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IWD 2 > IWD?



  • DJKajuruDJKajuru Member Posts: 3,300
    Both have their strong and weak points :

    IWD 1 - Scenario atmosphere and soundtrack were definitely stronger than any other bioware game. It does make you "feel" isolated in the cold north. You do feel like an explorer , and plot is convincing. Its expansions made gameplay even nicer! I must say that IW1 is actually more difficult and challenging than the second one.

    IWD2 - 3rd edition rules do make a DnD game more fun!

  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    I will admit the song that plays in targos in iwd2 is awesome. That is about all I'm willing to give as positive feedback to IWD2, that and some of the little things like how certain classes (even diviners in Targos) get a few extra lines thrown in there at times.
  • WonderviceWondervice Member Posts: 56
    Never really liked either - altough IWD2 in the beginning had a lot of nice stuff, like preparing the village for assault.
    In the end however, both quickly descended into the "which section of the monster manual should our brave heroes visit next?" game.
  • ArkynomiconArkynomicon Member Posts: 52
    edited October 2012
    Oh, I forgot how great this soundtrack was. I should really bring it with me at all time.
  • HowieHowie Member Posts: 136
    I really love the storyline for IWD, not saying IWD 2 is bad, but I just love 1 slightly more.

    Gameplaywise, I was just sad I couldn't get 21 AC at start of the game :P anyway, IWD 2 is a great adaptation of 3e. It cut off the bad parts and build it up with good stuff, enjoyed it a lot.

    Both games are just different styles of hack and slash, 2 seems to have learnt from its predecessor.
  • Avenger_teambgAvenger_teambg Member, Developer Posts: 5,862
    The IWD2 engine is nice(r than IWD1), but the game quality takes a great dip after the early chapters.
  • AmardarialAmardarial Member Posts: 270
    If they ever do a IWD:EE Series I would love for them to take 2-3 years and had in NPC's, Items, Spells, Feats (In Case of IWD 2), Kits (In Case of IWD), Prestige Classes (IWD 2), etc

    Of all the games it has the most room for additional material, giving none of what I listed affects the main story in any way shape or form.
  • PaladinPaladin Member Posts: 335
    I love both of these games. Mostly for the music, like Shandyr pointed out. Also, they are just great for time killers. I've kept a save going on both for quite some time. I can jump in, kill some Orcs, jump out. I don't need to keep up with a quest log or remember plot details, or deal with NPC relationships. It's a nice break in that sense from the more intensive Baldur's Gate. If I had to pick one, I'd go with Icewind Dale (1). I just prefer the interface and I think it's a tad more interesting, location wise. I also don't like the advanced rules in Icewind Dale 2. They remind me of Neverwinter Nights, which seems out of place.
  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,586
    I found the story in IWD2 to be more engrossing for the reasons the thread-starter said, but I always had trouble sticking with the game because I absolutely despise 3rd ed rules. So while the 2nd game may be better, I prefer the 1st one (if that makes any sense).
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    edited October 2012
    I've never played IWD2.

    Icewind Dale

    Pros -
    Awesome music
    A good few absolutely unforgiving, challenging battles. These were very, very fun. This is the sole thing it has over BG.
    As @Seldar said, it gets way better near the end of the game, so that's rewarding.

    Cons -
    Character interaction = zero
    Dialog with others = not much, although what little there is is actually pretty good
    Dungeon town dungeon town dungeon town
    No evil choices at all essentially. You can be a pushy jerk sometimes with quests, that's about it.
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