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Dual-Classing Balance

OssiaNOssiaN Member Posts: 16
edited September 2012 in Archive (Feature Requests)
I think dual classing is way overpowered and it should be limited to pure, un-kitted classes.
So no more kensai/mage or swashbuckler/mage, but fighter/mage or thief/mage!


  • OssiaNOssiaN Member Posts: 16
    edited September 2012
    Silence said:

    I find it funny how the kensai/swashbuckler are the major reasons for most people being opposed to dual-classing.

    That's beacause they have a great sinergy with the mage class!

    By the way this change would not deny the human race its advantage, it would only balance it a little and would give pureclasses a purpose in the game.
  • Awong124Awong124 Member Posts: 2,643
    The purpose of pure classes is for people not too familiar with BG or D&D, so the game doesn't get too complicated for them.
  • OssiaNOssiaN Member Posts: 16
    Awong124 said:

    The purpose of pure classes is for people not too familiar with BG or D&D, so the game doesn't get too complicated for them.

    I'm not sure about that... Every kit as some kind of disvantage that comes along with it's advantage, so i think they are meant to be balanced with pure classes.

    By the way, what do you think of the change?
  • Awong124Awong124 Member Posts: 2,643
    OssiaN said:

    By the way, what do you think of the change?

    I like dual classing to be super powerful to be honest.
  • The_New_RomanceThe_New_Romance Member Posts: 839
    edited September 2012
    I'd rather have more possibilites of kit-dual-classing, for those that want a Fighter/Cleric of Helm or Barbarian/Druid or Wizard Slayer/Jester or whatever. I say let everyone have what they want, it's *their* game!
  • AurenRavidelAurenRavidel Member Posts: 139
    Silence said:

    I can predict the next five responses in this thread:

    1. Dual-classing is the only advantage humans have. It's made to balance out the human race. Don't remove it.

    Hey! You took my response! ;)

    Seriously, though, the original post didn't suggest removing it entirely. @OssiaN simply stated that he/she thought kits shouldn't be allowed. I personally disagree, because the kits allow for some really cool combos and I personally couldn't care less if other people want to use the cheesetastic kensai/mage combo. Go munchkins! GO!!!

    I'll admit some bias regarding this discussion. My character for this next play through will be a Shapeshifter Druid/Fighter and I'll be annoyed if this combination is taken from me.
  • KaxonKaxon Member Posts: 156
    If you don't like dual classing don't do it, it's as simple as that. I'm not a big fan of dual classing but it doesn't affect me in any way if I don't use it, and maybe sometime I will feel like trying it. It just adds more variety to the game - and honestly, broken dual class builds are not something you're likely to figure out until you've spent some time with the game.

    Anyway, there definitely are some downsides to dual classing, like having to spend a big chunk of time without your first class's abilities, and the fact that you can't dual into a kit even though your second class ends up being the more important one.
  • SilenceSilence Member Posts: 437
    Yeah, like I've argued before - well done @sandmanCCL. Dual class actually makes BG1 really challenging if you play with an XP cap. It is only dangerous with a lot of XPing, and even then only in BG2.
  • sandmanCCLsandmanCCL Member Posts: 1,389

    I'll admit some bias regarding this discussion. My character for this next play through will be a Shapeshifter Druid/Fighter and I'll be annoyed if this combination is taken from me.

    That seems like such a terrible idea... Tell me how it goes! Just curious as to why you're going with that particular build, @AurenRavidel.

    But back to the discussion, I am frequently annoyed at the people clamoring Dual-Classing is "overpowered." IF we were running a PnP campaign where the GM planned to pit everyone against each other and only IF everyone was at epic levels, then alright. Then I'll entertain arguments for it being "overpowered."

    Because as it is, the game has been around for 14 freakin' years. Don't change it now. I will slap you in the face with the largest fish I can find if arbitrary measures to "balance" (read: nerf) features I frequently used in my playthroughs. It's a single player RPG! That's been around since 1998! Leave well enough alone.

    What pleasure would people who think it's overpowered get were it dramatically altered or removed? They could go on to play their single class guys like they were planning on already. Meanwhile people who enjoy munchkin characters are left lamenting the removal of a gameplay feature they really enjoyed. And for what? So people who feel like they know game balance better than the devs can feel happy other people have an easier time through a single player RPG than they did during their playthrough?

    I don't understand it. Leave well enough alone. If anything, add in more features for even more overpowered characters. It's not like Baldur's Gate is a particularly hard game to begin with.
  • MenthroMenthro Member Posts: 85
    Eh, I was never really a fan of dual classing. I always just played a pure class or kit.
  • AurenRavidelAurenRavidel Member Posts: 139
    That seems like such a terrible idea... Tell me how it goes! Just curious as to why you're going with that particular build, @AurenRavidel.
    It's definitely not a powergamer build. I plan on leveling to 13th as a druid to get the Greater Werewolf form and then dual-classing to fighter. I think Ironskins will help keep me alive for most battles, but we'll see.

    I'm a fan of the White Wolf game Werewolf: The Apocalypse and this is the closest I can get to playing one in an rpg.
  • OssiaNOssiaN Member Posts: 16
    Sceptenar said:

    Yeah, nothing worse than traveling from Nashkel to Baldur's Gate with your bard and then suddenly a kensai/mage charges in and kills you in 2 seconds, totally imba class combo...

    And that is something I would say if other people picking a particular class combo could actually affect my gameplay experience. Seriously guys, do we need to have this discussion again?

