What's your favorite spell?

I'm just curious what everyones favorite spell is, it can be for any class doesn't matter
I'd have to go with Chromatic Orb.
I'm just curious what everyones favorite spell is, it can be for any class doesn't matter
I'd have to go with Chromatic Orb.
If we're talking STRICTLY about BG1, then it's between Magic Missile, Lightning Bolt, Melf's Acid Arrow or Fire Arrow for me, pretty tough to choose...
For sheer fun I love Ghoul Touch. The animation is great. And it's just very satisfying to go to town on enemies stunned by this spell. (I like Color Spray almost as much for the spell effect, and watching enemies collapse into a heap from it. But it's often difficult to avoid friendly fire with this spell.)
I guess I would have to rate the Charm spell (and it's higher level variations) as probably the most effective spell at low level overall. Because you can take out not one but two enemies with it. I have the Charmed enemy attack another enemy, tying up his comrade in combat against his former comrade. Then, as insurance, I have the Charmed enemy place his inventory on the ground. Next, if a spellcaster, I have the Charmed enemy exhaust his or her spells. While the two enemies are fighting against one another, they are defenseless against my party's attacks (other than whatever buffs they might have). Rinse and repeat with more enemies.
Effing mages thinking they can go invincible with their magicks! I say fie to thee.
bg2: Timestop (I have fighter/mage and timestop gives me free whacking!)
For bg1 only, magic missile is the only reason my mage soloing is alive
Favorite Mage spell: Skull Trap (cool animation and it works on pretty much anything that isn't resistant to magic)
Favorite Priest spell: Command (casts quickly and allows you to get in a full party's worth of damage in one round)
Haste AND Mirror Image - just so cool and useful in BG
Then use the same page of the spellbook you wrote it on to wipe your arse with...
My real fave spell: Invisibilty... Look guys I'm naked and you'll never know! *Horrified Gasp from crowd, lady faints* Always check you have cast it first before scouting ahead... especially if naked!
Of course there is also that fireball one... a true classic.
In BG2, Necromancy rulez big time: Finger of Death, Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting, Wail of the Banshee.... you pick!
Such a bad ass spell, the satisfaction of watching them shatter (permanent death) is just too great