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Cantrips, spell tweaks and added spells

GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
edited February 2016 in General Modding
As per the title change, I'm going to use this thread to talk about cantrips, tweaks to additional spells, and added spells.

I plan to give a number of options in both Tome and Blood and Faiths and Powers mods:
- Additional spells (the most simple, this one would just add some extra spells)
- 1st level cantrips, with tweaks and additional spells: all first level spells will be converted to cantrips as described below (basically infinitely castable)
- "0 level" cantrips, spell tweaks, and additional spells: Cantrips as described, below (basically, innate, unlimited spells).

As you may or may not know, @Aquadrizzt is working a mod that hopes to improve the 'arcane' classes, and spell casting. One of the components, adopted from @subtledoctor 's depreciated, though soon to be resurrected, mod Scales of Balance, revolves around cantrips. That is, 'zero level spells' that allow arcane casters to, well, be arcane casters.

The basic philosophy behind this is that casters should be able to cast useful, if not particularly powerful, spells even when they have exhausted their spell slots, and even when the particular encounter or round doesn't warrant the 'wasting' of a spell or spell slot.

I wanted to open a new thread on this topic, partially because I want to get some feedback for this particular component 'unmixed' with more general discussions revolving around that mod, and partially because I will be adding something similar to the upcoming Faiths and Powers mod for divine casters and, as such, this discussion is separable from any particular mod. The first part of this thread will discuss the proposed mechanic broken down by class, while the second part of this thread will discuss specific, proposed spells.

Option 1 (see second post for option 2)

Wizard (and cleric, and druid/mystic) and Sorcerer (and shaman?) cantrips will work slightly differently, each functioning similarly to how their spells work.

Wizard/Cleric/Druid/Mystic cantrips(just referencing wizards here, but the others will function identically):

Wizards will have access to a larger number of cantrips, but they must 'prepare' them in order to cast them. They will select their spells via dialog, and each cantrip they select will give them an innate ability that allows them to cast that spell. They can select a cantrip more than once, and so will be able to cast that cantrip multiple times. Wizard cantrips will not self-renew. That is, once a wizard casts a given cantrip, like any spell, it is gone for the day. However...

They will also be able to 'refresh' their cantrips, either renewing the cantrips that they have already prepared, or selecting new ones. They can do this at will BUT, because the process requires deep concentration, they cannot do this in combat. (or, the process is long and dangerous, putting the wizard at great risk, and so is not feasible in combat. The exact mechanic depends on what seems best, and what I can get to work in the engine).

Specialists will always know at least one cantrip of their school, and they will be able to prepare an one more cantrip than a generalist (or wild) mage--that extra cantrip must be from their school/domain)--but they will know fewer cantrips than a standard (or wild) mage.

The first number denotes generalist and wild mages (and clerics/druids/mystics), while the second denotes Specialists (and, perhaps, acolytes in FnP):
Level Cantrips Known Prepared Cantrips
1 4/2+1 2/2+1
2-3 4/2+1 3/3+1
4 6/3+1 4/4+1
5-12 7/4+1 5/5+1
13-20 9/5+1 6/6+1
20+ 10/6+1 7/7+1
Sorcerers (and, eventually Shaman): Sorcerers will select a few cantrips that they will be able to cast at will with no restrictions. They will not know as many cantrips as the wizard of an equal level can prepare, however.

Level Cantrips Known
1 1
2-3 2
4 3
5-12 4
13-20 5
20+ 6
Spells: Arcane (Divine to come)

General note: We should add casting times to these descriptions...I will add them here, but they are absent in the current descriptions. I see that all of these spells have a very quick casting time. I suspect that this is because we don't want to lose them if they are interrupted. Sorcerer/Shaman versions can have the no failure flag set (I think that this is available in all EE and in Tobex modified BGT, but I'm not 100% sure). Wizard cantrips can be lost with the implementation that I'm thinking of, but they can have that flag set as well.

Idea for a spell tweak: No lost spells. All spells would have the 'no failure' flag set so that even if they are interrupted, they are not lost. This seems best as a SoB tweak as it would effect (potentially) both Arcane and Divine spells (and perhaps even innates).

Arcane 0-Level Cantrips

Abjurer Cantrips

Protective Shell - To Update (increased casting time, and 1 turn duration)
Level: 0
Range: 0
Duration: 1 turns
Casting time: 9
Area of Effect: The caster
Saving Throw: None

This cantrip creates a thin magical shell that harmlessly absorbs the first physical strike that hits the caster.

Developer Notes: I think this is an amazing spell. In fact, I think that it's too amazing to be a cantrip. I propose to make this a 1st level spell, otherwise unchanged. @subtledoctor this is your baby, however, and I won't change this spell to a 1st level spell if you don't want me to. Btw, this is a general rule that I'm following. i.e. that I defer to Subtle regarding any changes to existing cantrips.

Elemental Protection TO DO
Level: 0
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 minute
Casting time: 0
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None

This cantrip protects any creature touched from the elements, giving them a 5% reistance to fire, cold, acid, and electricity for 1 full minute. Multiple castings are not cumulative.

Conjurer Cantrips

Conjure Critter -Done
Level: 0
Range: 0
Duration: 5 rounds
Casting Time: 0
Area of Effect: The caster
Saving Throw: None

This cantrip conjures a medium-sized rodent in the location of the caster's choosing.

Developer Notes:At first, I thought that this spell was too weak, but it is quite useful for (e.g.) distracting enemies. My plan is to expand this spell into a 'Conjure critter' spell allowing the caster to summon various small, generally harmless, creatures. I want to see if I can make these little guys set off traps for a little more utility.

Acid Splash - TO UPDATE (from lev 1 spell)
Level: 0
Range: Medium
Duration: 1 round
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Breath +2

When this cantrip is cast, the caster conjures a ball of acid and hurls it towards his target causing 1d2 acid damage on a successful hit on the first round, and an additional 1d2 points of damage one round later. A creature may make a save vs breath +2 to avoid being damaged by this spell.

