaging spells, ideally only IA in battle and wishes after the battle, especially if you don't abuse of PI like I like to do?
I don' give you the answer, yust a hint, is not the inquisitor
Recruit keldorn, that is very usefull until your sorc gains power, and still powerfull in late game, and let charname go for the real power!
And dont think that a low level sorc have not his own pover, if played well.
My actual sorc, the one that destroied Draconis dragon form in less that 2 rounds started as a soloer and soloed until after underdark. And I play a vanilla not EE game whith some vintage mods.
He required very few realoads in the tactics mod Chateau Irenicus that for some players was a nightmare with full party. And after the circus tent and the slavers under copper coronet went Directly to Umar Hills (2 tactics lichs whith their 2 tactics demons that if you are not quick gate in other demons, not the lousy vanilla lichs an demons) and after went to Tower of Deception (other strong demon, other lich and a marilith much stronger then then the ones in WK). All played on insane.
Whith the robe, but not whith IA, PI and other hight level spells. that's the power of a low level sorc, immagine the power of a hight level one.....
And the power of wands and artifacts to be honest, I cheated in a bag of holding and collected all the usefull stuff.
Your paladin charname will give you a little power over Unca Keldorn, your charname sorc will totally change the balance of the game.
The only ways to lower enemy saving throws in BG2 are Greater Malison, Doom, Chant (but only in EE!), and Called Shot. Even level drain, unfortunately, will not impact enemy saves.
I told also that actually I don't use bg2EE but a modded original BG2, and the manual of the original BG2 say:
Glitterdust (Conjuration/Summoning)
Range: 10 yards Saving Throw: Special
Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: 10-foot radius
Duration: 4 rounds
This spell creates a cloud of glittering golden particles within the area
of effect. Those in the area must roll a successful saving throw vs. spell
or be blinded (-4 penalties to attack rolls, saving throws, and Armor
Class) for 4 rounds. In addition, all within the area are covered by the
dust, which cannot be removed and continues to sparkle until it fades.
Note that this reveals invisible creatures. The dust fades in 4 rounds.
So in my game glitterdust, and the other blinding spells, lowers also sawing throws.
Or is one of the many errors of the original maunal, but my impression is that it works.
Maybe in EE it does not, in case I aplolgize cause my comment can mislead others.
The manual and the in-game spell descriptions are often terribly inaccurate. Glitterdust shouldn't affect saves in EE or vanilla, but your game might well be modded to fix the spell to match the manual. You can check it by hitting an enemy critter with Glitterdust and then using CTRL-Q on them to see if they have a save penalty active... or by using Near Infinity to look at the spell file directly.
I wish Glitterdust did that. There are so few ways of penalizing enemy saving throws. Called Shot is the only way to truly guarantee a failed save.
I don't have SPWI224, glitterdust, in my override folder so no mod changed it.
But the spell don't affects the saves, simply apply an opcode for blindnes, and I don't know how to check what opcodes do in my setup.
So I made some empirical tests as you suggested.
I summoned a spider, turned it hostile and hitted it whith both glitterdust (save failed) and PW blind, then ctrlQed him into the party.
He was blind but the saves was not lowered.
To double check I hitted Aerie (protected whith stoneskin, Aerie's supporters don't worry
Blindnes in my game don't affects saves, as you stated an in opposition whith the wrong description of the manual.