The Adventure X, Y, Z designation was an in-office term used primarily as a way to keep projects in order. After BGEE, BG2EE was Adventure X, the Siege of Dragonspear expansion was Adventure Y, and then there was Adventure Z, which was completely unrelated to the Forgotten Realms. The idea was to push into Free To Play, but a few months back it became clear that space was already pretty full and the decision was made to focus on the Beamdog's core strengths, which is RPGs, with the obvious immediate focus being on the Forgotten Realms and Siege.
So, the project they maybe have already started to work on or will start to work on after SoD won't be called the Adventure Z. All we know about this next project (so far) is:
- it will be a "Dungeons & Dragons Forgotten Realms computer role playing game" (from Beamdog Job positions)
- David Gaider will be involved
- Trent Oster is a huge D&D fan, with at least a few ideas for almost every setting. He was a big Dragonlance series fan, loved Dark Sun as a setting and played a ton of Forgotten Realms settings. (from the Familiar Magazine)
- if it won't be an Enchanced Edition, it will use the 5E (from the Phillip Daigle forum post)
- Phillip Daigle is holding out hope the next project will be a modernized engine. We want to leave the IE-era games in an excellent state and then move on to something more modern eventually. Those are basically plans for the future: a new engine would give an improved ability to create content.
I would rather play a new, FR based, BG-style brand new game than IWD2-EE. They can always work on enhancing IWD2 once this new project is out. It will also depend on how much support for SoD and the new game they will get. As for me, I love FR, I love BG and I thank Beamdog for continuing to produce good content to the 18 years old BG-series games. Whatever they do next, it's good for me. I jsut wish they could work with David Warner in the future. Guy's voice acting skills are amazing.
Yes, new content PLEASE. The EEs were great, and proved Beamdog knows their stuff. Now we want to see the next step, and from the looks of it, we will. Good.
The Adventure X, Y, Z designation was an in-office term used primarily as a way to keep projects in order. After BGEE, BG2EE was Adventure X, the Siege of Dragonspear expansion was Adventure Y, and then there was Adventure Z, which was completely unrelated to the Forgotten Realms. The idea was to push into Free To Play, but a few months back it became clear that space was already pretty full and the decision was made to focus on the Beamdog's core strengths, which is RPGs, with the obvious immediate focus being on the Forgotten Realms and Siege.
*Trap was shelved
Sharktrap wasn't a D&D related game, it was more of a 3D action puzzler.
So, the project they maybe have already started to work on or will start to work on after SoD won't be called the Adventure Z. All we know about this next project (so far) is:
- it will be a "Dungeons & Dragons Forgotten Realms computer role playing game" (from Beamdog Job positions)
- David Gaider will be involved
- Trent Oster is a huge D&D fan, with at least a few ideas for almost every setting. He was a big Dragonlance series fan, loved Dark Sun as a setting and played a ton of Forgotten Realms settings. (from the Familiar Magazine)
- if it won't be an Enchanced Edition, it will use the 5E (from the Phillip Daigle forum post)
- Phillip Daigle is holding out hope the next project will be a modernized engine. We want to leave the IE-era games in an excellent state and then move on to something more modern eventually. Those are basically plans for the future: a new engine would give an improved ability to create content.
- The plans of Beamdog are known to their stuff, in the end of 2015 they had a company meeting after the meeting with WotC
As for me, I love FR, I love BG and I thank Beamdog for continuing to produce good content to the 18 years old BG-series games. Whatever they do next, it's good for me.
I jsut wish they could work with David Warner in the future. Guy's voice acting skills are amazing.
I want better AI. All else is moot.