Developer Notes: Should be compared with the various invoker/necromancer/transumation direct damage spells (see below). This is a pretty good spell. Maybe too good against casters as it has the potential to disrupt two rounds worth of spells. I could make both damage effects require a save...i.e. save vs spell to avoid completely, then make another save to avoid damage 1 round later. If so, it may be justifiable to increase damage to 1d3/1d3.

Inspired by various sources, including the d20 pathfinder srd.

Diviner Cantrips

Anticipation -To Update(Add breath save to better compete w/barrier.)
Level: 0
Range: 0
Duration: 3 rounds
Casting time: 0
Area of Effect: The caster
Saving Throw: None

This cantrip gives the caster a temporary, intuitive foreknowledge of the immediate future, resulting in improved reaction time with a +3 bonus to AC, and +3 to save vs. breath for 3 rounds.

Infravision-To Update(Need to convert from the 1st level spell)
Level: 0
Range: Touch
Duration: 8 hours
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None

The recipient of this spell gains the ability to see with infravision, just as an elf or dwarf can.
Developer Notes: Yes, this is the first level spell converted to a cantrip. I have some ideas of a spell or spells that can take its place, but note that Spell Revisions already replaces this spell.

Note: I have no problem with this spell as is as a zero level cantrip, even if Devil's eyes is a first level (normal) spell.

Detect Magic- To Do(I have this spell done, but I'm not sure where I put the file. No matter, it'll be easy to recreate)
Level: 0
Range: sight
Duration: Instant
Casting Time: 0
Area of Effect: All creatures in range
Saving Throw: None

Upon casting this spell, all creatures within sight of the caster that are affected by dispellable spells will briefly glow.
Developer Notes: I have to test the opcode that controls this ability, but I think that it works like this.

Enchanter Cantrips

Drowse -To Update Reduce to 3 sec duration. ALso, note that the 1st level sleep spell needs to be addressed...(though, I won't bother if SR adequately fixes it).
Level: 0
Range: 20 feet
Duration: 3 seconds
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: Target
Saving Throw: vs. Spells

This cantrip causes the target to drift off into a very brief slumber, slumping to the ground for 3 seconds before regaining full consciousness.

Illusionist Cantrips

BedazzleTo UpdateReduce blindess effect to 3 seconds, and increase casting time to 1
Level: 0
Range: 20 feet
Casting Speed: 1
Duration: 2 rounds and special
Area of Effect: Target
Saving Throw: vs. Spells

This cantrip causes intense sparkling light to flash in front of the target's eyes and causes -1 penalties to thac0, damage, and AC for 2 rounds (increasing to -3 penalties, and suffering from Blindness for 3 seconds, if the target fails a saving throw vs. spells).

Note: Need more illusionist cantrips!

Invoker Cantrips

Magic BoltTo Update (Change damage to 1d4.)
Level: 0
Range: 20 feet
Duration: instantaneous
Casting time: 1
Area of Effect: Target
Saving Throw: None

This cantrip causes a small bolt of magical energy to leap from the caster's hands, doing 1d4 damage to the target.
Developer Notes: A great spell, but possibly a little too great. This is only slightly weaker in damage, and shorter in range compared to the magic missile spell, with equal utility in terms of interruption potential, and does magic damage which is rarely resisted. I propose to increase the casting time to 3, if not 5 or so. Still great, possibly still too great, but better imo. Note that this spell is blocked by the shield spell.

Fire Bolt To Update (save bonus and remove damage increments from 1st level cantrip version)
Level: 0
Range: Long
Duration: Instant
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Breath +2

When this cantrip is cast, the caster shoots a bolt of fire from his hand at the target of his choosing causing 1d6+1 points of fire damage on a successful hit. A creature may make a save vs breath +2 to avoid being damaged by this spell
Developer Notes: Compared to the magic bolt spell, this one does lightly more damage, has better range, but it is less reliable in terms of actually hitting targets--opponents can avoid it completely if they a save vs. breath+2--and deals a form of damage that is more commonly resisted. I think that this spell should impose a save penalty at higher levels such that opponents would save at their normal breath save at the highest levels (with, say, breath +1 at level 8 or so)

Frost RayTo Update (save bonus and remove damage increments)
Level: 0
School: Evocation
Range: Long
Duration: Instant
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Breath +2

When this cantrip is cast, the caster shoots a fay of frost from his hand at the target of his choosing causing 1d6 points of cold damage on a sucessful hit. A creature may make a save vs breath +2 to avoid being damaged by this spell
Developer Notes: Less damage than fire bolt, but a less frequently resisted damage type. I also want to experament with projectiles to see if I can do a ray-type effect that has the potentile to damage multple opponents al la A. Scorcher (that spell does this, yes?) If so, I'd probably reduce the damage to 1d4. This way there would be 4 different ranged direct damage evocation cantrips, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Necromancer Cantrips

Stiffen BonesTo Update (Make it so this spell only affects creatures with bones, though including corporal undead)
Level: 0
Range: 20 feet
Duration: 2 rounds
Casting time: 0
Area of Effect: Target
Saving Throw: vs. Death

This cantrip causes the target's body to ache and stiffen, causes -1 penalties to thac0 and AC for 12 seconds (increasing to -2 penalties and being Slowed if the target fails a saving throw).
Developer Notes: I don't quite know what to make of this spell. On the one hand, I like it a lot. Looking at the 'guts' of the spell, I think I would alter it to only affect creatures that have bones, though including corporal undead. I think that as of now, for example, that this spell could affect an elemental or a ghost (assuming that these are not immune to the effects themselves...) Maybe this should reduce movement on a failed save(?) The slow opcode is pretty good, and would double casting times (IIRC), which seems a bit strong. Also, I would definitely increase that casting time.

Disrupt UndeadTO DO
Level: 0
Range: Long
Duration: Instant
Casting time: 1
Area of Effect: Target
Saving Throw: None

This spell disrupts the negative energy that sustains targeted undead dealing 1d6+1 points of damage to them. (inspired by the pfsrd20. See link below) This spell is very good--it's quick, with decent damage, and is unavoidable--but the justification is that it is also very specialized. It is worthless against non-undead opponents.

Developer Notes: This spell should be unresistible imo.

