Before somebody comes and abuses me for my own particular set of morals and my intrusive opinions about other people, I want to say how angry I am at, not especially the drinkers, but the people marketing towards them.
Kids are brought up from age 0 in this culture where you're expected to go out and drink. I don't blame the kids, they're really stupid, but it's all they know. They are being USED guys. You can't expect me to see a topic like this, promoting the use of alcohol and let it slide.
I'm disgusted that somebody would even make a topic like this. I think it's immature in the extreme, especially considering there are most likely children here (I'm 17 for the records).
I think it should be closed before I start spitting teeth over this anymore. :P
I know it's strange but typically I don't get hangovers the morning after, I usually end up getting them three hours after I've stopped drinking when I'm trying to get to sleep and for that I take advil and drink a shit tone of water. The times that I have gotten a hangover the next morning I still drink water and force myself to do stuff, usually shower, get dressed, and go out and I'll be pissy while I'm out but I do feel better than if I stayed inside all day.
@Ward while I do understand your concern - don't get me wrong, abuse of alcohol is bad anyway you put it - there is no need to go overboard (and no need to say such f-words and the likes). I'd rather not see such an agressive post again, thank you Drinking while still keeping your sanity in check and in a responsible way is not bad for the organism. By responsible I mean you don't drink alone (which is kinda sad), you don't drink often (which is also kinda sad) and you don't drink too much (that's sad too !).
Or only once or twice in a year. I mean c'mon, I just got a job this week, we emptied champagne. Tell me I'm a pawn, and I'll answer you that I had a royal night. Checkmate 8-)
On the other hand, alcohol is part of society. I'm belgian. I would be a poor excuse of a belgian if I didn't love my beer. Whether you abuse it or not. I don't consider myself abusing it, but I had like 5-6 hangover in my life (Not because I drink too much, but mostly because I have the bad habit of drinking different types of alcohol in the same night. Kids, don't do this at home) so here are my tips.
Drink lots of water. Before going to bed. After waking up, orange juice is nice but sensitive stomach may not support it.
Eat something with feculent. Before going to bed. (Pasta is especially good, since its light if your stomach is tight, but sandwich are okay too). Not every one actually can support that ofcz.
Beer literally was responsible for the birth of civilization.
Okay, that's an exaggeration. But the fermentation process was how the earliest communities of hunter-gatherers were able to keep a supply of fluids that could be stored without making one sick. Along with agriculture, of course, this was a hugely important innovation that more easily allowed villages and cities to form. Early societies didn't have plumbing. Everyone drank beer.
Also, I think one glass of red wine per day is supposed to actually have significant benefits for heart health.
It's addiction to any substance that's the problem. But addiction to alcohol is particularly devastating, for sure.
@Medillan When you go rollerskating and see girls who are literally 10 years old (based on their body and height) wearing booty shorts singing the song "I got a hangover", you would be furious too. I once saw a teenage boy, around 16, with a younger girl in her lap, around 14, literally pouring alcohol down her mouth.
I will never get over seeing that kind of crap. Little tiny girls bearing all to the world singing about getting pissed. They don't know what they're doing, they're just doing what they're being told to do.
Alcohol isn't evil. It is poison, but it's the way we use it that is evil. And importantly now, it's the way businessmen tell us to use it.
Here are the words to that song so you can judge yourself how bad it's getting:
Taio Cruz - Hook] I got a hangover, wo-oh! I've been drinking too much for sure I got a hangover, wo-oh! I got an empty cup Pour me some more
So I can go until I blow up, eh And I can drink until I throw up, eh And I don't ever ever want to grow up, eh I wanna keep it going, keep keep it going, going, going, going....
[Taio] I got a little bit trashed last night, night I got a little bit wasted, yeah yeah I got a little bit mashed last night, night I got a little shhh faced it, yeah yeah
Oh oh oh oh oh I'm on the roof If you don't know Well now you know
[Flo Rida - Rap] Drink up, cause a party ain't a party til you ride all through it End up on the floor can't remember you clueless Officer like What the hell is you doing Stumbling, fumbling, you wonder what? come again Give me Henn, give me gin, give me liquor, give me champagne Bubbles til the end What happens after that, if you inspired it til I'm ten I call my homie Taio, we can all sip again Get it in and again and again Wasted so what, irrelevant We're kicked to the head, who's selling it I got a hangover, that's my medicine Don't mean like I said, I'm too intelligent A little jack can't hurt this veteran I show up but I never throw up, so let the drinks go up, go up
Except you just feel even MORE tired and wasted afterwards..
