Cavaliers or Roundheads?

I generally play as a paladin and when I do I always choose to be a cavalier because they conform to my idea of what a knight in shining armour should be (no missile weapons, immune to fear, good at smiting dragons). However, the name 'Cavalier' has always seemed a peculiar one to me. Aren't cavaliers supposed to be roistering chaps with big feathers in their hats who like to eat, drink and be merry with the ladies of the town?
Now I'm not saying a paladin has to be a puritanical roundhead but wouldn't it have made more sense to call them knights rather than cavaliers?
Now I'm not saying a paladin has to be a puritanical roundhead but wouldn't it have made more sense to call them knights rather than cavaliers?
Now, where they DID use it in real life, that's a different thing. It's open up to interpretation really, I mean, the game is still a fantasy setting after all. For instance, a Paladin was always employed by a Monarch, yes? While in this setting, it seems like they are just an order of people.
PS - Wasn't Permidion Stark a *thief* attempting a heist against Talanthyr? Oh, the irony XD (just kidding
I know you, Stark! You were skulking around High Hedge the other night. You're nothing but a common thief. I should report you to the Flaming Fist, I should!
Edit: Perhaps paladin can summon a "magical horse" (or unicorn lol) outside a building, the same way how the priest spell call lightning only works outside. The paladin rides on the horse, gain extra hp just like a mage familiar (but temporarily). When fighting on horseback, two handed weapons become more effective and single handed weapon less effective. Also, the movement speed increases.
The origin of the meaning is, nobles were the only people riding a horse at war. They were also the only ones who needed a horse to carry them (think of the medieval full plate armor, it's heavy as freaking hell). Not to mention, commoners couldn't afford horses for the most part and just got simple weapons from their lord, or whomever they belonged to.
Being a cavalier also meant following a certain moral codex, much like paladins of the forgotten realms. The codex goes back to sagas of king Arthur, at least. So it also involves being nice to women in danger, but always stay true to your wife, help everyone without asking for someting in return, duel guys who insulted you (unless they are some shitty commoners, not worthy of your time) etc. I'm not saying real knights always were like that, only that they tried to seem like it
And from chevalier we've got words like chivalry.
So cavalier is okay for paragon knight in shining armour.
Also what @cyberhawk said. I believe English is quite uncommon in having a word for knight that is based on the above knecht rather than a word involving horse riding. May just have been happenstance that they didn't end up being called riders or similar instead.
Wikipedia: They seem to be much more 'Three Muskateers'-like than the image the word "knight" conjures.
Again, per Wikipedia: Again, talking here about how the word was actually used historically versus its etymology.
And of course cavalier was name for Royalist, but we are talking about pseudo-medieval fantasy, so I believe we should stick to medieval meanings of that word.
PS. In XIX century America (especially in Dixie) word "cavalier" was used to describe gentleman having specific code of conduct and good manners.
Percentile Strength acted like the Percentile Strength we all know and love. Percentile in the other stats did nothing, you treated it like the first number (if you had 16/21 Dex, you had a 16) but as you leveled up, you got two roll some dice for each percentile stat (I think like 2D10) and add the stat. If you passed 00, you went up a stat (16 to 17, etc).
I'm with @Lemernis in thinking that the usage rather than the etymology of the word is of more relevance. The word cavalier has so many associations that are at odds with the image of the paladin in D&D that it seems a peculiar choice. Chevalier, in English at least, has none of its negative connotations and so might have been a better bet.
Still, it won't stop me playing them: immunity to fear and poison, +2 to saving throws and +3 when whacking dragons - it all works for me.