Transmuter Cantrips

Earthen GraspTo Modify (+2 to save; limit to medium-sized or smaller creatures)
Level: 0
Range: 20 feet
Duration: 1 rounds
Casting time: 1
Area of Effect: Target
Saving Throw: vs. Breath+2

This cantrip causes tendrils to rise up from the ground and grab at a medium-sized or smaller target's legs, preventing movement for 1 round. If the target doesn't make a save vs. breath +2, they are held in place for that time and can take no actions at all.

Jolt - TO DO
Level: 0
Range: Touch
Duration: Instant
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None

When the wizard touches a creature while this spell is in effect, an electrical charge will deal 1d6+1 damage to the creature. The wizard only has one charge, and once an opponent has been touched, the spell's energies have been used. The spell always hits unless the wizard is disrupted.

Developer Notes: You may recognize this as the shocking grasp 1st level spell (excepting the name,and with reduced damage). That is intentional, as is the name change. I propose to replace the existing shocking grasp spell with this one. I have a different name because it should coexist with the Spell Revisions revision of the shocking grasp spell which, I think, is a feasible 1st level spell (though, I wish that Demi kept the d8 damage...) I have a 1 casting time as it is generally bad for a caster to be in melee range of any creature, but this cantrip gives them some chance if they find themselves in such a situation.

Divine 0-level Cantrips

A character will only have access to a given Cantrip/Orison if they have at least minor access to the domain with which it is associated. (I'm really disposed to call divine cantrips "Orisons")

Life Domain

Reprieve TO DO
This spell will grant temporary hit points to the recipient which will be lost, similar to the enrage ability, after a certain amount of time. The lost points will be non-lethal damage, however. Also, any recipeient cannot be affected by this spell more than once at a time.

Water Domain:

Frost Ray (as above)

Acid Splash (as above)

Earth Domain:

Earthen Grasp (as above)

Fire Domain

Fire Bolt (as above)

Death Domain

Disrupt Undead (as above)

Animal Domain

Conjure Critter (as above)

Knowledge Domain

Infravision (as above)

Magic Domain

Detect Magic (as above)

Thought Domain

Drowse As above

To Do:
-Add divine cantrips
-Add additional spell proposals, both divine and arcane(?)
-Fix the formatting here. Ugly...

Tome and Blood:
Faiths and Powers:
Scales of Balance:

Spell Revisions:
Post edited by Grammarsalad on


  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    edited February 2016
    Option 2:

    Level 1 spells are considered to be cantrips. They will self-renew when cast, and they will be flagged no fail, meaning that they will not be lost if they are interrupted. Spells would be acquired in the normal way. The only potential issue is that level 1 spells may be too powerful to be cast an unlimited number of times. Additionally, level two spells might be too weak to be a tempting option.

    Arcane Level 1 Cantrips


    Devil's Eyes - Modify Reduce duation to 1 turn

    Level: 1 (Cantrip)
    Range: Self
    Duration: 1 turn
    Casting Time: 1
    Area of Effect: Self
    Saving Throw: None

    When the caster completes this spell, can see heat emanations, much like an elf or dwarf. This spell, however, allows to target vital points in an opponents defenses, granting a +1 bonus to ranged and melee attacks.

    Note: replaces infravision


    Frost Ray - Done

    Level: 1 (cantrip)
    Range: Short
    Duration: Instant
    Casting Time: 3
    Area of Effect: 2-ft. by 40-ft. jet.
    Saving Throw: Breath

    Upon casting this spell a ray of ice appears at the caster's fingertips and shoots toward a target of the caster's choice. The ray causes 1d6 points of cold damage to the target to anyone in the ray's path if they do not make a save vs. breath.

    Damage is increased by 1d6 at levels 4, 8 and 12.

    Notes: Short range, and damage can be completely avoided entirely with a save (though, not as a regular first level spell), but has the potential to damage multiple opponents (similar to A. Scorcher), and does a damage type that is not often resisted...I think.

    Fire Bolt - Done
    Level: 1 (cantrip)
    School: Evocation
    Range: Long
    Duration: Instant
    Casting Time: 3
    Area of Effect: 1 creature
    Saving Throw: Breath

    When this cantrip is cast, the caster shoots a bolt of fire from his hand at the target of his choosing causing 1d8 points of fire damage on a sucessful hit. A creature may make a save vs breath to avoid being damaged by this spell.

    Damage is increased by 1d8 at levels 4, 8 and 12.

    Notes: Relatively high damage (though it doesn't overshadow the 3rd level spell fire arrow), and long range. However, it is fire damage, which I believe is commonly resisted, and it can be completely avoided with a save (or the shield spell). Compared to ice ray, it can only hope to damage a single opponent, though it will cause more damage, generally, than that spell.

    Magic Bolt - Done Update description to include school info

    Level: 1 (Cantrip)
    School: Evocation
    Range: medium
    Duration: instantaneous
    Casting Time: 1
    Area of Effect: Target
    Saving Throw: None

    This cantrip causes a small bolt of magical energy to leap from the caster's hands, doing 1d4 damage to the target.

    The damage inflicted by this spell increases by 1d4 at levels 4, 8 and 12.

    Notes: Low damage, but fast and auto-hit (unless a shield is up).


    Acid Splash - Done
    Level: 1 (Cantrip)
    School: Conjuration
    Range: Medium
    Duration: Special
    Casting Time: 3
    Area of Effect: 1 creature
    Saving Throw: Breath

    When this cantrip is cast, the caster conjurs a ball of acid and hurls it towards his target causing 1d3 acid damage if they do not save vs Breath, and an additional 1d3 points of damage one round later.

    At levels 4, 8 and 12, the acid burns for an additional round.

    Notes: Low damage and range, and can be completely avoided with a save. This spell is basically for opposing casters.

    Divine Level 1 Cantrips
    Post edited by Grammarsalad on
  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    edited March 2016
    Additional spells/Spell tweaks and replacements:

    Note: I generally will not be altering any spells that have been tweaked by Spell Revisions:

    Seriously, check this out.

    Anyway, I will be generally tweaking spells not touched by that mod, and this component will be completely compatible with SR. (I'm working in compatibility as I create the spells--much easier that way!)

