F/M/T and Bodhi
Member Posts: 16
Quick question, can a F/M/T join Bodhi in BG2EE or will she lock you out of that decision because you're a thief?
After getting it you can even kill Renal without losing it
If the player duals to a thief from a fighter, for example, the character will be treated as a single class thief by bodhi until the fighter levels have been reactivated.
This is only a problem when dualing TO a thief. It is not an issue if dualing FROM a thief class. A dualed theif-->[2nd class] is treated as a single class [2nd class] until the reactivation of the thief levels, then treated as a multiclass when the dual is complete.
You can also keep the thief stronghold, however Renal will no longer be present if you side with Bodhi. He and his lackeys will disappear, but he will still demand his dues and the thief guild will still drop you if you don't pay him. Since it becomes impossible to find him or talk to him after siding with Bodhi, the thief stronghold will be lost no matter what.
That's the way it works in my game, anyway.
I don't see how can you lose it...
He said that since Renal disappears, the thief stronghold is lost and I corrected him explaining that Renal has nothing to do with your stronghold after you get it.
As I said in a previous post, you can even kill him, it changes nothing
It works like this: Renal gives you the stronghold, THEN has nothing more to do with it on a mere script level.
There is only ONE npc you have to pay and you can find it in your guild.
Your guild is not influenced by any event that takes place outside of it.
If Irenicus should even drop a nuclear bomb on Renal's house while he's taking a bath, it wouldn't change the fact that you can keep your stronghold by simply paying that one guy as you always did.
EDIT: I may agree that it doesn't make much sense, but that's how it worked and still works now.
A class for a multi-class has its own code and it is not "THIEF". Your FMT can deal with Bodhi.
The timer also keeps running in the Underdark. I received a warning of my late dues to Renal while there, and then a notification that I had lost the guild as well. If the quartermaster is still supposed to show up, though, then you'd best be very fast through the underdark in order to keep the guild and make it back in time. All in all a rather tedious and nonsensical way to keep the guild and pay a master who no longer lives or is in the city.
Not worth it, I think, since the Underdark is worth spending time in.
Unless that running timer was also a bug and you're supposed to get an allowance for being decidedly 'out of the country'... like with filing your taxes.
Oh .. learn something new everyday ^^.
Must try it someday and send Bodhi to do tanking jobs xD feed her to the Shadow Dragon xD.