Anyway, I'm from Denmark, and we have had the world record in youths drinking a few times. Not something to be proud off.
I am beginning to feel more annoyed at the fact that you "have" to drink and go party constantly to be cool and edgy. Besides, with my larger focus on my fitness, I am better suited to say no to drinking. Anyway, I'm not that young anymore (24) and wisdom comes with age they say.
If I want to drink, then it is because of the mental change. A drug to serve a purpose. And it CAN be awfully fun to do with allot of close mates or even family (If they can control it!!)
Well, as expected this topic developed in a flamed thread with insults. It's not fair to judge @belgarathmth without even knowing him, and in the same way it's not fair to judge @Ward 's rage, partially understandable but expressed in a way that made it not useful to anyone
Except you just feel even MORE tired and wasted afterwards..
Anyway, I'm from Denmark, and we have had the world record in youths drinking a few times. Not something to be proud off.
I am beginning to feel more annoyed at the fact that you "have" to drink and go party constantly to be cool and edgy. Besides, with my larger focus on my fitness, I am better suited to say no to drinking. Anyway, I'm not that young anymore (24) and wisdom comes with age they say.
If I want to drink, then it is because of the mental change. A drug to serve a purpose. And it CAN be awfully fun to do with allot of close mates or even family (If they can control it!!)
Well im from Denmark too, :O)
Who thinks of "afterwards" before sex :P But your right in lot of the things you said, exept 24 is still young dude ;O)
Before somebody comes and abuses me for my own particular set of morals and my intrusive opinions about other people, I want to say how angry I am at, not especially the drinkers, but the people marketing towards them.
Kids are brought up from age 0 in this culture where you're expected to go out and drink. I don't blame the kids, they're really stupid, but it's all they know. They are being USED guys. You can't expect me to see a topic like this, promoting the use of alcohol and let it slide.
I'm disgusted that somebody would even make a topic like this. I think it's immature in the extreme, especially considering there are most likely children here (I'm 17 for the records).
I think it should be closed before I start spitting teeth over this anymore. :P
Firstly, I could care less if you are disgusted I could make a topic on this. If you don't want to read about it, no one is forcing you to. Just like no one forces you or I to drink. I could also care less about your holier than thou attitude, which at 17 will hopefully change along with other things in your life.
Maybe there are children here (which for the sake of definition I will define as being under 16), but I doubt it in any significant way. Of the 719 people who responded to a poll on age on this website, only 6% were under the age of 20. Now, I'm not going to say that it is a scientific poll, especially given it has not had traffic in some time, but broadly I think it is a fair representation of the age group of people on this website. Well, at least in that an overwhelming majority are going to be over 20 due to the age of this video game.
Kids are also subject to advertising telling them to eat sugary cereals every morning for breakfast, to drink pop, to smoke, to dress slutty and to gamble. None of these things are good for them I'm sure. Somehow, through sheer force of good parenting however most kids actually survive to adulthood and become responsible adults (not everyone but most). If kids in your country are drinking everywhere, the fault lies with your government and their parents/other adults giving them liquor, not with the pop music industry or with me. People, including children, do dumb things, but that does not stop it from being either their (or their parents) fault. For instance, google vodka eyeball shooting if you really want to see an incredibly stupid way to take shots of alcohol. I've yet to see any professional entertainer promoting that kind of activity, yet young people still do it to a certain degree.
But I digress. I did not create this topic because I was hoping to get into a flame war on nutrition, obesity in children, or alcoholism. I created it because frankly drinking alcohol is something that adults from all age groups are familiar with, and because this website is host to a great number of people all around the world who have experienced hangovers. I thought what the heck, this is an off topic part of the forum and it could be kind of interesting what other people do to get over them. If you don't want to drink, fine. Not drinking is an excellent preventative solution. I've got a number of friends, mainly orthodox Muslims, who choose not to drink.