    New and Altered Arcane Spells by School

    Replacing infravision with a slightly more useful spell:


    Devil's Eyes - To Modify (Modify the 1st lev. cantrip version to add damage bonus, reduce duration)

    Level: 1
    Range: Self
    Duration: 1 Turn
    Casting Time: 1
    Area of Effect: Self
    Saving Throw: None

    When the caster completes this spell, can see heat emanations, much like an elf or dwarf. This spell, however, allows to target vital points in an opponents defenses, granting a +1 bonus to ranged and melee attacks, and +1d4 to damage).

    The damage bonus increases by 1d4 per five levels, to a maximum of +3d4 at 10th level.

    Note: I am doing an infravision tweak, but not because I don't like Demi's replacement. True Strike is a great spell, and I will not be replacing it. However, that spell doesn't grant infravision, and I understand that this ability may become useful in the upcoming SoD.

    Note2: This version is not available if 1st level cantrips is selected. See the 1st level cantrip description.

    Alarm - Done

    Level: 1
    Range: 30 ft.
    Duration: 8 Hours
    Casting Time: 9
    Area of Effect: Special
    Saving Throw: None

    Alarm creates a subtle ward on an area you select. Once the spell effect is in place, it thereafter sounds a mental or audible alarm each time a hostile creature of Tiny or larger size enters the warded area or touches it. This alarm awakens the caster and allies, and makes them alert to all enemies, giving them a +2 bonus to weapon and casting speed for a single round. This spell cannot be cast in the presence of enemies, and once the ward is set, it cannot be moved.


    Charm Person/Charm Monster

    These spells will be nerfed (though, it will be a separate, optional component as I understand people might like them as they are). Basically, charmed enemies will not be able to attack, move, cast spells, or use special abilities as they find themselves with conflicted allegiance.

    Note to self: this will entail creating two spells: one would involve altering the original spell as used by enemies, hidden in hidspl.2da while the other would be an Add_spelled, and player only. The player version would be attached to scrolls.

    Note: This spell will be increased to 2nd level if 1st level cantrips is installed (with or without this change)


    Frost Ray

    Level: 1
    Range: Short
    Duration: Instant
    Casting Time: 3
    Area of Effect: 2-ft. by 40-ft. jet.
    Saving Throw: Breath for 1/2

    Upon casting this spell a ray of ice appears at the caster's fingertips and shoots toward a target of the caster's choice. The ray causes 2d4 points of cold damage to the target to anyone in the ray's path. Targets can save vs. breath to take half damage.

    Damage is increased by 1d4 at levels 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10.

    New and Altered Divine Spells by Domain


    Smite - Done
    Level: 1
    Sphere: Destruction
    Range: Self
    Duration: 1 round/level (max 5)
    Casting Time: 1
    Saving Throw: None
    This spell imbues the caster with pure destructive energy against the caster's enemies. melee attacks inflict an additional 2d6 points of crushing damage for 1 round per level (max 5 rounds at level 5).

    Shatter - Done
    Level: 2
    Sphere: Destruction
    Range: 25'
    Duration: Instant
    Casting Time: 9
    Area of Effect: One Creature
    Saving Throw: Polymorph 1/2

    When the priest cast's this spell, creates a vibrating pulse that increases in intensity in a nearby creature or object that is especially destructive against inorganic, solid constructs like doors and golems. The first round, a living or undead creature takes 2d6 crushing damage unless they save vs. polymorph (in which case, they take half damage and the spell ends). Every round that they do not save, they suffer the amount of damage that they received in the last round, plus an additional 2d6 points of damage for a maximum of 4 rounds. Any round that they do save, they suffer 1/2 damage and the spell ends. The spell ends after 3 rounds.

    When cast on a door or locked container, it undermines the integrity of the object destroying all but the most sturdy or magically protected locks. Against constructs such as golems, and elementals it does double damage, and they cannot save to avoid its effects.

    Shout - Done

    Level: 4
    Sphere: Destruction
    Range: 0
    Duration: Instant
    Casting Time: 1
    Area of Effect: 35-ft. cone with 15-deg. arc
    Saving Throw: Special

    Shout grants the priest tremendous vocal powers, allowing to emit an earsplitting roar from mouth in a cone-shaped area of effect. Any creature within this area is deafened for 9 rounds and suffers 4d6 points of magic damage. A successful Save vs. Spell negates the deafness and reduces the damage by half.

    Wrath - TO DO

    Level: 5
    Sphere: Destruction
    Range: 30' radius around caster
    Duration: Special
    Casting Time: 3
    Area of Effect: 30-ft. radius
    Saving Throw: Special
    This spell unleashes pure destructive energy against all enemies within 30' of the caster. Any creatures within the area of effect take 9d6 magic damage, +1d6 per level of the caster, up to a maximum of 15d6 at level 15; a successful save vs. polymorph halves the damage. In addition, if a medium sized or smaller creature fails their save, they are knocked prone and back 10' away from the caster.


    Waves of Agony - Done
    Level: 5
    Sphere: Affliction
    Range: 35 feet
    Duration: Special, maximum of 3 rounds
    Casting Time: 5
    Area of Effect: One Creature
    Saving Throw: Poison/Death -5 see below

    When the priest casts this spell, points to a single creature within 35 feet. That creature is wracked with pain and must make a save vs death at -5 or be unable to move or act for a full round and they will take 2 points of non-lethal damage per level of the priest (max 30 at level 15). If he saves, he takes half damage and shakes off the spell.
    In the second round, any creature that failed their save must save again or be paralyzed for another round and take the same amount of damage as they took in round one. If they save, they take half damage and shake off the spell.
    In the third round, any creature that has failed both of their previous saves must save again or remain paralyzed for another round and take the same amount of damage again. A creature that makes a successful save will take half damage and is no longer paralyzed.
    The spell ends after three rounds and does not have any affect against creatures that cannot feel pain like golems or undead.


    Misfire- Done

    Level: 5
    Sphere: Dread
    Range: Long
    Duration: 1 Round/level
    Casting Time: 1
    Saving Throw: none

    When the caster completes this spell, and designates one opponent within sight, that opponent finds it almost impossible to hit with a ranged weapon suffering a -20 to THAC0 for the duration of the spell.


