@Amber_Scott 130$ is a bit on the expensive side, but heck, we're speaking about one of the best games ever made (my opinion, at least). What bugs me is the 35$ to ship it to Canada, it seems a tad excessive. I ended up paying about 230$ Can for the lot. I love the work you guys have done in the past, but I must confess the total sum gave me pause. For about a minute. I'm sure you guys made a great product.
I have happily pre-ordered the Collector's Edition, as much to support Beamdog as for the really awesome stuff that comes with it. I seem to recall quite a while back participating in a poll asking how much I would be willing to spend on SoD. I basically answered that I would be happy paying any price, and I feel I have been true to my word . Now, if @Dee and @TrentOster will point me to where I can get one of those awesome IWD shirts, I'll be happy to throw some more money their way! Honestly, there are very few other companies or groups of people I feel are as deserving as Beamdog for me to spend my money on. Thank you all for all you have done, and all you continue to do.
This was our first try at a Collector's Edition and we learned a lot of lessons (mostly the hard way). Now that we have a process in place, we'd like to do more CE's in the future.
Nice to hear that. Hopefully next time I won't have as many doubts as I did with this CE.
I just want to ask, that if you do further CEs, please keep us informed through the newsletter as you did this time and do inform us with a little more time so that it won't take us by surprise. I won't like to skip on a possible Baldur's Gate 2 CE, that would leave my collection incomplete and I hate that .
Thanks Beamdog for producing the enhanced editions of BG, BGII, IWD, and now the SoD expansion. They are probably some of my favourite games of all time. I have enjoyed hundreds of hours in these games, both the originals and the enhanced editions, so have no problem throwing some money at you for all your efforts for us Infinity Engine fans!
So, I just pre-ordered the SoD CE despite the shipping costs to Europe and possible customs charges. The contents look great, and I don't want to miss out on this. Looking forward to putting the SoD slipcase on the shelf next to my original BG case from 1998! Please produce something similar for BGII.
If the reason that there are only a limited number of CEs available is that only so many "goodies" have been produced as one-off items then maybe just the boxed game disc could be sold separately at a later date? He says (very) hopefully.
Probably a silly Question but, I not sure if I have enough money in my account at the moment but would like to pre order as soon as possible. My question is will it charge my credit card immediately or will I be charged on march 31st or ship date or what? thank you.
Every five years I build a super computer for gaming using all of the latest and greatest tech. My power supply will come in on Monday and finally it will be complete. So what do I do? Pay $150 for an expansion pack to a $20 sprite based game from the 90's and then install it on a system with GTX 980TI SLI of course. It's odd, a moment ago was the first time that I realized I have issues.
I too was about to press the order button, and then saw the $45 shipping costs... I don't know how customs work in the UK as I don't order stuff overseas very often. Any one know if id need to pay extra for customs?
Either way, it might be slightly too costly for me
Im from the UK as well but Im afraid I havent the foggiest and Im just going into it blind to be honest. Knowing this cackhole of a country there is barely a snowflake in hells chance someone isnt going to miss the opportunity to add another charge in there. Its worse than getting into Candlekeep but what the hell, Im not going to let that get in the way and if there is a customs charge Ill pay it.
Just throwing my 2 cents out there, Digital Deluxe looks like you want to charge 20$ for the sound track, and the Collector's edition, while full of awesome swag, is a bit much at 130$ + cuh-razy shipping.
I'd totally drop 40$ on just the DVD of the game though, if that were available.
Im from the UK as well but Im afraid I havent the foggiest and Im just going into it blind to be honest. Knowing this cackhole of a country there is barely a snowflake in hells chance someone isnt going to miss the opportunity to add another charge in there. Its worse than getting into Candlekeep but what the hell, Im not going to let that get in the way and if there is a customs charge Ill pay it.
Having said that I backed Pillars of eternity at the collectors edition tier and didn't get charged extra for that... I'm sure they may have been shipped from Europe though
I didn't get taxed on W2 & POE, and buy tools and stuff (large and heavy) items from America once in a while, so can hesitantly say that unless things have changed in recent months - 6 months to a year - we should be ok. But yeah, it's why I raised the point, because any opportunity to tax is usually taken full advantage of over here.
