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Status effects

lolienlolien Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,108
@NIV5T suggested, that we can make a table containing the various negative status effects and their counter effects. A nice idea, it's confusing sometimes what will shield against from various stun/hold effects for example. Here i start to make the table, feel free to give advices/corrections in the comments below, i edit the OP accordingly.

Apparently vanilla forums broke table formatting again. For now you can reach the status effects table here:


Icon Name Description
image Acid Character takes acid
damage over time.
image Berserk The character will be
uncontrollable and attack enemies, but will have increased damage and
THAC0, be immune to several spells (including Charm Person) and get
increased saves against others.
image Blinded Lowers the character
sight radius. Blinded creature receives -4 penalty on attack rolls
and 4 penalty on armor class.
image Charmed Character gets under the
casting creature control.
image Confused The character is out of
control and will wander around and attack others (including allies)
image Deaf The character gets 50%
chance of spell failure.
image Diseased 1 penality to all saving
throws and THAC0.
image Dominated Character gets under the
casting creature control.
image Doomed Gives the character a -2
penalty to all rolls including THAC0 and saving throws.
image Dying The character will
slowly die while this affects him. If not dispelled in time, death is
image Energy Drain The character lose
constitution score
image Enfeebled Reduce strenght to
image Entangled The character can't
image Fatigue Character has lower
luck, making it easier to be hit by enemies and harder to hit them.
Effect worsen for every 4 hours been awake for too long.
image Grease Lowers movement
image Greater Malison The character recieves
-4 penalty on all saving throws.
image Held The character is frozen
for a number of seconds. They cannot move, attack, or use items.
image Held(2) The character is frozen
for a number of seconds. They cannot move, attack, or use items.
image Intoxicated Gives negative luck and
morale bonus.
image Level Drain The character lose
experience level.
image Miscast Magic The character recieves
80% chance of spell failure.
image Nausiated Stinking Cloud causes an
unusual poison effect that does not deal any HP damage, only knocks
the character prone.
image Panic The character is out of
control and will run away from the enemy.
image Petrified The character is turned
to stone and removed from the party.
image Poisoned Most poisons cause the
character to lose HP at a set rate (varies by source) until the
poison is magically neutralized, death occurs, or it wears off.

Opposed to regeneration.

image Polymorphed The character is
polymorphed into a squirrel
image Silenced Character can no longer
cast spells.
image Slowed Character moves and
attacks attacks at a slower rate than usual, opposed to haste. Does
not affect spellcasting.
image Stunned The character is frozen
for a number of seconds. They cannot move, attack, or use items.
image Unconscious The character lay down
and cannnot move, attack, or use items.
image Webbed The character is frozen
for a number of seconds. They cannot move, attack, or use items.

Post edited by lolien on


  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    First suggestion from the top of my head: there should be different columns for "how to prevent" and "how to cure", because, you know, there's A BIG difference in gulpin a potion of clarity when you see Chaos is flying into your direction, and dispelling the confusion effect from your party member.

    I would like to advice using the intel from in order to help here.

    Another suggestions:

    Include some notes about the SCS mod component when Fireshield prevents Insect Plague. Maybe @semiticgod can advice on Spell Revision mod
    Spell Immunity - should be defined from which particular school
    There're no feeblemind and imprisonment in the table
    Also, don't forget a drunk effect
    Panic - may be caused by Spook as well. As by Cloak of Fear (divine). The spell Emotion gives immunity to Fear to its caster
    The Dying effect can be caused by Nabassu - a wild surge by a wild mage
    Potion of Clarity doesn't protect from Sleep

    Overall, this is a great idea and when it will be completed, the thread will be of a great use!
  • cloudkillbeatsallcloudkillbeatsall Member Posts: 98
    edited February 2016
    Chaotic Commands prevents Maze.
    Web has its own icon - Webbed. Free Action prevents it but Remove Paralysis doesn't remove it.
    I don't think Dispel Magic gets rid of Confusion. I read that Greater Restoration is the only thing that does.
    Free Action prevents Slow.
    There's the Blind effect. I think it can't be prevented but Cure Disease gets rid of it, perhaps Dispel Magic too.
    Feeblemind is negated by Cure Disease, Dispel Magic and Heal.
    Both Feeblemind and Rigid Thinking are prevented by Chaotic Commands but I don't know what negates Rigid Thinking.
  • SirBatinceSirBatince Member Posts: 882
    Stuns are most usually triggered by Chromatic Orbs and magic darts in bg1.

