[Request] Bonuses for high charisma score

So I wanted to make this because of AndreaColombo's thread on the benefits of Int. and Wis. I think there should also be a tactical advantage to a high charisma score. What I suggest is to have a Group Morale number that goes along with the PC's charisma. That morale would give bonuses that would go something like this: 14 Charisma +1 saves vs fear, 16 charisma +2 saves vs fear, 18 charisma +3 saves vs fear etc. There would also be maluses if the Charisma score is too low: 7 charisma -1 saves vs fear, 5 charisma -2 saves vs fear, 3 charisma -3 saves vs fear. This function would be a great incentive for players to not keep their charisma score at 3 and to not feel guilty to put some points in charisma for role play factors when they know their character is going to suck because of it. What do you all think?

maybe charisma could act like a "luck" stat? every five points above 10 it decreases saving throws in general, and vice versa? i don't know what the official rules say but at least reaction score should be put to use more actively.
I think group morale makes more sense for charisma. I don't see how a character's magnetism makes his comrades more lucky in battle.
''Personally I just think they should fix the Sorcerer and Bard classes so that their spellcasting is CHA based, as per PnP rules.''
Yup, they should do that too.
I seriously doubt it. If it were I wish it was written on the character sheet but I don't think so. I've never heard of it nor have I ever seen a difference in party morale between rolling a paladin or a filthy gnomish thief. I might be wrong though...
Morale is positively influenced by having a leader (the topmost character in the portraits) with high Charisma, by the environment that the creature is located in (e. g. kobolds and drow like being underground more than they do
wide open spaces outside), by some spells (e. g. Remove Fear), and by the type of enemies that are visible (easy enemies will raise morale).
edit: I agree charisma should have other uses not exactly with your suggestion of how to correct it
I also distinctly remember Winthrop reacting well or badly to your joke when you first meet him depending on your CHA score.
Aye with a Charisma of 18 and a lawful good alignment Hull would give you the dagger +1 instead of just shooing you away. It's one of the only time in BG where Charisma has any impact on the game sadly. The NPC's will also sometimes react differently based on your Charisma / reputation scores. Xzar and Monty will give you a healing potion, Kivan, Minsc and Xan will not join you if your Charisma/ reputation is too low etc. I get a feeling that the creators wanted to do more of that but they probably found it too hard / too time consuming. You know I wouldn't mind if Charisma had no impact during combat granted that there were more of these instances where your Charisma actually affects the game in a positive or negative fashion.
A Resist Fear bonus would be nice, or call it a Morale bonus.
Charisma 9 - no bonus
Charisma 12 - +1 bonus (self).
Charisma 15 - +2 bonus (self), +1 to nearby allies (non stacking).
Charisma 18 - +3 bonus (self), +2 to nearby allies (non stacking).
Charisma 20 - +4 bonus (self), +3 to nearby allies (non stacking).
Charisma 22 - +5 bonus (self), +3 to nearby allies (non stacking).
Charisma 24 - +6 bonus (self), +3 to nearby allies (non stacking).
Charisma 25 - +7 bonus (self), +3 to nearby allies (non stacking).
Nearby allies means within the "sight radius" of the character with the Charisma.
If a character with 12 Charisma is within range of a 18 Charisma character, the 12 Charisma character would have +2 resistance to Fear, instead of +1.
Charisma isn't just good looks, it's confidence and leadership
And I think I remember some reactions from members of the party being influenced, some characters could actually leave...
A resist against fear makes sense. It is confidence and leadership and also "good looks" that inspire trust etc.
But in BG the member with the highest charisma in the party is the value that counts for checks, I think. Which is good because we can't all have 18 charisma characters!
also, sorry for any mistakes, english is not my primary language... but hopefully, i can make you guys understand me well enough.
And I also very strongly agree that Sorcerer and Bard casting should be CHA based!