I suppose I will have to go to work while this thing downloads. It was downloading all night, only for me to wake up to 519 megs total for it to crash at some point, at which i restarted the download (not from the beginning thank GOD) but it keeps consistantly crashing and will not exceed the speed of 10 kb of speeds. What's worse is that my BGEE patch won't seem to even download and i fear runnning both at the same time will be fatal at some point.
It has been my experience that an interrupted installation of anything causes error and corruption in the files needed for these things, I'm really hoping that's not the case here.
I think this is very unprofessional from Beamdog. It happened with all the releases and always happens, they are not up to the expectations and I don't understand how some people still excited by a possible BG3 game...
I think this is very unprofessional from Beamdog. It happened with all the releases and always happens, they are not up to the expectations and I don't understand how some people still excited by a possible BG3 game...
I am excited but not from beamdog platform. As long as it will be sold on Steam/GoG I will buy it. But beamdog platform? Never again!
AND it looks like it IS reverting from 535 mb to 512, how am i supposed to install a game that will continuously crash then revert? I think what I'll do is just wait a couple days to even attempt a download. No reason to lock up my own computer for a program that's going to continuously crash itself into a frenzy.
I do agree that all those other games did, in fact, have issues with their download speeds and crashes did happen there as well. Computers can be a fickle thing, so I guess I'll just have to retain some kind of patience.
This is by far and away my worst download experience.
I got the BG2:EE patch in about five minutes, which was great. The next 15 minutes brought me 17.4% of SoD. The six hours after that have brought me an additional 0.4% of it. And yes, I have attempted several re-tries and so on. At the moment, the Beamdog client keeps crashing so hard that the only way to exit is ctrl-alt-del. So, even the window cannot be shut down.
For those of you getting nowhere with the Beamdog client, just grab the standalone installer instead. Or in addition. That didn't crash for me at least, though it did get stuckish when download was basically complete... something that was apparently ignorable by just running the game itself and bypassing the launcher.
@Silverstar: Thanks for that. I tried it. It seemed to be going fine, but actually, I got stuck at the same point, 672MB. Nothing has been happening since I got there.
In the past five hours, I've managed to download a whopping 2MB of stuff!
@Kharador: I believe this is a matter of chance, for the most part. I've tried the standalone installer twice, and both times it crashed to badly I needed to ctrl-alt-del. I did manage to download 4MB with it, though. The client has provided me with 672 MB in about seven hours...
This is a fuking joke! i let the installer running overnight and it crashed at 98,6% so i had to crtl-alt-del. Now after a restart he godamn starts again at 6%!? Are you joking beamdog?? Get this mess sorted ASAP!!
Well i tried both the client and standalone installer, both are crashing after sometime and the DL speed is 20 kb/s most of the time. While i can understand that the DL speed can be low if a lot of people try to download the game, i really would like to know why it crashes all the time. I cant even just let the download of the game go on in the background if every 10 minutes i must reboot the client and hope no data is deleted.
This is really poor Service tbh! And not that they havent knew it it was the same shit everytime they release a game! Get the bandwith and backend or leave it be and dont release stuff digitally shame on you beamdog!
Yeah, this is pretty appalling. Does anyone know their refund policy? I am pretty tempted to purchase it on steam and ask for a refund at this point. Although I suppose I could wait for their customer service to provide me a Steam key, but they won't open for another three hours and I'm sure they're swamped besides.
I've been holding back on posting again about this because I've made my peace, and I don't want to cause any enmity when I have nothing but respect for the people of Beamdog, and for what they've been doing for BG(my favorite game) and isometric games in general(my favorite type of games).
What I had to do to be able to play yesterday was rebuy the games in steam and ask for a refund on Beamdog, it's really sad too because I always favor no DRM, and helping the "little guy". If you're any more patient then I am maybe you should ask for the steam keys for the games. I still got no reply from support, but by the downloading speed I was experiencing I think it was the right choice.
On a happier note I got to play it and it's exceeding my expectations. It feels and looks amazing.
oh well ... yesterday was okay, but today is not ...
leaving the game to download with about 300kb/sek in average (slow but acceptable) with the standalone installer, i thought i'd have the game ready today. It crashed though at about 2.6Gigs, not moving anymore. Killing the process and start over again at Zero ... crash at 1.5Gigs now.
I'll leave it be for now, coming back later. Pre-order just never is a good idea i guess.
I'm sure they are currently trying to fix the issue. This is why I never preorder anything. Queues and strange tidings on launch day.
I'm against preorders generally, I opened an exception because of the reasons I already stated, the BG series is my favorite and if I can help the guys that are making my dreams a reality then sure, plus Beamdog hadn't disappointed me yet. Also preordering SHOULD be the fastest way to get to play the game.
I'm sure they are trying to fix it as well, they must be madder than we are that this is happening, again I love the guys and what they've been doing, but this was a bit of a disaster.
I strongly recommend turning to the standalone installer. It is 100 times faster than the damn client
This x 1000. I gave up for the night after watching speeds routinely fall to b/s and freeze for hours then switched to the manual downloader on a whim and it finished in about an hour.
It has been my experience that an interrupted installation of anything causes error and corruption in the files needed for these things, I'm really hoping that's not the case here.
But beamdog platform? Never again!
I do agree that all those other games did, in fact, have issues with their download speeds and crashes did happen there as well. Computers can be a fickle thing, so I guess I'll just have to retain some kind of patience.
I got the BG2:EE patch in about five minutes, which was great. The next 15 minutes brought me 17.4% of SoD. The six hours after that have brought me an additional 0.4% of it. And yes, I have attempted several re-tries and so on. At the moment, the Beamdog client keeps crashing so hard that the only way to exit is ctrl-alt-del. So, even the window cannot be shut down.
No more Beamdog for me, it seems.
In the past five hours, I've managed to download a whopping 2MB of stuff!
Changed absolutely nothing for me, though. And it crashed, too. Had to ctrl-alt-del. So it might not help you.
What I had to do to be able to play yesterday was rebuy the games in steam and ask for a refund on Beamdog, it's really sad too because I always favor no DRM, and helping the "little guy". If you're any more patient then I am maybe you should ask for the steam keys for the games. I still got no reply from support, but by the downloading speed I was experiencing I think it was the right choice.
On a happier note I got to play it and it's exceeding my expectations. It feels and looks amazing.
This is why I never preorder anything. Queues and strange tidings on launch day.
leaving the game to download with about 300kb/sek in average (slow but acceptable) with the standalone installer, i thought i'd have the game ready today. It crashed though at about 2.6Gigs, not moving anymore. Killing the process and start over again at Zero ... crash at 1.5Gigs now.
I'll leave it be for now, coming back later. Pre-order just never is a good idea i guess.
I'm sure they are trying to fix it as well, they must be madder than we are that this is happening, again I love the guys and what they've been doing, but this was a bit of a disaster.
Edited for language. Keep it PG-13, folks.
Remaking/polishing a 90s game and distributing it with 90s internet speeds (being generous).