Beast in the Cave (Minor Spoiler)

Anyone manage to kill the
Tears through my lvl 9/10 party like tissue paper even with the standard protections.
green dragon Morentherene in the forest cave outside the temple yet? If so, how?
Tears through my lvl 9/10 party like tissue paper even with the standard protections.
Yep Dev Console does it every time!
Wait...that's not how you're supposed to do it is it?
Here's my whole strat:
Now I feel vindicated for lugging around those magic sticks this whole time.
The real question is - what do you need with her scales? I gathered all these trophies from beasts and never found any blacksmith or someone like that
2. Get smashed to goo
3. Reload
4. Enter
5. Cast spell
6. Exit
7. Heal
8. Quick save
9. Repeat
I let her chug potions while my shaman started summoning spirits that would help tank the beast. Having Iron skin cast was important to tank at the beginning.
Meanwhile, I positionned the other characters far enough that they weren't in range of the dragon breath so only Jaheira would get hit.
I had Corwin kill the 2 wyverns first because they apply a high damage poison on hit. No idea what my mage did meanwhile.
Essentially, retreated into the corridor at the entrance, clogged up the end of the corridor with spirits and Jaheira, killed all monsters 1 by 1 with Corwin.[/spoiler]
Personally I buffed up with standard spells (stoneskin, mirror image, haste, draw etc) outside, summoned some skeletons and spiders inside triggering the fight, bumrushed the wyverns one by one while occupying the dragon with a tank character with antidotes and healing pots and kept spread out to avoid getting that annoying poison blast on the party.
The final boss fight was way better though, since there was a lot more to it. The dragon pretty much only had two things to watch out for; adds and poison aoe breath.
Still, I was very happy to run into an optional fight that I couldn't bumrush, even with my pretty OP party. It felt like a very nice callback to the optional dragons in BG2, Firkraag and the shadow dragon etc. And also an interesting new take on the whole deal, since you have a lot less tools to work with this time around.
I used Haste, Defensive Harmony, Bless and protection from fear to buff my party. Had 2 bow(wo)men, 1 axe- and 1 dart-thrower, and two heavies to alternate in melee. Lots of antidote and heal pots at the ready.
Whoever was targeted by wyverns in the ranged group would kite them around until they found other targets. The haste enabled them to stop and shoot every now and again, if there was space for it. Tried to get as many hits in as possible on the dragon before running away with whatever melee was low on health, pot up, get a cure wounds spell, and go back in.
Once it reached badly wounded I started spamming magic missiles as well.
Took a few attempts to get it right, but I don't think you're supposed to make that one on your first ever attempt!
This kills it just quick enough for the wyverns to get into melee range.
I then went and got me a nice +4 shield for viconia to bump her AC to -10.
If I didn't have the Shadow Armor from BGEE, i probably would have gotten the armor for Safana instead
Some bugs or potential bugs related to this fight:
Didn't get any loot so may have to try again!
Unfortunately polymorphed creatures maintain their abilities, but only have the hit points of a squirrel, so they go down fast.