@ajwz If they are truly one of the better RPG studios out there that shows how poor RPG studios have become IMO. Though New Vegas was good most of the games I've played from them were at best alright experiences (KOTOR 2 and NWN2 + expansions come to mind). Storm of Zehir especially was a let down. I really hope this new game turns out to be great, but in the back of my mind I have doubts.
I wonder, what will Beamdog do after BG2EE, I mean, its just a small doubt of mine... Obsidian has some people that worked on the infinity engine and now they want to make a similar game (though I bet without d&d rules-which is a bit sad to me), shouldnt Beamdog join with Obsidian? Unless Beamdog does manage to get the rights to BG3...
I think this project from Obsidian will do great in the kickstarter because they have some guys who made the best rpgs, it look old school. And Obsidian, although not perfect, is one of the most respected studios today.
ps. They are past 700k in the first day! amazing! Silly me thinking 1.1M was risky
@bigdogchris Well. You're not just paying for a collector's edition. You're actually funding the development of the game. I'd say that would be the reason the edition would be so expensive. The rewards that you get for the different levels aren't supposed to necessarily reflect the market value of the reward (Though at lower tiers it is often glorified pre-orders, upper tiers tend to be for people who really want to support the game).
I'd guess that they wont have a non kickstarter collcetors edition though.
Ok, I have never really followed a kickstarter campaign. What happens when they go past their goal?
Most Kickstarter campaigns have "stretch goals" where if they pass money milestones above and beyond their original goal they promise to add features that weren't included in the base concept. Usually this comes in the form of hiring more developers or adding content to the game like more areas or characters.
So far Obsidian hasn't defined any specific stretch goals, but you can bet they will soon once they clear the original amount they asked for this fast.
Can't crate my own party.so na. Not that that alone would kill it but Bg managed to approach all things to almost everybody. everybody loves a number of things but not necessarily the same things. That was it's spirit.
If everything goes as it did yesterday, it will be finished today. Well, I think they didn´t expect it to be raised that quick. Are publishers still worried about releasing old-school RPG? Bah, even if they would be willing, It wouldn´t be wise to tie artists´s minds to them again.
Sounds like an investment property - not my style. And I agree that there isn't much concept on the page, just lots of homage to previous awesome isometric party RPGs. Reputation helps, but it is the ideas that count. Plus, I don't think asking for a $1000 or more pledge for the ability to design something in the game is an appropriate 'reward'. Quality design is by no means restricted to the affluent, so there leaves much to be desired when someone who has a little too much spare change with limited design ability gets on board.
I think Kickstarter could bring some legal issues with it. Anyway we will see how it goes.
As for Obsidian's project I'm having big expectations. I think they got A LOT riding on Eternity, not just in terms of finances, but reputation, too. Their current track record isn't exactly stellar, but the majority of problems could be due to outside influences, restrictions, etc. Or they could just be the results of a "less effective" company. I've heard people on both sides of the debate. That's why I think that now that they'll have their hands largely untied, they have to deliver something shiny, not "just" a rough-cut diamond, if they want to live up to their past in other companies.
I'm really looking forward to it though, the cRPG genre really needs some revitalization about now (or maybe it's just me that needs more cRPGs ).
@Sabotin Pretty much what you said. I just want to add the following, Eternity is something completly new. (And clearly Obsidian way of saying "we are here" and we are tired of publishers) Baldurs Gate is not, so I fear Beamdog can't just go kickstarter (at all?) without dealing with all the other parties who share the licence. It's sad that BG is so tied up that in the end it might be easier to create a new world like Proj.eternity.
2012 is definitely a year full of good news. Like Wasteland 2, it's a pity you can't back a Kickstarter funding without a credit card. It's a bit of of an americacentric way to assume everyone has a creditcard. In Europe, it's not the usual way of payment and you can't get a credit card if you're not well-to-do. I can afford to pledge €20,-, but I'm not rich enough to be able to get a credit card (well, I got a Moneybookers debet-card for Google Play today, but that's not a 'mayor credit card' - it doesn't give credit, it's more like a digital wallet).
Ok, I have never really followed a kickstarter campaign. What happens when they go past their goal?
Most Kickstarter campaigns have "stretch goals" where if they pass money milestones above and beyond their original goal they promise to add features that weren't included in the base concept. Usually this comes in the form of hiring more developers or adding content to the game like more areas or characters.