Yeah my only hope was in terms of size and weight of the CE. It looks like a fairly compact CE without much weight to it so there is hopefully a possibility there might not be an issue.
If I had to pay Beamdog for all the hours of enjoyment I've received from their games I'd owe them 10's of thousands of dollars with even my most conservative rates. Seriously I couldn't be happier to pay a few hundred to them for their efforts on such a fantastic game. Please continue to make amazing things like this as you absolutely have many fans who are thrilled to support your work and have the disposable income as adults to do so responsibly.
To be fair, those tens of thousands of dollars would be mostly owed to the original Bioware team that made the game, as well as the modding community that kept the game alive and kicking for nearly fifteen years before Beamdog came around. And, yes, Beamdog is partially composed of members from both of those groups, but let's not act like this relatively new company singlehandedly put together the entire Baldur's Gate saga themselves.
I don't by any means want to discourage purchases of the CE (except for those who have mentioned having to scrimp and save to do so - yeesh, I sincerely hope no one's risking financial ruin on a game, regardless of its timeless quality), and I hope Beamdog sells as many copies as they need to, but personally I'll be sitting this one out. I've enjoyed my time with BG:EE, but the original content they've produced so far is relatively minor compared to what they're attempting with SoD. $130 is a pretty big leap of faith in what I'd say is still an unproven entity.
If SoD lives up to the hype, maybe I'll be more willing to shell out big bucks on the Collector's Edition of Adventure Z someday. Fingers crossed!
So have I, but I'm worried that the CE won't run with my Amazon-bought BGEE, even though it has the Beamdog logo on the box - it creates and installs into a directory called 'Deep Silver'.
The DVD that comes in the Collector's Edition includes both BG:EE and the SoD expansion. So even if you've purchased and installed the game through Steam, GOG, or another DVD--or even if you've never purchased BG:EE at all before--you'll be able to play.
I live in France, but I happen to be going to the USA from 10 to 15 April. If I pre-order now the Collector Edition to the address of a friend who leaves over there, do you think he will receive it by 15 April?
130$ is a bit on the expensive side, but heck, we're speaking about one of the best games ever made (my opinion, at least). What bugs me is the 35$ to ship it to Canada, it seems a tad excessive. I ended up paying about 230$ Can for the lot.
I love the work you guys have done in the past, but I must confess the total sum gave me pause. For about a minute. I'm sure you guys made a great product.
I just want to ask, that if you do further CEs, please keep us informed through the newsletter as you did this time and do inform us with a little more time so that it won't take us by surprise. I won't like to skip on a possible Baldur's Gate 2 CE, that would leave my collection incomplete and I hate that
So, I just pre-ordered the SoD CE despite the shipping costs to Europe and possible customs charges. The contents look great, and I don't want to miss out on this. Looking forward to putting the SoD slipcase on the shelf next to my original BG case from 1998! Please produce something similar for BGII.
Either way, it might be slightly too costly for me
I'd totally drop 40$ on just the DVD of the game though, if that were available.
I didn't get taxed on W2 & POE, and buy tools and stuff (large and heavy) items from America once in a while, so can hesitantly say that unless things have changed in recent months - 6 months to a year - we should be ok. But yeah, it's why I raised the point, because any opportunity to tax is usually taken full advantage of over here.
I don't by any means want to discourage purchases of the CE (except for those who have mentioned having to scrimp and save to do so - yeesh, I sincerely hope no one's risking financial ruin on a game, regardless of its timeless quality), and I hope Beamdog sells as many copies as they need to, but personally I'll be sitting this one out. I've enjoyed my time with BG:EE, but the original content they've produced so far is relatively minor compared to what they're attempting with SoD. $130 is a pretty big leap of faith in what I'd say is still an unproven entity.
If SoD lives up to the hype, maybe I'll be more willing to shell out big bucks on the Collector's Edition of Adventure Z someday. Fingers crossed!
No matter how expensive EE Dragonspear, I can't resist to buy it!
Question: Is the soundtrack on a disc or is it a digital download?