Actually I see no competition at all, at least no the cutthroat kind of buy mine because his product is ridiculous.Those who like this kind of game will probably buy both.
What we're seeing is developers targetting their products to a forgotten niche that never died.
Eternity Engine is a long term project no matter what they try to announce, will take a huge ammount of time to meet the money requeriments, and besides being an D&D game, they're still under WotC rules.
There have already announced that they will use the Unity game Engine to create this game. They have already reached their target to create the game, there is no waiting around for more money, they have the money now, they had the money less than 24hrs after announcing the Kickstarter. Any extra money in the next 20 days will just go into more content for the game.
The tentative completion date for this project is April 2014. Obsidian are a game developer with experienced team members. I'm pretty confident they can deliver, dates may change of course but I doubt there will be major slippage.
All we have to worry about is whether we think the game will live up to hopes and dreams.
Eternity Engine is a long term project no matter what they try to announce, will take a huge ammount of time to meet the money requeriments, and besides being an D&D game, they're still under WotC rules.
There have already announced that they will use the Unity game Engine to create this game. They have already reached their target to create the game, there is no waiting around for more money, they have the money now, they had the money less than 24hrs after announcing the Kickstarter. Any extra money in the next 20 days will just go into more content for the game.
The tentative completion date for this project is April 2014. Obsidian are a game developer with experienced team members. I'm pretty confident they can deliver, dates may change of course but I doubt there will be major slippage.
All we have to worry about is whether we think the game will live up to hopes and dreams.
I, too am confident they can deliver. But I know that Obsidian tries to hit a home run with each game, and that means delays or unfinished buggy games. With this biz model, I am certain it will mean delays. I am fine with that.
@Zinodin or @Tanthalas could you please fix the title? The game is not based on the Infinity Engine but on Unity as has been pointed out in this thread.
Most of Obsidian's games has been as buggy as they were because they were rushed by publishers, or in New Vegas' case, because they inherited an already bug-filled engine from Bethesda, and I'm not sure I remember this right, but didn't they receive an outdated version of the engine for KotOR?
I know their flawed games has become a bit of a running joke, and sure, they aren't the best bug-swatters on the market, but I really hope they deliver a decent release this time. They're on their own schedule, they've got nothing to blame except themselves (and I guess threat of bankruptcy, but let's not hope it takes that long to release ) this time around, so not taking time to clear things up before release would be shameful.
49,368 Backers $2,148,307 pledged of $1,100,000 goal 16 days to go
$51,693 away from the next stretch goal! I hope to be able to report sometime tomorrow that $2.2M has been achieved only halfway through the Kickstarter!
One has to consider that RPGs are prone to having lots of bugs, and are difficult to test exhaustively. The combination of millions of lines of script and lots of player freedom is an inherently explosive one. If Obsidian is known for buggy games, it is in part because they are known for making RPGs.
TBH, the more stuff they add on, the more I worry about mission creep. It is getting to be as big as some of their previous retail games. I hope they cut it off soon. I like the love and support they are getting, I just don't want the project to become too unwieldy.
I'm not a fan of crafting in general, but it depends how they do it. If it's something essential, with crazy results, and people needing to waste hours on finding ingredients and grinding it like crazy, then no.
But if it's something fairly secondary and easy like in The Witcher, I wouldn't object. I rather enjoyed it there.
I'm not a fan of crafting in general, but it depends how they do it. If it's something essential, with crazy results, and people needing to waste hours on finding ingredients and grinding it like crazy, then no.
But if it's something fairly secondary and easy like in The Witcher, I wouldn't object. I rather enjoyed it there.
I am sure they intend to do a kickass job, but one of the reasons I jumped on the chance to donate to this kickstarter is that the model of a lower budget, focused game seemed to perfectly fit the strengths and weaknesses of Obsidian. With this project ever expanding, I am a little bit concerned.
I am still optimistic, and still love Obsidian's previous work, I just want to see them really nail this one perfectly.
TBH, the more stuff they add on, the more I worry about mission creep. It is getting to be as big as some of their previous retail games. I hope they cut it off soon. I like the love and support they are getting, I just don't want the project to become too unwieldy.
It does seem odd for a game that's largest selling point is being a homage to old isometric crpgs. I think the oddest goal they added was giving the protagonist a house, that is nice and all but I'd rather they spent as much time as possible on the core elements of their original goal.
To be perfectly honest, I don't think they're adding any stretch goals that they didn't already have plans for. I'm sure that they've been wanting to include a Godlike race and several companions and a player homebase and crafting mechanics, and I'm sure that they already know how those things are going to be implemented. The stretch goals are mostly a goal-post to say, "Okay, if we need to cut stuff, we're going to cut the stuff that wasn't specifically funded first". So for example, if they had failed to reach the player's house, they might have still planned to do the house, but it would no longer be a priority.