Besides, there is a difference between promoting the use of alcohol and promoting the fact that people drink alcohol. If I was indirectly doing any promoting by creating this thread it was for the latter, but only as a secondary effect of discussing hangovers to begin with. If people read threads about peoples hangover solutions and find themselves thinking "hey, I'm going to start drinking now because I've read this forum thread" than they have bigger issues.
@Gilgalahad When talking about the concentration of alcohol, it doesn't really make sense to say % proof. The percentage stands for the percent alcohol by volume (so in your case, 100%, pure alcohol), and proof is just double that percentage (so in the case of 100 proof, would be 50% alcohol).
Sorry for being so nitpicky, I now award myself +5 internet pedantry.
Yes yes Mr. picky ;-/ lol, you're correct though. I was typing it and wanted to say 100 proof and then realized i meant to say 100% instead but i didn't realize that i ended up typing both. Wish i could blame that booboo on being drunk but i've been sober for 25yrs. I've gone back and corrected it and noticed i misspelled Quebec.
I removed my post that offended @Ward. It was not meant to be read by minors, and I inappropriately forgot that minors could read what I said.
I don't want to negatively influence any young people. Somebody said "I don't understand why people drink", or something like that, so I told why I do. If you don't feel the need to try it or do it, then you shouldn't. It is very risky to drink, especially if you are out somewhere: it impairs your judgment and makes you do and say dumb things, it will ruin your health if you do it long enough, and you can get hooked on it.
This is why we don't legally allow people to make that choice until they are at least 21 years of age.
I actually like the taste and aroma of good scotch. But getting drunk on it is wasteful, and very expensive.
I also don't see how people can get shitfaced drunk on beer. The low alcohol content of beer means it requires so much beer to actually get drunk. I can't even drink that much water, let alone something that fills you up like beer. If your goal is just to get drunk, then vodka is probably the best way, relatively cheap.
@Awong124, actually, 12 ounces of beer has exactly the same alcohol content as 1.5 ounces of vodka, or 5 ounces of wine.
The reason people think that the hard liquor has more alcohol is because, if you shoot it, you're getting the whole dose in 1.5 ounces and immediately, whereas if you're drinking a beer, you don't get the alcohol dose into your stomach until you've had all 12 ounces of fluid.
@belgarathmth No, I mean it's too much liquid. I know that one beer has roughly the same amount of alcohol as a shot. But drinking 10 shots is much less overall liquid to consume than 10 beers. And there's no way I can drink that much liquid.
@Awong124, okay, I see what you're saying. I do think that people need to be informed though about beer and know what they're doing with it, because young people at parties often chug it, and they drink the equivalent of an entire six pack over a very short time period.
Beer can be one of the most impairing forms of alcohol, because so many people think that it's a weaker form of drinking when it's not really. Level of drunkenesss is a function of amount of alcohol to time period - the average body can metabolize about one beer, cocktail, shot or glass of wine per hour.
That means if you have one beer in an hour, at the end of one hour after you drink the last drop in the can, you will be dead sober. The second beer will impair you for the next two hours after you drink the last drop in the can. And so forth. If you have a six-pack, it is going to take you a whopping six hours to sober up.
The level of drunkeness will depend on how fast you drank it. Keeping with the example of the six-pack, if you have all six beers in one hour, the first one will be almost metabolized, but you'll have five beers in your system to get rid of, and you'll probably be pretty lit.
If you drink the same six-pack, say at a friendly barbeque, over six hours, by the time you're at the end of that sixth hour, assuming you finished off one can every hour, you're only going to have one beer in your system. You'll barely be buzzed.
Food in the stomach also plays a role in rate of absorption into the bloodstream. Most people know that drinking on an empty stomach will cause the alcohol to hit your system very rapidly. With food in the stomach, the rate of absorption slows down.
Complete metabolization is still going to take roughly an hour per serving of alcohol, though, no matter what you do.
I'm typing all this information because I hope it is helpful to somebody who might read, and might make them think twice before they have too many beers at a party.
I had to forego 4 ales to purchase this game... But that was at the start of september.
My tried and trusted hangover cure.
Place bacon in frying pan, with butter. Fattier the better.
Meanwhile, crack two eggs and place in a cup.
Put on kettle and make a strong cuppa tea. My Brother swears two sugars. I have none. (oh, for johnny foriegners this would be english breakfast tea... The kinda tea the british drink ALL the time (why is it called breakfast tea!?!))