    Nature's Wrath - Done, needs final implementation

    Level: 6
    Sphere: Plant
    Range: Self
    Duration: 1 Turn
    Casting Time: 6
    Area of Effect: The caster

    With this spell, the priest draws on the power of nature to transform self into a terrible plant-like creature known as a Shambling Mound.

    body becomes incredibly resistant to damage. AC is set at 0, and is 50% resistant to all physical damage. also becomes completely immune to fire and electricity, and only suffers half damage from cold. Additionally, regenerates 6 hit points per round.

    Additionally, is infused with the raw power of nature, gaining a strength of 20, and can make two unarmed attacks per round inflicting 2d8 (+8 from strength) damage, and those struck must make a save vs. breath or be entangled for two rounds.

    These unarmed attacks count as +3 weapons.

    The wrath of nature will not be restrained. The priest is protected by freedom of action while transformed.

    loses the ability to cast spells while transformed.

    Assassin Vines - Done


    Level: 6
    Sphere: Plant
    Range: Visual range of the caster
    Duration: 1 turn
    Casting Time: 4
    Area of Effect: 24-ft. radius
    Saving Throw: Special

    When this spell is cast, grasses, weeds, bushes, and even trees wrap, twist, and entwine about any creatures within the area of effect, holding them fast for the duration of the spell. Additionally, they try to squeeze the life out of any creature caught in their grasp, causing 4d6 points of crushing damage per round. A successful Save vs. breath avoids entanglement, and halves the damage inflicted, though creatures in the area are still impeded, and find their movement halved. Entangled creatures can still attack, even though they cannot move.

    Spores - TO DO
    Level: HLA(?)
    Use myconid spore animation.


    Animal Eyes - Done.

    Level: 1
    Sphere: Animal
    Range: One Animal
    Duration: 1 Turn
    Casting Time: 6
    Area of Effect: The caster

    When the caster completes this spell and touches an allied animal, gains the ability to see through that animal's eyes allowing to see everything that that animal sees. Additionally, has greater influence over the creature, urging it to be more aggressive in its attacks, granting it a +1 critical threat rolls.

    Conjure Critter - TO DO
    (The spell is completed as a wizard spell; need to transfer it to a cleric spell)
    Level: 1
    Sphere: Animal
    Range: 0
    Duration: 1 Turn
    Area of Effect: The caster
    Saving Throw: None

    This cantrip conjures a medium to small rodent in the location of the caster's choosing. These critters can distract enemies, and do some light scouting:
    Rabbits: Stealth 40 Luck: +2
    Squirrel: Stealth 60
    Rat: Stealth 40 Bite 1 dam
    Hit Point: 1


    Stone Fist - Done

    Level: 3
    Sphere: Elemental (Earth)
    Range: Self
    Duration: 1 Turn
    Casting Time: 3
    Area of Effect: The caster

    When the caster completes this spell, hands become blocks of stone. can make melee attacks with these hands inflicting 2d8 points of damage plus strength. In addition, is infused with the power of the earth, and strength is increased by 2 for the duration of the spell.


    Conjure Water Elemental -Partially Done (BG2EE/EET only). TO DO: CWE for BGT
    (check that it has the right animation)
    Level: 6
    School: Conjuration
    Sphere: Elemental (Water)
    Range: Medium
    Duration: 1 turn + 1 round/level
    Casting Time: 1 round
    Area of Effect: Special
    Saving Throw: None

    Upon casting a Conjure Water Elemental spell, the caster opens a special gate to the Elemental Plane of Water, and a water elemental is summoned to the vicinity of the spellcaster. Normally, an elemental with 12 hit dice will be conjured. At fifteenth level and above, however, the caster will be able to summon an elemental with 16 hit dice. The elemental will do the bidding of the caster until it is slain or the duration of the spell runs out. All of the commands given to the elemental are done so telepathically, so there is no time lost due to miscommunication, and it is not necessary to know the language of the summoned creature.

    Water Elemental (12 Hit Dice):
    STR 21, DEX 9, CON 9, INT 9, WIS 9, CHA 9; AL Neutral
    HP 128, AC 2, THAC0 7, Saving Throws 4/6/5/4/7
    2 Attacks Per Round, 4d6+9 Blunt (Fist +3)

    Greater Water Elemental (16 Hit Dice):
    STR 22, DEX 15, CON 16, INT 9, WIS 9, CHA 9; AL Neutral
    HP 168, AC 0, THAC0 3, Saving Throws 3/5/4/3/6
    2 Attacks Per Round, 4d8+10 Blunt (Fist +3)

    Special Qualities (12 & 16 Hit Dice):
    Immune to normal weapons
    Immune to hold, poison, polymorph, sleep, & stun effects
    Slashing, Crushing, Piercing, & Missile Resistance 20%

    Conjure Ice Elemental -TO DO (check animations)
    Level: 7

    Frost Fingers - Done

    Level: 1
    Sphere: Elemental (Water)
    Range: 0
    Duration: Instant
    Casting Time: 1
    Area of Effect: The caster
    Saving Throw: none

    When the priest casts this spell, a jet of chilling frost shoots from fingertips. The priest's hands must be held so as to send forth a fanlike sheet of frost: thumbs must touch each other and the fingers must be spread. The spell sends out frost jets of 5 ft. length in a horizontal arc of about 120 degrees in front of the caster. Any creature in the area recieves 1d6 points ot cold damage, plus 1d6 per two levels to a maximum of 5d6 damage.

    Note: this spell is meant to compare with SR's burning hands. It's a bit powerful compared to vanilla..

    Thought/Charm Domain

    Forbiddance - Done

    Level: 2
    Sphere: Charm
    Range: Visual range of the caster
    Duration: 2 round
    Casting Time: 1
    Area of Effect: 1 creature
    Saving Throw: Special

    This spell enables the priest to forbid another creature to move, by commanding them to "stop". A creature so commanded will stop in it's tracks, and will be unable to move if they do not make a successful save vs. spells. At the end of the second round, the creature regains the use of it's legs, and can move normally.