    BG1 also has level drain and "energy drain". Level drain is in BP1 by wraiths and Energy drain is done by Kirinhale (temporarily reduces str and dex if I remember right) and uses the level drain icon aswell.

    BG1 has malison cast at you. It's used by Semaj. It should be added in the BG1 section.

    Chaos has its own icon though I suppose it's redundant.

    Unconsciousness icon is more dark red colored I believe.

    Domination uses a different icon from charm.

    Cursed and Bleeding (bg2) are missing aswell.

    Salt Mephits in BG2 can inflict some weird effect. The icon looks like 4 grains of salt I think.

    I don't think stinking clouds really inflict true poison at all. It seems like they simply copied the icon over for some reason.
  • SirBatinceSirBatince Member Posts: 882
    ah yes, uncontrolled berserk is indeed a bad one
  • lunarlunar Member Posts: 3,460
    edited February 2016
    Very nice work. Also, it would be nice if the chart included if a saving throw is allowed, and if so which type. And petrification is a very big status prevalant both in bg1 and 2, but it does not have a portrait icon, as a petrified member is out of the party instantly.
  • SkatanSkatan Member, Moderator Posts: 5,352
    edited February 2016
    Great work! Kudos to all involved.

    Edit: Maybe this was a bad idea, I shouldn't have cluttered the thread with posts that add no value. Please delete this post.
  • lunarlunar Member Posts: 3,460
    Also, barbarian and/or berserker rage prevents most disablers hold, stun, confusion, charm, dominate even the dreaded level drain. Notably it does not protect against webbed effect. There may be a difference between barbarian rage and berserker in terms of immunities, though I can not seem to recall. (one did not give immunity to stun?)

    Polymorphed (into squirel) is one bad status that lacks an icon, as well. And it has been one of the most inconsistent and buggy status effects across the different bg versions.
  • abacusabacus Member Posts: 1,307
    Is it worth distinguishing between effects that will time-out and those that are permanent?

    My usual strategy for a nasty is to let the rest of the party clear the immediate area and then rest... but there are number of effects (in particular some of the Negative Energy ones) that will still be in effect.
  • abacusabacus Member Posts: 1,307
    edited February 2016
    Edit: Removed
    Issue is mod only and is addressed further up the thread.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    edited February 2016
    lunar said:

    There may be a difference between barbarian rage and berserker in terms of immunities, though I can not seem to recall. (one did not give immunity to stun?)

    The difference between their rage is that a berserker gets an immunity to feeblemind and imprisonment, while a barbarian doesn't.

    Also, a potion of clarity doesn't help against Sleep. It gives immunity to Fear, Charm, Confusion and Feeblemind.

    Please, don't forget a potion of Magic Blocking - it prevents any spells from lvls 1 till 5, and Protection from Magic scroll, which prevents everything.
    Post edited by JuliusBorisov on
  • lolienlolien Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,108
    First: i had to cut in two the table, it was too much character.

    In what i would need help: effects, that are not spells, but can be resisted via Spell Immunity (if there's any).
    Is there Dying effect from wild surged Nabassu in BG2 too?
    What's the matter with Diseased vs Nausiated?

    Speaking about Spell Immunity. It's not that simple to add the spell school. There are effects, where the causing spells belong to various school. For example: Spook(Illusion), Horror(Necromancy).
    I see two solution. I can write the schools after each causing spell, or i can give a number to every causing effect, and then refer to it at the prevention/curing part.

    I use an example to be clear:
    IconEffectTriggering effectPreventionCuring
    Wand of Fear,
    Cloak of Fear(Conjuration)
    MR, SI,
    Emotion: Hopelessness
    Remove Fear, Dispel,
    Remove magic
    IconEffectTriggering effectPreventionCuring
    imagePanicHorror[1], Spook[2]
    Wand of Fear[3],
    Cloak of Fear[4]
    Emotion: Hopelessness
    Remove Fear, Dispel,
    Remove magic
    I think i prefer the second option.
    Now, what about the Wand of Fear? Which Spell Immunity option shields against the Cloak of Fear's panic?
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    edited February 2016
    The second variant is better, I think.

    The wand of Fear (as other wands, for example, the wand of sleep) offer a saving throw against wands, not magic, so Spell Immunity doesn't help here.

    To prevent Cloak of Fear, that is a Conjuration spell, you can choose (if you want to) SI:Conjuration.

