How to treat all the various status effects?

Is there a complete table or listing available somewhere that summarizes how to treat various status effects that your characters can be afflicted with? Basically, I'd like to be able to look up a status effect, like stun or charm, and see a concise list of what options (spells, abilities, items, etc.) exist for curing/mitigating that status effect.
For instance, I always forget which ones can be fixed with Dispel Magic or other spells that don't explicitly list their cured effects in the spell description. I've tried looking through the game manual, reading wikis, digging around random websites, and searching this forum, but come up empty so far. I had assumed there would certainly be enough demand for this info in an easily-referenced format that it would have been compiled into one convenient place already, so I'm surprised that I haven't been able to find it. Can anyone help me out?
For instance, I always forget which ones can be fixed with Dispel Magic or other spells that don't explicitly list their cured effects in the spell description. I've tried looking through the game manual, reading wikis, digging around random websites, and searching this forum, but come up empty so far. I had assumed there would certainly be enough demand for this info in an easily-referenced format that it would have been compiled into one convenient place already, so I'm surprised that I haven't been able to find it. Can anyone help me out?
Part of the fun of these games is not knowing at first and finding out through exploration. I regret spoiling a good portion of shadows of Amn for myself when I first played. I won't do that again. You might be different though.
started by @lolien just to answer to this question.