    Murderous Command - Done

    Level: 3
    Sphere: Charm
    Range: Visual range of the caster
    Duration: 1 round per level (max 10 rounds)
    Casting Time: 1
    Area of Effect: 1 creature
    Saving Throw: Spell

    With this spell, the priest commands the target to attack the nearest creature. If the target doesn't save vs. spell, they will attack the nearest creature--friend or foe--that they can reach.


    Remove Fatigue - Done. Er, already covered. Derp. The original spell only covers a single individual, however. This one targets a group. Might be fine for a 2nd level spell..

    Level: 1
    Sphere: Vigor
    Range: Visual range of the caster
    Duration: Instant
    Casting Time: 1
    Area of Effect: 30-ft. radius
    Saving Throw: None

    The priest extinguishes fatigue in the spell's recipients, making them feel completely refreshed and ready to continue. Recipients will not recover spells or hit points, as they would with a full nights rest, however.

    Death Domain

    Pacify the Dead - Done

    Level: 2
    Sphere: Vigor
    Range: Visual range of the caster
    Duration: 3 rounds + 1 round/level
    Casting Time: 3
    Area of Effect: 30-ft. radius
    Saving Throw: Neg.

    Upon casting this spell, the priest causes all undead in in the area to be slowed. This effect negates Haste, but does not otherwise affect magically sped-up or slowed creatures. Slowed creatures suffer -4 penalties to attack and Armor Class. To make matters worse, creatures save at -4 against this spell.

    Eyes of the Dead - Done.

    Level: 1
    Sphere: Death
    Range: One Undead
    Duration: 1 Turn
    Casting Time: 6
    Area of Effect: The caster

    When the caster completes this spell and touches an allied undead ally, gains the ability to see through that creature's eyes allowing to see everything that it sees. Additionally, has greater influence over the creature, making it attack more effectively, granting it a +4 bonus to attack rolls.

    Shadow Domain

    Cloak of Darkness - Done.


    Level: 3
    Sphere: Shadow
    Range: Touch
    Duration: 1 Turn
    Casting Time: 6
    Area of Effect: 1 creature
    Saving Throw: None

    This spell shrouds the recipient in darkness, protecting from both attacks and spells. They gain a +1 bonus to AC per four levels (maximum of +5), +2 bonus to save vs. spells, and infravision for the duration of this spell. Additionally, if the recipeient can hide in shadows, they gain a +15% bonus to that ability.
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  • inethineth Member Posts: 749

    Wizard cantrips will not self-renew. That is, once a wizard casts a given cantrip, like any spell, it is gone for the day. However...

    They will also be able to 'refresh' their cantrips, either renewing the cantrips that they have already prepared, or selecting new ones. They can do this at will BUT, because the process requires deep concentration, they cannot do this in combat.

    This sounds like players will be expected to do a lot of extra clicking, in order to manually refresh cantrips before every single combat encounter... :/

    Any chance you could make the cantrips auto-refresh between encounters instead?


    Also, I actually liked the SoB cantrips which were very low-power spells and had a cooldown before being available again, but could be cast infinitely often. They didn't really compete with normal spellcasting (which some of yours seem to do); they just gave the mage something flashy to do in situations where he would have otherwise probably just auto-attacked with his crappy weapon.
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    Quick question - On the cantrips that say "on a successful hit" are you creating an item that must be thrown like Melf's Minute Meteors? If so, also giving a save to completely avoid the damage seems like it will make the cantrips have very low usefulness (caveat: a save to avoid the second round of damage on Acid Splash would be okay).

    Now if the cantrips are really "auto-hit" like Magic Missle, Chromatic Orb, Magic Stone, Melf's Acid Arrow, etc.., then yes, a save to avoid the damage is appropriate.
  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    ineth said:

    Wizard cantrips will not self-renew. That is, once a wizard casts a given cantrip, like any spell, it is gone for the day. However...

    They will also be able to 'refresh' their cantrips, either renewing the cantrips that they have already prepared, or selecting new ones. They can do this at will BUT, because the process requires deep concentration, they cannot do this in combat.

    This sounds like players will be expected to do a lot of extra clicking, in order to manually refresh cantrips before every single combat encounter... :/

    Any chance you could make the cantrips auto-refresh between encounters instead?


    Also, I actually liked the SoB cantrips which were very low-power spells and had a cooldown before being available again, but could be cast infinitely often. They didn't really compete with normal spellcasting (which some of yours seem to do); they just gave the mage something flashy to do in situations where he would have otherwise probably just auto-attacked with his crappy weapon.
    Well, the 'existing' cantrips are from SoB. I'm not against a cooldown, however. I'll double check that it works, but I think that something like this should be fine.

    As for power level, which spells in particular are you talking about?

    Quick question - On the cantrips that say "on a successful hit" are you creating an item that must be thrown like Melf's Minute Meteors? If so, also giving a save to completely avoid the damage seems like it will make the cantrips have very low usefulness (caveat: a save to avoid the second round of damage on Acid Splash would be okay).

    Now if the cantrips are really "auto-hit" like Magic Missle, Chromatic Orb, Magic Stone, Melf's Acid Arrow, etc.., then yes, a save to avoid the damage is appropriate.

    Heh, no. I worded it that way because these spells would 'miss' if the target made a successful save vs. breath. So yes, they are otherwise an autohit (I believe in all cases).
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  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    edited February 2016

    You know, while you're starting a new thread to think about this stuff, here's an idea that was raised way back when I first came up with these cantrip ideas in Scales of Balance v0.3: Instead of coding new zero-level spells, why not just make all 1st level spells castable at will, and use the memorization rules for spells of 2nd level and up? Here's how it could work:

    1) Rebalance 1st level spells to be of an appropriate power level to be cast at will. For instance, cap Magic Missile at 2 missiles instead of 5. Maybe replace some spells with more useful alternatives, SR-style.

    2) Rebalance 2nd-level spells to be appropriately more powerful than the 1st-level ones.

    3) Add a Wondrous Recall effect to every 1st-level spell.

    4) Eliminate 1st-level scrolls and instead allow them to be selected via an innate ability or dialogue.

    5) Edit the spell table to reflect that for 1st-level spells, it now acts like sorcerers, i.e. it controls how many spells you can have prepared - instead of how many you can actually cast.

    That could be a lot of fun, and possibly a bit simpler for players...

