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What Setting Would You Like to See For a New D&D Game?

Camus34Camus34 Member Posts: 210
I know that I would love to see a game set in Waterdeep, 'the City of Splendors', or perhaps somewhere like Anchorome, with it's exotic cultures and peoples.
  1. What Setting Would You Like to See For a New D&D Game?82 votes
    1. Baldur's Gate Post Sundering
    2. Anchorome
    3. Waterdeep
    4. Evermeet
    5. Nine Hells
    6. The Underdark
    7. Other, explain.


  • EnialusMeliamneEnialusMeliamne Member Posts: 399
    The Moonshae Islands. I am a fan of the Douglas Niles books.
  • ChidojuanChidojuan Member Posts: 211
    The Farplane. I'd like to see an epic survival horror type fight against the Illithids.
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  • Camus34Camus34 Member Posts: 210
    The Moonshae Islands. I am a fan of the Douglas Niles books.

    What was the first book in the trilogy called again? My uncle had the books long ago. Was it Darkwalker?
  • EnialusMeliamneEnialusMeliamne Member Posts: 399
    Darkwalker on Moonshae, which was also the first Forgotten Realms novel.
  • Camus34Camus34 Member Posts: 210
    The Moonshae Islands. I am a fan of the Douglas Niles books.

    Would you like to see it set during the time frame of the novels (1345 DR?), or in 1479 DR?
  • Camus34Camus34 Member Posts: 210
    Svar wrote: »
    I really, really want to see a game set in Calimshan, not just because I personally find that country and its history fascinating, but also because it's so noticeably different from what we've seen in most other games, which tend to be focused on temperate or cold regions with cultures based on medieval Europe. Calimshan could also actually work for a BG3 game if one wanted to keep with the pattern of moving the focus further and further south on the map.

    I also think a game set in Rashemen could be pretty cool. Rashemi culture is very interesting to me, especially since it has heavy Slavic themes. Like with a Calimshan, it would be something a bit different than the usual as well.

    Other places I'd like to see include Chessenta, Luskan, The Silver Marches, and The Underdark.

    One problem with Calimshan might be diversity. It's like 94% human.
  • illathidillathid Member Posts: 320
    Since you said D&D and not FR, I'd love to see either Dark Sun or Ebberon made into a CRPG.
  • SvarSvar Member Posts: 157
    Camus34 wrote: »
    One problem with Calimshan might be diversity. It's like 94% human.

    That's nothing new to D&D games, though. Most places in Faerûn are mostly human. Amn, for example, is 83% human, and yet the plot of Shadows of Amn manages to revolve heavily around elves. As such, I don't really see this as much of an issue.
  • bleusteelbleusteel Member Posts: 523
  • TRoarTRoar Member Posts: 50
    Another vote for Dark Sun.

    Second place would be another Planscape game, with more plane hopping, as long as the devs could get the aesthetic and atmosphere similar to the alien fantasy of Planescape:Torment.
  • EnialusMeliamneEnialusMeliamne Member Posts: 399
    Camus34 wrote: »
    The Moonshae Islands. I am a fan of the Douglas Niles books.

    Would you like to see it set during the time frame of the novels (1345 DR?), or in 1479 DR?

    Sorry I'm getting back to you a little late on this. Had some adulting to handle. I have to be honest in saying that I'm not particularly familiar as much with the current 5.0 edition lore, as I've largely hung up my tabletop hat. With that said, the books have already been written, so rehashing that lore seems suboptimal to me. Doing something similar to Icewind Dale, which took place many years before Akar Kessell and the Crystal Shard lore, in Moonshae (and also prior to those books as well) could be very cool.
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    Darksun. I would love a game in BG's style set in Darksun. The only problem is Darksun does not really work well in 3rd edition and higher...
  • SmaugSmaug Member Posts: 216
    edited March 2016
    I misclicked and hit Evermeet, oops. Evermeet4Lyfe! I'd be interested in a plane-hopping game, but I think that would be one of the toughest to make appealing as a long, BG-length game.

    I'd like to see more exposure and exploration of dwarven cities/ruins/realms; it seems like they get bypassed quite a bit in D&D video games in favor of elven locales when an exotic location is needed.
    Svar wrote: »
    I really, really want to see a game set in Calimshan

    I'd be down for this too; it's definitely an under-explored area in video games. I liked the tiny taste of the region you got in ToB.
  • Clumsy_DwarfClumsy_Dwarf Member Posts: 112
    A Spelljammer RPG/RTS
  • SmaugSmaug Member Posts: 216
    A Spelljammer RPG/RTS

    Oh good lord that would be the bomb! The first time I saw the Spelljammer in BG2 I was so excited.
  • NatregNatreg Member Posts: 100
    It will never happen, but I would love to see a Mystara game which also includes Hollow World.

    Mystara is a really old setting however and I doubt there will be any new game using it. And even if it happens, it won't be with BECMI/RC rules anyway.
  • PhilhelmPhilhelm Member Posts: 473
    Ravenloft. I'd love to play an Undead Hunter in that setting.
  • JarrakulJarrakul Member Posts: 2,029
    Throwing my vote in for Dark Sun, even if that setting's visual aesthetic makes no sense (if you want to justify people showing a lot of skin, set your game in a jungle, not a desert; showing skin in a desert gets you killed). Ravenloft could also be cool, but I think it'd be hard to manage quite that level of utter hopelessness without turning off a lot of players.
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    Malatra: The Living Jungle

    Having a game in such an Indochinian setting could be rather refreshing. Maztica is a close second, but has too many Amnish outposts for my liking. Honestly, anything outside of Faerun gets my vote.
  • AutocratAutocrat Member Posts: 68
    Zakhara, of course. We could fight yak-men. Yak-men!

    Other than that, I'd be down for a Ravenloft or Dark Sun game. Although I would prefer something connected with the Realms.

    I feel like Luskan and the Underdark (at least the 5e versions) have been thoroughly covered by Sword Coast Legends, at least for now. Besides, Rage of Demons is over. Whatever new D&D game Beamdog make will likely be connected with Wizards' storyline post-Curse of Strahd (or the one after that). Whatever that may be (Al-Qadim!).
  • Camus34Camus34 Member Posts: 210
    Malatra: The Living Jungle

    Having a game in such an Indochinian setting could be rather refreshing. Maztica is a close second, but has too many Amnish outposts for my liking. Honestly, anything outside of Faerun gets my vote.

    I agree about a game outside of Faerun, however, I still want a Waterdeep game. lol
  • GrumGrum Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,100
    The underdark! Playing as an escaped slave trying to find your way to the surface. Get to pick up NPCs along the way, some temporary, some permanent.

    I'd also like to see there being multiple ways out, depending on your alignment/choices.
  • GrumGrum Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,100
    Autocrat wrote: »
    Zakhara, of course. We could fight yak-men. Yak-men!

    Other than that, I'd be down for a Ravenloft or Dark Sun game. Although I would prefer something connected with the Realms.

    I feel like Luskan and the Underdark (at least the 5e versions) have been thoroughly covered by Sword Coast Legends, at least for now. Besides, Rage of Demons is over. Whatever new D&D game Beamdog make will likely be connected with Wizards' storyline post-Curse of Strahd (or the one after that). Whatever that may be (Al-Qadim!).

    Leave poor yakman alone. After watcher's keep he has been through enough.
  • lordkimlordkim Member Posts: 1,063
    WTF !!

    How dare you , not to put DragonLance in this Poll !!!!!!!!!!

  • MiridorMiridor Member Posts: 92
    M Y S T A R A
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