Down eggs.
Place bacon on WHITE unwholesome bread.
Washdown with tea.
If you ain't better after that, you have died!
Oh... If delicate, I suppose you could always fry the eggs...
Just to clarify, because I'm painfully painstaking (Is that the right word? I hope so^^), the fact that you manage not to get drunk by distribuiting the six-pack of beers during the day, doesn't mean that the alchool is not damaging your liver
Unless you seriously damage your liver by severely overdrinking, it will repair itself over time. The damage you do to your liver isn't cumulative as long as you let it recover. Unless you make a habit of constant drinking, the damage you do to your liver from the occasional bender is trivial.
@Sophia As an Englishman, and a member of CAMRA (CAMpaign for Real Ale) Are you talking about LAGER? That fizzy stuff full of chemicals that can be produced in vast quantities and mostly quaffed in America and Germany? OR are you talking about BEER which can be subcatergorised into BITTER, STOUT, ALE, INDIAN PALE ALE (IPA to most people) and MILD? And has been scientifically proven is good for you? (Hell they used to give STOUT to pregnant women on the NHS in the 70s as it was a good source of iron...)
Everyone in England over the age of 16 would have liver failure at this rate... Brain cell damage is the problem. And who can name an englishman who has ever had a bright idea or invented anything, we are totally brain cell dead In France it would be worst (And they do distribute it!) As wine, is guzzled at every meal! (along with onoins... nah only joking... Frenchmen do not go around with berets and onions around there necks... but they often go on bike rides wearing stripy jumpers... I have photographic evidence!)
Ahahah, I was talking about alchool in general, not only beer . I was not trying to take an English gentleman like you away from his beer, do what you like man, just don't try to convince people (or yourself) that what you do is actually good for you.
@HaggardBlaze You make a good point. At this point I'm just propagating a useless argument. I think I'll go delete my last comment and hopefully this thread can go back to discussing the actual topic.
@Awong124 - Not all beer is in the 2.75%-4.75% range, most of the stuff in my beer room is 7.5%-9% going up to 32%
I always take ZMA, a vitamin pill, a pinch of salt and a few pints of water before going to bed if someone`s forced me to have a few. Might be a little tired the next day but that`s about it.
I partially agree with @Ward. Alcoholism is a serious issue, especially when it comes to the youth nowadays. Many teenagers aren't aware of the consequences of taking in too much alcohol. The factor I dislike here the most is the social pressure. Most kids are being pushed around and drink because it's cool and makes them belong to the group. I think this mentality is really worrisome. (hope I spelled that right) I also dislike how alcohol constitutes a big part of the student life at university or college. More than often an activity includes alcohol, a free round offered by someone, etc. It's one of the reasons I've never actually felt at home at student campusses, because somehow I felt like I was missing out on something. I do not drink myself, just because I don't like the taste of alcoholic beverages. It tastes really sour to me and the whole eperience of drinking it is awful for me. Also, keep in mind that drinking doesn't solve any of your problems, just like any other form of unhealthy addiction, actually. (even playing games too much!) There's just such a strong focus and omnipresence of alcohol and advertising for alcohol, no wonder it affects young people as well in the long run.
Kids are brought up from age 0 in this culture where you're expected to go out and drink. I don't blame the kids, they're really stupid, but it's all they know. They are being USED guys. You can't expect me to see a topic like this, promoting the use of alcohol and let it slide.
I'm disgusted that somebody would even make a topic like this. I think it's immature in the extreme, especially considering there are most likely children here (I'm 17 for the records).
I think it should be closed before I start spitting teeth over this anymore. :P
Or only once or twice in a year. I mean c'mon, I just got a job this week, we emptied champagne. Tell me I'm a pawn, and I'll answer you that I had a royal night. Checkmate 8-)
On the other hand, alcohol is part of society. I'm belgian. I would be a poor excuse of a belgian if I didn't love my beer. Whether you abuse it or not. I don't consider myself abusing it, but I had like 5-6 hangover in my life (Not because I drink too much, but mostly because I have the bad habit of drinking different types of alcohol in the same night. Kids, don't do this at home) so here are my tips.
Drink lots of water. Before going to bed. After waking up, orange juice is nice but sensitive stomach may not support it.
