Can someone please give me some tips as to how to kill Shandalar?

Some mild SPOILERS, I assume.
So, I've done his quest and I want to kill him AFTER I turn in his cloak. I've tried silencing him before he shadowdoors and I've tried paralyzing and polymorfing him, but even If I succeed, he still dissapears. Yes, he's failed his Magic Resistance and did not make a save, so TECHNICALY he can not escape, but... And of course if spell is in effect before I speak to him, I can't turn in the quest.
So, I've done his quest and I want to kill him AFTER I turn in his cloak. I've tried silencing him before he shadowdoors and I've tried paralyzing and polymorfing him, but even If I succeed, he still dissapears. Yes, he's failed his Magic Resistance and did not make a save, so TECHNICALY he can not escape, but... And of course if spell is in effect before I speak to him, I can't turn in the quest.
After you've turned in the quest, I don't think it's possible to kill him, he's scripted to teleport away regardless. If you abandon the completion of the quest and attack him before handing over the cloak, then it's probably still possible to kill him (although I haven't tested this in the current version) by scoring a lucky stun with the Wand of Paralysis.
Honestly, it is just the completionist in me, I'd let him go and be done with it, but I can't.
I do it when he's neutral. I do it to a lot of neutral characters, Stabbing someone in the back is the safest way. That was once espoused by my favourite star trek character; words to live by, I tell you.
I'm also a big fan of Clive Owen's style in the film 'Inside Man'. When someone wrongs you, tell them it's okay, and that you'll leave. Walk away until he lets down his guard, then come back and sucker punch him.
Take that Shandalar, Rayic Gethras and Mencar Pebblecrusher.
hmmm maybe surround him with your party and have each one use a firebreath potion? aside of the rogue, of coarse. Id give them the gloves of ogre strength or somesuch, hide in shadows .... you get where this is going.
Described above method worked well with Kirinhale but I guess she did not have such a nice stats as Shandalar, so I managed to club her into submission BEFORE she did Dimesion Door.
Oh well, I killed Shandalar anyway... And, as I said, his quest did not have entry in my active quests, and that is only that matters. He's dead now at least in that playthrough and good riddance.
I still killed him, though.
EDIT: You get robe of neutral archmagi instead of exp. Nice.
have him stay on the edge of your screen, cast MP then back off during the projectile flight time so you're out of his range when they hit. repeat alot and have non-mages use wands. Probably going to need the ring of wizardry. Probably needs more than one mage too.
1) I can only hit him with a natural 20 (having Thac0 7 and attacking from the shadows, what gives me a +4... so Thac0 3). And my critical hits barely hurt him.
2) Managed to Silence him. He kept casting spells anyway.
3) Insect Plagued him. He kept casting spells anyway.
4) Miscast Magic him. He kept casting spells anyway.
5) Silence, Insect Plague AND Miscast Magic. He kept casting spells anyway.
6) Despite Doom, Greater Malison and Blindness, he keeps having successful savings thrown against Hold Person and Slow.
7) Poisoned him with my Assassin and with the Poison priest spell. He doesn't die despite the massive damage/turn. And kept casting spells anyway.
8) Every time I get to low his HP to "Near Death" he just cast Dimension Door and vanishes.
9) Apparently he has a huge damage resistance, because he took six traps and didn't get beyond "Injured".
It was suppose to be that hard? I remember killing him before, it was a strolling in the park. Now it's harder then Demogorgon.
My mods are BG 1 NPC Project, SCS, Diviner Remix and Rogue Rebalancing Mod (only the gears & weapons components).
Can someone help me
PS: Sorry about bad grammar. I'm not a native speaker and I'm really p*ssed off right now.
My party was: CHARNAME (Fighter/Assassin), Kagain, Shar-Teel, Viconia, Imoen (Thief/Mage), Jaheira
What I was doing:
CHARNAME, Kagain and Shar-Teel surrounds Shandalar. CHARNAME using Poison Weapon, Kagain in Defensive Stance and Shar-Teel using Berserker (yep, I can't look at here and see a Kensai). Everyone protected against Fire, Electricity and Petrification.
Jaheira starts the fight casting Doom. He goes hostile, traps are fired, the power trio engange him. In the meantime, Imoen casts Greater Malison.
He casts Globe of Invulnerability, Imoen responds with Secret Word.
Viconia casts Silence/Miscast Magic, Imoen casts Blindness (and keep casting until it works)
Viconia proceeds to Hold Person, Imoen casts Chromatic Orb, Jaheira joins using Insect Plague.
What I did:
New party: CHARNAME, Imoen, Jaheira, Quayle, Eldoth and Dynaheir (everyone was on my NPC Barn in Friendly Arm Inn).
Charname starts the fight attempting a unsuccessful backstab. He goes red, trap goes off.
He casts Globe of Invulnerability. Imoen drops it with Secret Word. Starts the Hail of Magic Missiles, except for Imoen who drops a Greater Malison. Charname lands a hit and poisons him, Jaheira casts Insect Plague. And Imoen gives the last blown with a magic missile.
Not a battle I'm pride off, but it worked.
Never send me to anywhere against my will, punk.
-Poison Weapon + Arrows of Detonation (auto-hit for the poison effect)
He's dead in three rounds usually.
It can be an engine limitation, too much perfectionism from me, or a poorly designed character. Nobody is perfect.
And by te way a lv 29/25 spellcaster was defeated by a small platoon of magic missile shooters. This is even more wrong. And hilarious.
-20 AC +80% damage resistance + Infinite casting under infinite Improved Alacrity is quite ridiculous.
As for his use of ForceSpell (this is what orders his script to cast a spell in a way that can't be interrupted) that is pretty standard in the series as a whole. To make spellcasters actually have any weight its pretty essential. Especially once you start getting access to better quality items.