Seems SoD is surprisingly controversial. Would you still recommend purchasing it?
Hey guys. Given money and time issues that cropped up recently, I have sadly not been able to buy or play Siege of Dragonspear. Just because I'm a giant murderlizard, doesn't mean I don't need entertainment too!
All joking aside, I was planning on doing so soon, but it appears there is some sort of odd controversy surrounding a particular transgender character and a line from Minsc? Now, I love Minsc, as I do most of the characters in this series. It would be a shame to see them misrepresented. Nonetheless, I'll still have enough money to purchase the expansion rather soon.
All joking aside, I was planning on doing so soon, but it appears there is some sort of odd controversy surrounding a particular transgender character and a line from Minsc? Now, I love Minsc, as I do most of the characters in this series. It would be a shame to see them misrepresented. Nonetheless, I'll still have enough money to purchase the expansion rather soon.
Edit: I am recommending it to everyone I know and have been since it was announced. But right now I am just advising them to wait a bit for patches.
The transgender character is Beamdog's own creation, far as I'm concerned they can do what they will with that one. Mizhena (think that's how it's spelled) is getting a rewrite because the current incarnation of the character is... poor. Not being an important character though (basically your average temple vendor, just has more dialogue than they tend to), you probably won't notice anything terribly out of place.
The expansion itself is, in my opinion, good. A lot of people report various bugs, ranging in severity, but patches are on the way. How you spend your money is really up to you, but I don't think the "controversy" around SoD is reason to not get it. Reasons not to get it would be technical, as mentioned above, or if you have a strong moral objection to how Beamdog has handled this launch.
My course of action:
Waiting to check how we stand on bugs until the controversy storm ends.
If bugs are not that bad and mods are working - likely purchase.
Ignore issue on Minsc line, it's being deleted.
Controversy on trans character being modified with a very likely improvement on interaction and possibly added content (a plus by us getting more content).
I can't recommend to buy or not based on story - haven't played it yet. Some folks are saying its linear - again, waiting for storm to pass to have a better assessment.
SoD Reviews Thread
In any case, the reviews from critics are mostly positive - the average so far being 78. And that's just because of one negative/mixed review that gave it a score of 58 and it dragged down the rest that are composed of positive scores ranging from 8-8.7 IIRC. Mind you, half of the complaints of the critic who gave it 58 deserves scant consideration e.g. one complaint is about the graphics. And before you freak out with the game's new sprite outlines, it can be toggled off (some people liked it though); the game graphics is the same, if not better.
I'm nowhere near the end of SoD, so there's a lot for me yet to do and explore, and I'm having fun.
The additional material, conversations, etc. for Minsc, Dynaheir, Jaheira and Khalid are all great. I'm not fond of the Safana character, but I really like the new Glint character. The rest I haven't seen yet. There are also a LOT of new magic items that are really fun.
The beginning starts out a little slow, but I'm liking it more and more as I go. Definitely worth it, in my book.
But if its just for the single-player experience, I'd still wait for at least 2 patches or until it goes on sale. You aren't missing too much. The only good parts are the fights.
i enjoyed playing the game and liked the storyline. there are alot of side quests, but i do have to agree that the game was pretty linear overall. not really a big issue for me.
on the negative side, i mainly had two things that i didn't like.
1. the quest log needs a major overhaul. would be nice to have it tell you what you need and who you need to turn it in to. the journal wasn't very helpful either.
2. would liked to have been able to have all char's available for addition to my party before leaving bg. or at the very least, very early on so that i would be able to get them as much exp as possible and develop them according to my tastes. Was a big disappointment to not be able to add jaheira to my party until very late in the game.
overall though, i really enjoyed playing the game and that's what really matters. it only cost 20 bucks and is well worth it in my humble opinion.
As others have mentioned, there are some bugs, but patches are on the way, and my personal take is that by pre-ordering, I've helped fund any future patches. Everyone's finances are different, and I'm not the person who is going to judge any other for their personal financial choices. I'm a free will kinda guy, which leads me to my next and final point.
I didn't put my toe into the water re: the topic so often brought up these days, but I have a personal motto of "live and let live", but "don't tread on me", which I apply in most circumstances. The world, as a whole, is better when we are excellent to each other.
There are a few bugs (mine crashes to desktop every once in a while) and a few clumsy quest resolutions, but for me the game was about tapping into my nostalgia, bringing back old friends, and expanding on the saga in a faithful way. That's exactly what it does - as several other players have said on these forums, SoD makes you feel like you're back in the same gameworld after 15 years, which is quite an accomplishment.
I would suggest seeking out reviews only from players who you can be reasonably sure have actually played the game (you'd think that would be a given, but unfortunately it's not.) I hope you enjoy playing SoD
However, if you really can't wait to get into the story, then go ahead and buy it. I've been able to put up with the bugs so far. Don't pay any attention to all that controversy crap. None of it is as exaggurated as the oversensitive screamers make it out to be. If you've played Dragon Age, this isn't all that different, but it is hilarious to watch I'll admit.
I'm into the story so far, although I'm still relatively early. Watching the villains confront each other is awesome. If you've liked Beamdog's previous works so far then you'll probably enjoy this. I personally hate the way they do things, but don't let me stop you.
Let me fill you in. The "controversial" writing is probably less than 1000 words of dialogue. Entire expansion has over 500,000 words of dialogue. If you feel like 1/500 of the actual content is enough to make you feel offended and to miss out like that then well, that's sad. I mean, really sad.
And here I was glad to see you post again.