So far Obsidian hasn't defined any specific stretch goals, but you can bet they will soon once they clear the original amount they asked for this fast.
Thanks Bugrat, and I agree that they will definitely have to map out some stretch goals because it is moving so fast!
"Obsidian Entertainment and our legendary game designers Chris Avellone, Tim Cain, and Josh Sawyer are excited to bring you a new role-playing game for the PC. Project Eternity (working title) pays homage to the great Infinity Engine games of years past: Baldur’s Gate, Icewind Dale, and Planescape: Torment."
Seems like a perfect project for Kickstarter - lots of potential in that kind of game, and lots of fans of such games who like feeling involved and entitled.
I feel like they are attempting to do something suspiciously similar to what we have over here. If they succeed it's possible that their efforts will dwarf those of the Overhaul team. Obsidian is a respectably large company already, and will likely get the funding they need for the project to go through.
I'd be extremely angry if the project outperforms BG: EE and BG2: EE. Only because Overhaul proposed the idea first, and they have put forth considerable effort to see it succeed.
If it doesn't interfere with the sales of BG:EE, BG2:EE, BG3 etc. then I'm fairly neutral on the whole issue. Another RPG is another RPG, and I see no problem in them releasing it.
Word up, elminster. Preordering that too (although it's not out for 3 weeks!) and the Steam version already has unlocked some extras. Hopefully, it will fulfill all the preorder levels and get a copy of Civilization V for free!
2012 is definitely a year full of good news. Like Wasteland 2, it's a pity you can't back a Kickstarter funding without a credit card. It's a bit of of an americacentric way to assume everyone has a creditcard. In Europe, it's not the usual way of payment and you can't get a credit card if you're not well-to-do. I can afford to pledge €20,-, but I'm not rich enough to be able to get a credit card (well, I got a Moneybookers debet-card for Google Play today, but that's not a 'mayor credit card' - it doesn't give credit, it's more like a digital wallet).
Kickstarter uses Amazon for payments and even though i have a credit card, when i pledged my debit card came up as a option so it may be ok.
But i wish them the best of luck, We need lots and lots of new isometric party based rpg's!
I think this project from Obsidian will do great in the kickstarter because they have some guys who made the best rpgs, it look old school. And Obsidian, although not perfect, is one of the most respected studios today.
ps. They are past 700k in the first day! amazing! Silly me thinking 1.1M was risky
I'd guess that they wont have a non kickstarter collcetors edition though.
So far Obsidian hasn't defined any specific stretch goals, but you can bet they will soon once they clear the original amount they asked for this fast.
Are publishers still worried about releasing old-school RPG? Bah, even if they would be willing, It wouldn´t be wise to tie artists´s minds to them again.
Plus, I don't think asking for a $1000 or more pledge for the ability to design something in the game is an appropriate 'reward'. Quality design is by no means restricted to the affluent, so there leaves much to be desired when someone who has a little too much spare change with limited design ability gets on board.
A huge demand for a isometric partry-based RPGS I guess!! good news!
We could see potentially more things for enhanced versions like that, even new art.
Oh well.
As for Obsidian's project I'm having big expectations. I think they got A LOT riding on Eternity, not just in terms of finances, but reputation, too. Their current track record isn't exactly stellar, but the majority of problems could be due to outside influences, restrictions, etc. Or they could just be the results of a "less effective" company. I've heard people on both sides of the debate. That's why I think that now that they'll have their hands largely untied, they have to deliver something shiny, not "just" a rough-cut diamond, if they want to live up to their past in other companies.
I'm really looking forward to it though, the cRPG genre really needs some revitalization about now (or maybe it's just me that needs more cRPGs
25,294 backers
31 days left.
Should meet the goal shortly!
"Obsidian Entertainment and our legendary game designers Chris Avellone, Tim Cain, and Josh Sawyer are excited to bring you a new role-playing game for the PC. Project Eternity (working title) pays homage to the great Infinity Engine games of years past: Baldur’s Gate, Icewind Dale, and Planescape: Torment."
What do you guys think about this?
I'd be extremely angry if the project outperforms BG: EE and BG2: EE. Only because Overhaul proposed the idea first, and they have put forth considerable effort to see it succeed.
If it doesn't interfere with the sales of BG:EE, BG2:EE, BG3 etc. then I'm fairly neutral on the whole issue. Another RPG is another RPG, and I see no problem in them releasing it.
And I'll gladly buy them both should that be the case