    Also, remember that dispel magic can cure Unconscious, Webbed, Entangled, Grease etc effects, so that you lose this negative effect, but if you continue to stay in the area of Stinking Cloud, Web, Entangle, Grease you will have to roll your saving throw again in the next round. But the main thing here is that these effects can be cured by dispel magic and it could give you so much needed second to gulp a potion or do something while you're free from the negative effect.

    Also, don't forget the Greenstone amulet and effects it prevents.

    A wild surge in BG2 summons not a Nabassu but a Pit Fiend, so no Dying effect.

    Also, you can add a Wing Buffet (a dragon's ability) - Spell Shield protects against it.
  • kjeronkjeron Member Posts: 2,368

    There is a separate opcode for charm/domination, opcode 241, Control Creature. This is used basically nowhere. I believe the MINHP1 item in IWD:EE and maybe some other EEs grants immunity to Control Creature, even though you can never use it without modding. Otherwise nothing is ever immune to it.

    An evil Cleric's uses it every time they attempt to Turn Undead.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,515
    @lolien Maze can also be cured by the Freedom spell.
  • lolienlolien Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,108
    Thanks for the suggestions! I getting through them slowly. Also i managed to save the state icons from Near Infinity, so i'm updating them too.
  • lolienlolien Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,108
    edited February 2016
    In the description of Potion of Magic Blocking it states, that it removes all current lvl 5 spell effects and lower of the consumer. What are the effects, that are actually removed? You can negate melf acid effect with this for example? Or the dreaded malison?
  • lroumenlroumen Member Posts: 2,538
    Nice overview. Very helpful.

    Isn't ability score drain also curable by remove curse?
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    lolien said:

    In the description of Potion of Magic Blocking it states, that it removes all current lvl 5 spell effects and lower of the consumer. What are the effects, that are actually removed? You can negate melf acid effect with this for example? Or the dreaded malison?

    From my experience, it should remove all effects from all spells that are of lvl 5 and below. So you lose all your buffs and debuffs, including the Melf acid effect. It's easier to say what effects won't be removed - those that are inflincted by 6+ lvl spells, like Swarmed. Level drain also cannot be cured this way, I guess.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    It shouldn't matter at all, the level of the spell. Only spell protections' level matters when being dispelled, or caster level if another effect is being dispelled. There is no opcode that dispels non-spell-protection based on spell level.
  • kjeronkjeron Member Posts: 2,368
    What it says it does and what it actually does are different.
    It uses the Dispel opcode, flagged 'Always Dispel', so spell & caster level are irrelevant, every dispellable effect will be wiped.

    It shouldn't matter at all, the level of the spell. Only spell protections' level matters when being dispelled, or caster level if another effect is being dispelled. There is no opcode that dispels non-spell-protection based on spell level.

    True, but you could still use the remove spell protections opcode for each type or school up to the proper level for the same effect. Actually, why doesn't it do this instead of using the dispel-all effect?
  • PantalionPantalion Member Posts: 2,137
    edited February 2016
    Glancing at this, isn't the "Enfeebled" icon related to the "Ray of Enfeeblement" level 2 spell, while Feeblemind uses the confused icon?

    Edit: Also, Glitterdust and PW:Blind also cause Blind, no?
  • BelfaldurnikBelfaldurnik Member Posts: 212
    Is the STR -2 caused by the Shadow Aspect in SOD BD7230 special? There is no status effect icon shown and not effect mentioned either. Lesser Restoration is not enough. Resting not either.
  • lolienlolien Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,108
    Sadly i couldn't play SoD yet, so no answer from me. However i would try a remove curse spell in your case.
  • alceryesalceryes Member Posts: 380
    Great info here!
    FYI, ghast/ghoul 'nauseated' effect gives a -2 to THAC0. Luckily, it's a temporary effect.
  • FardragonFardragon Member Posts: 4,511
    edited July 2016

    Is the STR -2 caused by the Shadow Aspect in SOD BD7230 special? There is no status effect icon shown and not effect mentioned either. Lesser Restoration is not enough. Resting not either.

    I think Greater Restoration worked for me. Death followed by Raise Dead should also do the trick!
  • AlonsoAlonso Member Posts: 806
    Maybe I'm being nitpicky, but I find the table slightly inconsistent. Spell Immunity is listed as a prevention to many effects, which is correct, but it is also true that many of these effects can also be prevented with several other spells, like Globe of Invulnerability, Spell Defection, Spell Turning, etc. What would be the reason for including one but not the others? Similar question for PfMW vs. Mantle.
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