Q&A for not so known lore

The thread is designed for strange questions, answers,oddities and weirdness from the lore across Forgotten realms and fantasy.
Trolls have green skin as we know. But what is the colour of their blood?
Is it the same as their skin?
Trolls have green skin as we know. But what is the colour of their blood?
Is it the same as their skin?
Post edited by brus on
It appears much more brighter than normal (say: human) blood and hotter, because of the innate regenerative properties, and it is also more viscous than normal blood, because of its strong anti-coagulant properties, related to regeneration.
I always think they have nasty colored blood like pus, maybe even a colorless, watery liquid that is very sticky and horrible smelling, but they don't bleed much, when they lose a limb or head, their regeneration immediately seals the cut blood vessels so they lose very little blood, if any at all. Then they pick the limb up and attach it back. Their flesh and organs are rubber like, elastic but firm. They smell like burnt rubber when finally killed by fire or acid. I don't picture when their limbs are hacked and cut off they shed crimson red blood all over the place, no.
Ofcourse such blood makes no sense scientificaly, but it is a d&d monster, so we can just say 'İt's magic!' or 'a wizard did it!'
In the ring of regeneration description, a troll's ichor is mentioned, In pathology, "ichor" is an antiquated term for a watery discharge from a wound or ulcer with an unpleasant or fetid (offensive) smell. So that suits my hypothesis as well.
Also I too started thinking about a nastier colour for troll blood, but then I thought that a troll isn't an abomination nor a magical creature, but it is a giant ( not that this line of thought makes much sense but yet, it somehow allowed me to discard nasty blood colours and to propend for a brightier red blood, brightness justified with the fact that inside that blood there's much more and much quickier platelets activity, hence the hotter temperature and highier viscosity (no splattering). Really no real and coherent explanation for it's colour, though... it is just the one that fits better in my imagination, ahahah!
In the Itchy and Scratchy video game, how do you escape the dungeon without using the Wizard Key?
I'd play that!
I looked up the rest and none of them say anything different for colour, just for use.
I wanted to know the troll's color for the fanart. I will remake it than using the right color.
Btw, I don't recall one can create potions in the game using troll's blood? Can you?
Troll blood is useful in making poison antidotes and healing potions <- previous thing was wrong since I only read up to poison
Fire Troll blood is used as a component in some acid and some fire spells, it is well known for being able to dissolve metal.
Ice Troll blood is used in the creation of frostband swords and rings of cold resistance
Gray Troll dust is useful in healing and resistance magics such as acid, electricity, and cold
Trollhound blood is useful for healing and curing diseases
Phaze Troll blood is useful in healing and mind-affecting magic
He is from the northern Faerun, the place where resides Dorn's Deep.
Are its citizens so drunk that they keep forgetting where they live?
First, off the record. Ed Greenwood probably invented some cool name for them like
Acerion, Xiafirea, Emmeophere or Wandering Vale realms but he didn't write the name. The name had been forgotten in the morning. Pun intended.
I believe only Ed Greenwood has the answer for this.