    One of the main features of BG:EE is multiplayer, and even if it's cooperative i think it should be balanced so that everyone could play anything without feeling useless, and even without multiplayer i fell that every class should be at least comparable and no one should feel punished by game mechanics.

    You can disagree with me, but i think that's worth discussion.

  • OssiaNOssiaN Member Posts: 16
    edited September 2012

    I picked those two particular combination as an exemple, but the ones you suggested are indeed more OP (even i strongly disagree about fighter/mage being even remotly as effective as kensai/mage...) but point is that the way most performing characters are the dual-classed ones and the abnormal leveling system (basically restarting from level 1 until you reach your former level again) is one of the problems, because it pushes you to alter your game progression to ease it up (mainly by stopping before taking important quest rewards).

    Playing a dual class gets in the way of the story, and i think i should not be asked to choose between building the best character I can and playing the story the way i like. The fact that dualclassing is really OP only in BG2 should be addressed now, since the two games are thought to be played consecutively...
  • The_New_RomanceThe_New_Romance Member Posts: 839
    OssiaN said:

    One of the main features of BG:EE is multiplayer, [...]

    I don't think so. Multiplayer in Baldur's Gate has always just been a little add-on candy, and I don't think this'll change much with the EE. Even if they've revamped the Multiplayer to make it reliably playable, it's still only a side dish.

  • SceptenarSceptenar Member Posts: 606
    OssiaN said:

    One of the main features of BG:EE is multiplayer, and even if it's cooperative i think it should be balanced so that everyone could play anything without feeling useless, and even without multiplayer i fell that every class should be at least comparable and no one should feel punished by game mechanics.

    You can disagree with me, but i think that's worth discussion.

    Every class is going to feel useless at some point. Mages run out of spells. Warriors have the wrong weapon and can't hit the enemy. Thieves, bards and priests are less than awesome in combat. If you want a game where all classes are perfectly balanced, then you want a completely different game system than D&D. I suggest trying WoW or something...
  • EdvinEdvin Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,244
    I hate to say, but Dual-classing in BG1 ( and BG:EE ) is totally all right.
    Limited level cap ( 10 - 15 something like that ) do not allow you get any OP combination here.

    Keep it for BG2:EE
    Then will be REALLY necessary balance it.
  • PugPugPugPug Member Posts: 560
    I'd rather see the ability to choose a kit for both classes, rather than only the first.
  • mch202mch202 Member Posts: 1,455
    OssiaN said:

    I think dual classing is way overpowered and it should be limited to pure, un-kitted classes.
    So no more kensai/mage or swashbuckler/mage, but fighter/mage or thief/mage!

    A Swashbuckler/Mage???

    Thanks!!! haven't thought about it, now I know what class my BG:EE Character will be! :)

  • EdvinEdvin Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,244
    mch202 said:

    A Swashbuckler/Mage???

    Thanks!!! haven't thought about it, now I know what class my BG:EE Character will be! :)

    I do´t think so.

    There is lvl cap, you can´t reach lvl hight enough for worthy switch on mage.
  • mch202mch202 Member Posts: 1,455
    Edvin said:

    mch202 said:

    A Swashbuckler/Mage???

    Thanks!!! haven't thought about it, now I know what class my BG:EE Character will be! :)

    I do´t think so.

    There is lvl cap, you can´t reach lvl hight enough for worthy switch on mage.
    Yeah, But I will continue with this character to BG2, so no problem there. :)

  • EdvinEdvin Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,244
    edited September 2012
    No, we will stop your OP character and making dual-classing balanced in BG2:EE.
  • moody_magemoody_mage Member Posts: 2,054
    Edvin said:

    No, we will stop your OP character and making dual-classing balanced in BG2:EE.

    Oh no you won't!
  • O_BruceO_Bruce Member Posts: 2,790
    If I recall correctly, there was few topics in which people requested something opposite: to allow dual-class AND multi-class characters to have both kits at same time. Majority players wants it. So who do you think Overhaul listen to? Minority of majority?

    As stupid as it is, they're rather enable two/three kits at the same time (Kensai/Swash/Conjurer multiclass...), than "balance" anything regarding dual-class. Personally, I prefer not changing multi-class and dual-class system at all.
  • EdvinEdvin Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,244
    Actualy, we REALLY need only one correction.
    Something what NEVER allow kensai and his dual-class combination wearing armor.

    ( Even Kensai/Mage )

    All are strong combination, but all also have some penalty.
    Kensai/Thief with " Use All Items " really destroy a lot of the game's class balance.

    Kensai is fighter what is excelent in combat because he do´t wear any armor. It is his unique fighting style what give to him all that special bonuses. He CAN´T use that fighting style if he wear armor ! ( Also things like " Kai " backstabing are to much OP )
  • O_BruceO_Bruce Member Posts: 2,790
    Use all items needs a tweak (maybe for 1-class thief only?), because it is too powerful abillity for second edition standard. It really is.
  • SilenceSilence Member Posts: 437
    @ZelgadisGW: I'd love to see this poll...I couldn't find it. To my knowledge, that a clear majority supports multi-class or dual-class kits has never been shown. If it were, maybe the developers would listen. The last time I checked, the community was very divided on these issues. See my above posts.

    Come to think of it, I think I'll post this poll now.
  • O_BruceO_Bruce Member Posts: 2,790
    I never mentioned anything about pool. I have came to that conclusion simply by observing discussions, and due to that possibility exist that I'm deadly wrong. If I'm mistaked, then fine, I don't mind.

    PS. I also recall seeing topic that was just about to "prove" that double kits for dual/multi classing wouldn't break game balance and are 100% sensible.
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