Best Hangover Recipes/Solutions
In keeping with my general fad of making topics which are really off topic
Many of you have been here. Its a Saturday or Sunday morning and the prior night you had at least one too many drinks. You wake up with a pounding headache, maybe you just are incredible drained and don't want to do anything, ultimately though you may feel terrible.
My question is, how do you try to solve it? Let's get some worldwide hangover treatments on here

Many of you have been here. Its a Saturday or Sunday morning and the prior night you had at least one too many drinks. You wake up with a pounding headache, maybe you just are incredible drained and don't want to do anything, ultimately though you may feel terrible.
My question is, how do you try to solve it? Let's get some worldwide hangover treatments on here

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The other thing is to avoid hard booze at all costs.
Don't drink.
My friends that do drink tell me the best way to avoid a hangover is to make sure you do not go to sleep while intoxicated. Hydrate up first before you sleep and you should be fine. So I'm told.
I don't know any hangover solutions but I do know a lot of teenagers who'll get liver cancer before 20.
Or simply, don't get drunk. Why would someone get drunk goes beyond me. Nothing can be gained from it truthfully. I got drunk a couple of times, stopped drinking alcohol back in January. I mean, I drink still a glass of wine here and there, but not NEARLY enough to get me drunk.
Back on topic though, one thing that I would recommend is to make sure to eat a proper meal before you start drinking. You may still end up with a (possibly bad) hangover but hopefully this will prevent uber hangovers. There have been a few times where I would just have brunch or something and then start drinking without eating supper. The next day I would have a pounding headache, feel a little dizzy, and begin to sweat and feel light headed if I stood up for too long. Also I'd be vomiting till evening.
Besides that I would agree with some of the previous posts about drinking plenty of water before you go to sleep and after you wake up. I also agree with @belgarathmth , that you often just have to wait it out. Even if I only get slightly drunk, and therefore don't have any headache/nausea the next day, I inevitably feel at least a little drained and lethargic until I get another nights sleep.
I'm 100% serious when I say this. Anybody who gets pissed regularly is doing exactly what they're being told to do like sheep. The moral is don't get drunk kids, you'll save money, time, liver and you won't be a pawn in plan. It is useless. What the hell is the point in getting so shitfaced you don't remember? It's exactly that kind of poisonous and illogical concept which is ruining people.
Also agree to water drinking, soups(homemade) and sex:)
When did I say you had to get black-out?
What I meant was that if someone finds getting drunk fun, then it's really no more useless than anything else that people do for fun. I'll admit that it has more self-destructive potential than a lot of things, but that all depends on how much you do it, which is ultimately up to the individual.
There are cases of video game addiction having some pretty serious consequences, but (most) people aren't demonizing video games, because they realize that for just about any activity there will be some who take it to far, to the point of being dangerous, and that doesn't necessarily mean that the activity itself is bad. I realize this isn't the best example because the prevalence and severity of the consequences from alcohol abuse are in a different league than video games, but I still think it illustrates my point.
I'm not saying that someone who gets wasted on a regular basis doesn't potentially have a problem, but it shouldn't be assumed that they do. I'm also not saying that drinking to much and playing video games too much are on the same level, just that they are arguably on the same spectrum. And the reason I keep bringing up playing video games is that it's something I'm assuming just about everyone on this forum does and wouldn't consider harmful.
I've only ever had 1 zinger of a hangover in all my drinking days. I was either blessed or cursed with a cast-iron stomach and a hangover free brain. This one time was when a few friends and i decided to try drinking pure 100% alcohol(known as al cool) which we had to go buy in Quebec as it wasn't available for sale in Ontario in those days, with pineapple juice to kill the taste. We regained consciousness the following day and all that could be heard was a chorus of groans and moans and 2 of the guys vomiting. Cast-iron stomach my arse, i came very close as well to losing my previous meals. Solution was to do nothing. I decided the best way never to do this again was to ride it out so i'd remember what it felt like. By 6pm that night i finally felt human again and enjoyed a nice P&P(hippy jargon for pizza and a pipe) and the world was all sunshine and puppies again.
It's not the place for a medical discussion, but taking large amounts of alchool in order to get drunk is not less harmful than having a cronic addiction, it's just harmful in different ways.
That said, you guys can do whatever you want with your health as long as you don't drive, of course what you do is stupid and a little sad, but what can I say? As long as you don't come to the hospital it's not of my business.
Lighter conversation: the first thing you have to do for an hangover is to hydrate yourself, as other said before you can use orange juice, chicken soup, etc... For the headache you can use coffee if you really have to get up and do something that particular day, but it would be better to take some sleep
But I have heard- drink several glasses of water the night before you go to sleep, then aspirin and gatorade the next day, and if you can stomach it, a banana, which should give you back what you need to get your body on an even keel.
When talking about the concentration of alcohol, it doesn't really make sense to say % proof. The percentage stands for the percent alcohol by volume (so in your case, 100%, pure alcohol), and proof is just double that percentage (so in the case of 100 proof, would be 50% alcohol).
Sorry for being so nitpicky, I now award myself +5 internet pedantry.
Actually, maybe this whole thread is a bad idea. Better to keep our discussions at least tangentially related to gaming, and not real life.
In the attempt to maintain this topic "not too personal"
Also remember that caffeine, just like alcohol, is a diuretic (causes you to lose more water through urine) so to rehydrate you may want to stick no non-caffeinated things. Admittedly when I need to actually get up and do something when hungover I usually fall back on coffee or energy drinks.
But as a younger man, nothing ever worked better for me than Lipton instant chicken soup. It's basically a matter of getting rehydrated. But the soup was always gentle on the stomach too. Anyway, that always seemed to nurse me back to health.
You should know that other people's fun, on the scale that alcohol is used to have this 'fun', is damaging to society. If a couple of people think it's fun to go and buy a pizza on Wednesdays, see a movie and then smoke weed in their car until they nearly suffocate, they aren't hurting anyone. But if most young people did that, it would hurt everyone.
If you people are comparing video game addiction to alcohol, you don't understand the impact. They can't create the kind of social obligation to play video games they can with drinking and, moreover, the amount of people who are harmed by alcohol outweighs the people who are harmed by video games by such a large amount it's not even worth researching.
That argument reminds me of how, over here in Australia, they make propaganda campaigns about speeding on the road a lot because people sometimes die as a result of recklessness. Aside from the fact that they enjoy revenue raising with fines, some hundreds of billions of dollars per year, they don't care that thousands more people disappear every year and never turn up than the few hundred who die on the road.
So why don't we worry about funding missing people searches instead of beating up speeding? Therefore, why don't we worry about how many fucking children drink than how many people get addicted to video games.
@Belgarathmth People who use alcohol the way you do are losers. That is a cruel fact. Let's assume you're not a loser (and I hope you're not), you don't need to act like one man. It is pathetic, when I go in a room and see children or young adults so vulnerable and at the mercy of others, AND BY THEIR OWN FUCKING CHOICE, that if somebody was to have poor intentions, they would be so powerless.
I'm tired of seeing people, especially teenagers, getting sloshed because they think a: their lives suck and alcohol is the only way to have real fun, b: they have nothing to do or c: get talked into it by tools.
You do NOT have a high tolerance for alcohol, you simply destroy your body more than others and feel less. Your tolerance of alcohol does not mean you are immune to poison, it means your body does less to handle the poison. Why do people vomit? Multiple reasons, when it comes to foreign objects, the body enduces such mechanisms to deal with poisoning.
If you people don't fathom that alcohol is a poison and that you're being MARKETED to by charlatan businessmen, you are all pawns.