@AstroBryGuy is there a way to reduce the rate of Imoen's chats? I don't mind modifying files locally if you can point me in the right direction. Thanks!
I did a BGEE playthrough two years ago and Imoen was speaking all the time... I guess it comes from this mod and i got used to it: i made some tests recently and Imoen was way too quiet !!!
I understand that this mod expands Imoen's voice set and adds interaction banters (non dialog banters / the running comments NPCs make to each other in BG1). So not doing the same job as BG1NPC Project.
Would you recommend other mods that synergise well with this mod ?
There are many mods concerning Imoen for the BG2 part (Imoen Frienship, 4ever...). Just for confirmation in an EET installation : any interference with Chatty imoen to expect ?
I added the mod to my current BG:EE run and I am really enjoying the aditonal lines from Imoen. I don't have that much experience with BG:EE from the playing POV but I do notice more remarks from Imoen regarding frequency and variety both from what I remember.
This is a really nice mod for people like me who like having Imoen around (and, like her BG1 voice and soundset). Thanks for creating it!
@AstroBryGuy The link to github gives a 404 error. It was working a few weeks ago. Not sure if there is any problem or the account has been removed on purpose, making the mod inaccessible.
Really enjoying the interjections from Imoen, thanks for a great mod !
I want her to turn into a real chatterbox!!!!
This version can also be downloaded from my fork until it is considered in the original package:
v1.4 (jastey's edit with Russian version by Austin): temporary download (download master)
-Added Russian translation (by Austin)
-Fixing installation error on Tutu with TotSC (by Erg)
I did a BGEE playthrough two years ago and Imoen was speaking all the time... I guess it comes from this mod and i got used to it: i made some tests recently and Imoen was way too quiet !!!
I understand that this mod expands Imoen's voice set and adds interaction banters (non dialog banters / the running comments NPCs make to each other in BG1). So not doing the same job as BG1NPC Project.
Would you recommend other mods that synergise well with this mod ?
There are many mods concerning Imoen for the BG2 part (Imoen Frienship, 4ever...). Just for confirmation in an EET installation : any interference with Chatty imoen to expect ?
Was feeling stupid asking the question as Chatty Imoen works in the BG1 part and, bothe I4E and Imoen Friensdship are BG2 mods.
Thanks for the confirmation.
This is a really nice mod for people like me who like having Imoen around (and, like her BG1 voice and soundset). Thanks for creating it!
In the meantime Chatty Imoen is available here.