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SoD Characters in BG2



  • ZilchkZilchk Member Posts: 46
    KhalDrogo said:


    Usually a Blackguard doesn't serve a deity but a demon or devil, Like Belhifet, Mephistopheles, Demogorgon....

    According to newer lore they serve dark deities. Fiends can't grant divine magic because they aren't gods themselves at best they can channel it from real deities and act as if they gave it themselves.
  • kensaikensai Member Posts: 228
    Corwin. She is a nice Archer but I hate her because she didn't trust me and turns her back to me after all I did to Baldur's Gate. That's simply a betrayal.

    Caelar I find her stats funny, she has high wisdom and intellect but she's an idiot. A fool that makes same mistake twice - she messes with Belhifet. Come on, all those people died for WHAT? And remember how she persuade her own soldiers - "I know you lost your children and wife but in the end I'll return them to you". AND HOW WOULD YOU DO THAT? I don't remember that all died people automatically comes to Hell!
    She is an egoistic and plain stupid person and even her uncle is pissapointed by her doings.

    As a fighter she's a simple owerpowered, having innate high resistances in fire\cold\magic. I think even Sarevok was'nt so powerful.
    She is too powerful for BG2 part, but, BUT! I think she has to be in TOB as joinable NPC, I suppose Pocket Plane has sufficient power to drag her from Nine Hells. Also that leaves possibilities of writing good story for that character. Her character, her point of view, even her abilities may have changed in Hell.
  • CalemyrCalemyr Member Posts: 238
    If I understand correctly, the most recent Dragonspear war had devils pulling their victims to hell, regardless of their proper alignment-guided fate. Good people that didn't deserve damnation got it anyway, and that's the soap box Caelar was preaching from. Granted, that was a bit further down the list of her priorities than she made it out to be, but it's a noble goal a lot of people would flock to (or at least not resent suffering for).
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