You probably already know this, but since it's kinda my thing:
50,448 Backers $2,215,546 pledged of $1,100,000 goal 14 days to go
$2.2M stretch goal achieved. Next is crafting and enchanting at $2.4M and they've already added a new dungeon which will be expanded one additional level for every 2500 backers they receive.
Crafting and enchanting in a game like this sounds really cool. I don't worry about the scope of the project since they are not focused on 3D or FPS which typically requires more graphic work and engine power. With an isometric perspective, it's much easier to develop because the focus is not on creating the most realistic graphics possible. I don't know how they do their calculations as to how much money they need to achieve certain goals but they're businesspeople with a successful track record as far as I'm concerned, so I'm going to trust them to deliver what they say they will deliver. Besides, if they don't follow through, they'll have 50k "investors" which will let them know and they'll need to make it good or it will be Reputation -832489242892
In many games from Obsidian i saw such a great potential....but thats it about it. Dont know how they managed to kill it for me everytime. But if this thing realy nails it I know it was the publisher....
I won't pledge a dime to this project if it doesn't offer a co-op multiplayer option. There's been some intense and illogical opposition to something that would only strengthen this game's appeal. Baldur's Gate was a fantastic single player game that could also be enjoyed multiplayer. Absolutely nothing about my single-player experience playing Baldur's Gate was diminished by the option of playing co-op. There is no reason this game can't be the same.
I say that the next goal at $2.6M is romance or gambling.
I hope not. Gambling is a bit boring and romances either are in it already or shouldnt be there at all. The project should be able to stand on its own like BG did, without the need for romances. The most hidden they are the better, depending on romances to capture audience is a bit lame.
I just hope they get the balance right with the mood of the game; lighter moments then some tense moments so you can appreciate the conflicts more. Hopefully there will be real camarederie within the party and not just angst all the time.
I'm hoping it is more story driven than some (looking at you, horribly boring and uninspiring IceWind Dale series!)... Anyway, I'm more positive on Obsidian than most. NWN2 was more a game engine limited game than anything else - I thought it was a good story and I enjoyed that part. MOTB was fantastic, in my opinion. KOTOR2 was great until the abrupt end, and they did some cool things with the game engine and made non-warriors feasible (and perhaps even better).
I'm hoping it is more story driven than some (looking at you, horribly boring and uninspiring IceWind Dale series!)... Anyway, I'm more positive on Obsidian than most. NWN2 was more a game engine limited game than anything else - I thought it was a good story and I enjoyed that part. MOTB was fantastic, in my opinion. KOTOR2 was great until the abrupt end, and they did some cool things with the game engine and made non-warriors feasible (and perhaps even better).
Don't look into what they originally had planned for KOTOR2 before LA changed the release date on them, it will only break your heart
What we're seeing is developers targetting their products to a forgotten niche that never died.
The tentative completion date for this project is April 2014. Obsidian are a game developer with experienced team members. I'm pretty confident they can deliver, dates may change of course but I doubt there will be major slippage.
All we have to worry about is whether we think the game will live up to hopes and dreams.
pledged of $1,100,000 goal
days to go
$2M stretch goal met! Player house, new NPCs, store, and quests.
Narhh kidding... But seems like a big thing this one. To bad team beam, couldnt do the same :0(
Oh and these are just the best news ever.
I know their flawed games has become a bit of a running joke, and sure, they aren't the best bug-swatters on the market, but I really hope they deliver a decent release this time. They're on their own schedule, they've got nothing to blame except themselves (and I guess threat of bankruptcy, but let's not hope it takes that long to release
pledged of $1,100,000 goal
days to go
$51,693 away from the next stretch goal! I hope to be able to report sometime tomorrow that $2.2M has been achieved only halfway through the Kickstarter!
but I am crazy about cloth maps and collector's books and only 250$ tier has softcover book.
TBH, the more stuff they add on, the more I worry about mission creep. It is getting to be as big as some of their previous retail games. I hope they cut it off soon. I like the love and support they are getting, I just don't want the project to become too unwieldy.
But if it's something fairly secondary and easy like in The Witcher, I wouldn't object. I rather enjoyed it there.
I am still optimistic, and still love Obsidian's previous work, I just want to see them really nail this one perfectly.
pledged of $1,100,000 goal
days to go
$2.2M stretch goal achieved. Next is crafting and enchanting at $2.4M and they've already added a new dungeon which will be expanded one additional level for every 2500 backers they receive.
Crafting and enchanting in a game like this sounds really cool. I don't worry about the scope of the project since they are not focused on 3D or FPS which typically requires more graphic work and engine power. With an isometric perspective, it's much easier to develop because the focus is not on creating the most realistic graphics possible. I don't know how they do their calculations as to how much money they need to achieve certain goals but they're businesspeople with a successful track record as far as I'm concerned, so I'm going to trust them to deliver what they say they will deliver. Besides, if they don't follow through, they'll have 50k "investors" which will let them know and they'll need to make it good or it will be Reputation -832489242892