    This would also have the advantage of not having so many darned innates...

    Ooohh, I like this

    Edit: Could still have 1st level scrolls, really. In fact, I wouldn't really have to change anything about the spell selection. Spells could still be acquired in the normal way...
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  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    It's worth exploring both options; it's even worth considering letting the player choose at installation (though, the work...)
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    You'd need to make Identify a 2nd level spell. From what I remember of igi's SpellSystemAdjustment mod, casting Identify from the Identify Item screen won't fire the Restore Spell opcode.
  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    edited February 2016

    Protective Shell: Not as powerful as you think. One skin means one hit absorbed, *ever*, and then you are completely vulnerable. It might buy a mage enough time to run away from an attacker.

    Sure, but you can cast it again immediately with that 0 casting time. With the 3 turn duration, you are going to be using this at least until you get stoneskin. Heck, it's a good backup when your stoneskin has been exhausted with that casting time. I suppose that it does lose it's usefulness as opponents get more attacks/round. Let's compare with Anticipation. Let's assume that you have the full benefits of Anticipation for 3 rounds, and you don't, for whatever reason, renew your Protective shell
    y= likelihood of hitting target(the mage) is a number between 0-1 inclusive
    x= avg damage per hit
    (number after variable = subscript) e.g. (y2)= y squared

    Opponent #attacks/round# Protective Shell(DPR)/CumDam Foresight(DPR)/CumDam
    1/1 yx(0)/yx(0) (y-0.15*)x/(y-0.15)x
    1/2 (y2)x/[yx(0)]+(y2) (y-0.15)x/[(y-0.15)x]+[(y-0.15)x]
    1/3 [(1-y)y+y]x/[yx(0)]+(y2)+{[(1-y)y+y]x} (y-0.15)x/[(y-0.15)x]+[(y-0.15)x]+[(y-0.15)x]
    [x=10,y=.5] 0+2.5+7.5=10 3.5+3.5+3.5= 10.5
    [x=10,y=.75] 0+5.6+9.4= 15 6+6+6=18
    Hmmm, it seems to perform slightly better than anticipation if I've done my math right. But, it isn't too, too much better. Also, as we can see, the more attacks leveled against the mage, the more protective shell loses out compared to foresight. Also, higher accuracy opponents certainly burn through the shell much faster, doing more damage. That same opponent attacking three times in the round is very likely to have burned through that protective shell. Multiple attackers would have virtually the same effect.

    But, there are other factors that count for protective shell. That 3 turn duration ensures that the caster has almost certainly pre-buffed that protective shell, while the anticipating mage has just cast that anticipation spell, so there is an opportunity cost. Additionally, the mage has a much better chance of getting a second spell in compared to the forsighted mage in that first round, so that is a second opportunity cost consideration. Also, you can renew your protective shell...
    Conjure Rabbit/Critter: I made this as a joke (it's a magician, pulling a rabbit out of a hat) but it turns out to be the most fantastically useful spell in the whole game. It lets you summon a distraction, at will. Cast Web, then summon a rabbit and have the rabbit run to the middle of the web. Watch all of your enemies walk into the Web and ensnare themselves, trying to get the rabbit. The rabbit took an arrow and died? Summon another one. It's insane.

    Magic Bolt/damage cantrips: Note, I have versions of this that use every kind of elemental damage, and they each have their own custom colored projectile, courtesy of @Pecca.
    I noticed that after the fact. One idea that I kinda like is making each 'bolt' spell somewhat unique, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. Magic bolt auto hits, and does a rarely resisted damage type. Fire bolt does more damage, has a longer range, possibly goes through a shield spell(?), but can be completely avoided, and the damage type is commonly resisted. Ice ray can damage multiple opponents, but can be avoided, and doesn't do as much damage (actually, I'd probably reduce the dam to d4 for a zero level cantrip(?)) etc.

    Drowse: The thing to remember is, this is useless against a bunch of creatures. And, in the EEs, you can't whale on the person affected by it because they will jump up after the first hit. Basically it's the reverse of Protective Shell: it lets you get one hit on the enemy. Or, have enough time to run away. And only on a failed save. (Which can have a bonus.)
    But, you would get this same benefit with a 3 second duration, no? I certainly have no issue keeping this as is, or perhaps improving it, for a '1st level cantrip' modification...

    Bedazzle: I think a Blind effect is okay, even in a spell at this low level, if it's very very brief. The idea is, a flash of light that makes the victim loose track of the mage for just a few seconds (enough time for the mage to run away - see, there's a running theme here!)
    LOL. How about 3 second duration? Enough time to run away, but not enough to get off another spell or attack. Again, there are two things to consider here: this spell as a zero level 'worse than 1st level spell' cantrip, and the 1st level spell cantrip...

    Earthen Grasp: The Hold effect is powerful, but I think the save is at like +4 or something. It very rarely happens. Basically I think there should be a chance of some effect of being entangled, which should affect more than just movement rate. How about this: prevent movement plus a Slow effect on a failed save (you won't notice the Slow, but it will cause -1APR). So even against a stationary archer, this will have some slight detrimental effect on his offensive abilities (but not as much as a Hold).
    But, isn't hold a 3rd level spell? I like the slow effect slightly more.
  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    edited February 2016

    You'd need to make Identify a 2nd level spell. From what I remember of igi's SpellSystemAdjustment mod, casting Identify from the Identify Item screen won't fire the Restore Spell opcode.

    I'm sure that's true. IIRC the identify spell is pretty wonky

    Edit: That's probably fine anyway. Identify is a good spell. It is still viable as a second level spell, anyway
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  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    edited February 2016
    Okay, so I'm playing around with projectiles. It's fun, but it takes forever. I'll have something cool for ice ray. I suppose I might create both zero and first level versions of new spells. The code for adding the renew effect is pretty straightforward. It's even easier than the zero level cantrip implementation, actually. That'll probably be released first
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  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    edited February 2016

    Yeah, you just need to COPY_REGEXP all spells, filter by arcane/divine, filter by spell level, and hit the level 1 arcane spells with an ADD_SPELL_EFFECT adding opcode 261 and restoring a single level of spells (just have to make sure it's the last effect). Super simple, and if you set every 1st level spell to do it, it will always work!

