Dispel VS Remove magic.

It seems like most of the stuff I read is about the efficacy of Dispel magic. I know the Inquisitor ability is extremely potent. But other than that remove magic seems like a better spell just by looking at the spell descriptions. Just wondering what you guys thought.
Remove Magic also has another potential downside, which is that it's an arcane spell (only). This is bad for two reasons: First, arcane spells tend to be more valuable, and using one on a dispelling task that can be carried out by divine casters may not be ideal. Second, wizards and sorcerers have slower level progression than clerics, and dispelling effects in this manner is more or less likely to be successful based on a comparison of caster levels. Remove Magic is therefore less likely to succeed than a Dispel Magic cast by a cleric of similar experience.
On the other hand, if you have a bard in your party then his caster level is likely to be the highest of all, and he could make excellent use of Remove Magic. If you've brought a bard then you're probably OK with using him, and his resources, for support jobs like this.
Or it checks the level of the creature it's trying to dispel. I'm not completely sure of this mechanic. @semiticgod ?
@sarevok57: If a level 30 caster dispels a level 35 spell with a Remove/Dispel Magic spell, that's either a bug, very bad luck, or a non-standard Remove/Dispel Magic spell.
Dispel/Remove Magic always display the "Dispel Effects" message and the visual effect even if nothing gets dispelled.
A bard at lvl 40, buffed by his own castings (not scroll reading) should not be dispelled by a lvl 30 Abazigal.
But it is also a good thing, as you can use scrolls in BG1 and they are very effective. You can shoot 5 Magic Missiles as a level 1 Mage with a scroll of Magic Missile for example.