Dual-classing Imoen to a mage (SPOILER ALERT FOR BGII:EE)

As much as I hated losing her as a thief, I hope this is dealt with. I suppose they could make it mandatory (as it should be) by having some sort of quest scene "destroy" Imoen and replace her with a dual-classed Imoen. No way to duplicate the thieving stats you have given her, as far as I know, though.
Perhaps Dynaheir is killed and everyone is afraid Minsc will go into a berserker rage if he finds out, so Imoen learns magic and casts an illusion on herself to look like Dynaheir, but Boo is not so easily fooled.
She also has to get her Belt of Plot Protection, but maybe that'll just be an unexplained gift from Irenicus.
Perhaps Dynaheir is killed and everyone is afraid Minsc will go into a berserker rage if he finds out, so Imoen learns magic and casts an illusion on herself to look like Dynaheir, but Boo is not so easily fooled.
She also has to get her Belt of Plot Protection, but maybe that'll just be an unexplained gift from Irenicus.
Post edited by Dee on
Now, BG2 was first released 15 years ago but I get that the EE-release is a lot younger and has brought in a new crowd so in a sense we should really count it from that games release... BG2:EE is nearly 4 years old. I think that is a fair time limit where you can no longer expect forums about the game to be spoiler free.
On topic, I am disappointed that we may not have Imoen for the entirety for Dragonspear. I always use her in BG but I rarely bother with her in BG2 since I complete the majority of the game before I attempt to save her.
The game is old. Fourteen years old as of this year, which means that most of the people who are active on these forums have played the game at least once. That being said, this is not the case for everyone. There are measures everyone can take to avoid spoiling things for those who haven't experienced the game yet. If you're going to ruin the plot, announce it beforehand.
One of the great things about this game's release is that it's exposing a lot of new players to what the game has to offer. That great thing is ruined, and not in a small way, when elements of the game's plot and character stories are announced or bandied about with no care for who's listening. So the short version is, if you're going to discuss the game's plot or anything else that might "spoil the fun" for somebody, wrap the content in spoiler tags.
I've added a spoiler tag, @Korbu
That's all I wanted to say.
Sorry for my terrible english
Thats because pure thieves are pointless.
edit: Yoshimo is a bounty hunter, not a vanilla thief like Imoen, so isn't quite as horrible. The kits for single class thieves are okay, but Imoen as a single class vanilla thief would be a pretty bad character. Besides, you can never have enough mages!
Good fun.
Personally speaking, I do think pure thieves are an absolute waste. Multiclass fighter/thief does everything better than pure thief. I do think that there is a general lack of multiclassed thieves, because dual-classed stops the thief progression which is a little annoying to me.
So I highly doubt those theories. (or not, I may have to look thru those linked threads
Wise Old Mage: "Hello young Imoen, I sense that the Magic is strong with you, would you like to become my apprentice?"
Imoen: "Oh, gee! Can I?! Can I?!" [Imoen leaves the party]
Of course, since BG2 can't be changed, she will still have to have 7 Thief levels at the beginning of BG2. It's possible that if she rejoins the party towards the end of SoD, then her stats will reflect her BG2 starting stats rather than he BG1 finishing stats.
The only multi class thief in SOA is Jan -- and he is great -- but he gets his HLAs late in game.
Single class thieves progress faster than any other class and they get their abilities before anyone else. Single class thieves are the second strongest class in TOB -- spike trap spam, invisibility ring, backstab -- the final seal battle is over before it starts.
Low strength? That's the easiest buff in the game! Strength is a dump stat.
And if you have to rez Imoen ur doin it rong. Rong!
Use a ring / potion to go invisible again, use the boots of speed to get to a corner and switch to shortbow . . .
And for mages Neera is much better, Edwin is the strongest mage in the game and Nalia probably has better spells and more experience than spellhold Imoen.
And I just liked BG1 Imoen. Best friend that served an essential function in the party. I would be nice to have her back.
Imoen doesn't need to be a mage for the SOA plot to work. She only needs to fire a magic missile. And all classes can use a magic missile wand,.
Give Imoen1 a wand that she can't drop and/or have her pickpocket the wand from the party. She fires the wand, the cowled mages show up and everything works. Imoen gets arrested for casting a spell but she is still a thief.
A few ToB dialogues would need to altered -- adding some if / then statements and that's it.
I know that some say that beamdog can't do this because of contractual reasons but I've not read the contract itself and I am skeptical of claims made people who haven't read it either.
Again, it looks like Imoen is going to be an NPC studying to be a mage and that will be *okay* but it would be that much better to have her as a thief.
I realise that's not "straight from the horses mouth" like you probably wanted, but it's not speculation or rumor, I assure you.
1. What I am proposing would be consistent with adding new content -- the criteria in the thread. There are only a few dialogues in ToB -- none in SoA -- that would need an if / then statement. I don't code IE but there has to be some equivalent of an if / then.
If Imoen class = "mage" then dialogue = " . . . " If Imoen class = "thief" then dialogue = " . . . " Original dialogues are still there there -- in unaltered form -- for anyone using Imoen as a mage.
2. And yes, I always distrust secondary sources; thanks for getting that. If you haven't seen a contract you can't be certain of its meanings. IRL I hear people misinterpret documents every day.
@Fardragon You are incorrect. Full stop. Putting your words in caps DOESN'T make you correct. The caps lock key has many mysterious powers but transforming error into truth is not one of them.
And this makes my point about needing to read the contract. Anomen has a long, enjoyable series of dialogues with Neera. These conversations were not in the original. This is to say his content is different in EE. Different in EE = change.
Anomen has changed (improved) in a manner that is presumably consistent with the contract.
1. The Cowled Wizards don't care about the use of magic devices, only the casting of actual spells. If you use a Wand in Athkatla, the Cowls won't say boo. Even if you used an innate Magic Missile "ability", you'd be safe as houses. It's only by casting the actual spell that you'll draw their ire.
2. Imoen is a mage in BGII; this is canon, other characters refer to it; there's no changing that aspect of her character, because it's part of who she is. That transition from the thief you knew in Candlekeep to the mage you find in Spellhold is an important one, and it marks Imoen's maturation as much as anything she says in dialogue.
Now, about the other thing...
I would hesitate to say that we're contractually prohibited from changing things. But when something has to go through Wizards of the Coast before it goes into the game, Wizards of the Coast gets final say on whether or not to allow it. It's their world, we're just playing in it.