    I would have coded it up already, but I was busy last night updating FnP :)

    I am tempted to do the extra work, and specify the spell name in resource key. I have tested it, and this does work in iwdee, which leads me to believe that it will work in the ee's, if not now, then in the near future. That leaves bgt, but maybe it works in tobex enhanced bgt. I seem to remember it working there, at least, but I could easily be wrong
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  • kjeronkjeron Member Posts: 2,368

    The only caveat is, if you get interrupted while casting, you will lose the cantrip until the next time you rest.

    If you add the Restore Lost Spells effect as a Global Effect instead of an Ability Effect, it will occur regardless of Spell Failure(Interruption, Dead Magic, Miscast Magic), or Wild-Surge.
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  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582

    Thing is, specifying the spell in the resource key would be necessary for something like my Spell Thrust idea. Because like my example in our PM, if you cast Fireball and then the Spell Thrust recall effect kicks in, it might restore your Fireball. (I have to do some testing in IWDEE and BGT/ToBEx!)

    But, for turning 1st level spells into cantrips, it's not even necessary! The idea is, they will never be 'spent' and you will always have them memorized. So you'll never be in danger of restoring the wrong spell; the only one that can possibly be restored is the one you are casting that second. So it will always appear to work as intended, with less effort from us!

    The only caveat is, if you get interrupted while casting, you will lose the cantrip until the next time you rest.

    Anyway, I really like this method and I'm excited and want to pitch in! Pending the approval of @Aquadrizzt - this is ultimately meant to replace my cantrips in Tome & Blood, right?

    The main effort will have to go toward balance. Right now a bunch of 1st-level spells are as powerful and useful as some 2nd level spells. Some some will have to be toned down (Sleep) and some can be replaced (maybe turn Infravision into Anticipation) and some can be merged (Color Spray/Bedazzle) and then we can add some (Conjure Critter).

    I suppose that you are right...
    Heh, and after I just coded it :P

    Though, @kjeron , rooky question: how do you do it as a global effect?

    And, yeah, were will have to draw to a list
  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    We should start with a baseline spell: what works well as a first level spell that would be okay if cast indefinitely?
  • kjeronkjeron Member Posts: 2,368

    Though, @kjeron , rooky question: how do you do it as a global effect?

    Are you asking how to add a Global effect to a spell with Weidu, or something else?
  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    kjeron said:

    Though, @kjeron , rooky question: how do you do it as a global effect?

    Are you asking how to add a Global effect to a spell with Weidu, or something else?
    Yes, with weidu. Normally, I'd do something like this:
    copy all spl.
    Action if 1st level wizard (or cleric) spell. (don't have the code in front of me, but you knwo)

    LPF ADD_SPELL_EFFECT INT_VAR opcode = 261 target = 1 power = 1 parameter1 = 1 parameter2 = 0 timing = 1 STR_VAR resource = ~spwi101~ END
  • kjeronkjeron Member Posts: 2,368
    I don't think there is an internal Function/Macro for it, at least I've not seen any documented.
    I use this to add global effects to spells:

    READ_LONG 0x64 ab_off // Abilities Offset
    READ_SHORT 0x68 ab_num // Number of Abilities
    READ_SHORT 0x6a fx_off // Effects Offset
    READ_SHORT 0x70 glob_fx // Number of Global Effects
    SET glob_add = 0

    INSERT_BYTES (fx_off) 0x30
    WRITE_SHORT (fx_off) 261 // Restore Lost Spells
    WRITE_BYTE (fx_off + 0x2) 1 // Target Self
    WRITE_BYTE (fx_off + 0x4) 1 // Level 1
    WRITE_LONG (fx_off + 0x8) 0 // Wizard
    WRITE_LONG (fx_off + 0xc) 1 // Limited/Permanent
    WRITE_BYTE (fx_off + 0x12) 100 // Probability 1

    // INSERT_BYTES (fx_off) 0x30
    // WRITE_etc...
    // ++glob_add

    glob_fx += glob_add
    WRITE_SHORT 0x70 glob_fx // Increment Number of Global Effects
    FOR (i = 0; i < ab_num; ++i) BEGIN // Offset Effect Index for all Abilities
    READ_SHORT (ab_off + i * 0x28 + 0x20) fx_idx
    WRITE_SHORT (ab_off + i * 0x28 + 0x20) (fx_idx + glob_add)
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  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    @kjeron I owe you a beer!
  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582


    The main effort will have to go toward balance. Right now a bunch of 1st-level spells are as powerful and useful as some 2nd level spells. Some some will have to be toned down (Sleep) and some can be replaced (maybe turn Infravision into Anticipation) and some can be merged (Color Spray/Bedazzle) and then we can add some (Conjure Critter).

    I'm not at my computer, but let's talk about this. What we have already decided:

    - move identify to second level.

    Regarding the above:

    - Some some will have to be toned down (Sleep)

    Man, I hate that spell. You are a god at the beginning, and then it becomes completely worthless... Not sure what to do with it.

    - (S)ome can be replaced (maybe turn Infravision into Anticipation)

    I like this idea. We have to be sure to check for spell revisions.

    One potential issue: I'm hearing that in SoD, infravision will become important. It will be 'checked for'. It'll be annoying of it is as useless as ever otherwise, but becomes super important in SoD.

    - some can be merged (Color Spray/Bedazzle).

    Sounds good. What did you have in mind? It's been a while since I've looked at color spray.

    - and then we can add some (Conjure Critter).

    Sounds good. I like that little spell that could!

    Another thing to think about, as sr has a first level summon. How do we integrate other mods?
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  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    edited February 2016
    Lol, some spells can join identify at second level, I think.

    Armor and shield would both work, I think.

    Anyway, we have chill touch and grasping hand: two spells that I think I never used.

    We should also talk about divine spells, as this is something that I want to do in FnP as well (and, so, command will, in some installs, be a cantrip).

    Edit: I always loved that spell. It's perfect for interrupts

    Edit 2: I really like cure light wounds as a cantrip...I think.

    That reminds me: maybe we should have some sort of delay with the refresh (assuming it'll still go off...).
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