Eat something with feculent. Before going to bed. (Pasta is especially good, since its light if your stomach is tight, but sandwich are okay too). Not every one actually can support that ofcz.
Those two tips are usually enough for me
Okay, that's an exaggeration. But the fermentation process was how the earliest communities of hunter-gatherers were able to keep a supply of fluids that could be stored without making one sick. Along with agriculture, of course, this was a hugely important innovation that more easily allowed villages and cities to form. Early societies didn't have plumbing. Everyone drank beer.
Also, I think one glass of red wine per day is supposed to actually have significant benefits for heart health.
It's addiction to any substance that's the problem. But addiction to alcohol is particularly devastating, for sure.
I will never get over seeing that kind of crap. Little tiny girls bearing all to the world singing about getting pissed. They don't know what they're doing, they're just doing what they're being told to do.
Alcohol isn't evil. It is poison, but it's the way we use it that is evil. And importantly now, it's the way businessmen tell us to use it.
Here are the words to that song so you can judge yourself how bad it's getting:
Taio Cruz - Hook]
I got a hangover, wo-oh!
I've been drinking too much for sure
I got a hangover, wo-oh!
I got an empty cup
Pour me some more
So I can go until I blow up, eh
And I can drink until I throw up, eh
And I don't ever ever want to grow up, eh
I wanna keep it going, keep keep it going, going, going, going....
I got a little bit trashed last night, night
I got a little bit wasted, yeah yeah
I got a little bit mashed last night, night
I got a little shhh faced it, yeah yeah
Oh oh oh oh oh
I'm on the roof
If you don't know
Well now you know
[Flo Rida - Rap]
Drink up, cause a party ain't a party til you ride all through it
End up on the floor can't remember you clueless
Officer like What the hell is you doing
Stumbling, fumbling, you wonder what? come again
Give me Henn, give me gin, give me liquor, give me champagne
Bubbles til the end
What happens after that, if you inspired it til I'm ten
I call my homie Taio, we can all sip again
Get it in and again and again
Wasted so what, irrelevant
We're kicked to the head, who's selling it
I got a hangover, that's my medicine
Don't mean like I said, I'm too intelligent
A little jack can't hurt this veteran
I show up but I never throw up, so let the drinks go up, go up
Anyway, I'm from Denmark, and we have had the world record in youths drinking a few times. Not something to be proud off.
I am beginning to feel more annoyed at the fact that you "have" to drink and go party constantly to be cool and edgy. Besides, with my larger focus on my fitness, I am better suited to say no to drinking. Anyway, I'm not that young anymore (24) and wisdom comes with age they say.
If I want to drink, then it is because of the mental change. A drug to serve a purpose. And it CAN be awfully fun to do with allot of close mates or even family (If they can control it!!)
This is not the place for this type of discussion
Who thinks of "afterwards" before sex :P
But your right in lot of the things you said, exept 24 is still young dude ;O)
Maybe there are children here (which for the sake of definition I will define as being under 16), but I doubt it in any significant way. Of the 719 people who responded to a poll on age on this website, only 6% were under the age of 20. Now, I'm not going to say that it is a scientific poll, especially given it has not had traffic in some time, but broadly I think it is a fair representation of the age group of people on this website. Well, at least in that an overwhelming majority are going to be over 20 due to the age of this video game.
Kids are also subject to advertising telling them to eat sugary cereals every morning for breakfast, to drink pop, to smoke, to dress slutty and to gamble. None of these things are good for them I'm sure. Somehow, through sheer force of good parenting however most kids actually survive to adulthood and become responsible adults (not everyone but most). If kids in your country are drinking everywhere, the fault lies with your government and their parents/other adults giving them liquor, not with the pop music industry or with me. People, including children, do dumb things, but that does not stop it from being either their (or their parents) fault. For instance, google vodka eyeball shooting if you really want to see an incredibly stupid way to take shots of alcohol. I've yet to see any professional entertainer promoting that kind of activity, yet young people still do it to a certain degree.
But I digress. I did not create this topic because I was hoping to get into a flame war on nutrition, obesity in children, or alcoholism. I created it because frankly drinking alcohol is something that adults from all age groups are familiar with, and because this website is host to a great number of people all around the world who have experienced hangovers. I thought what the heck, this is an off topic part of the forum and it could be kind of interesting what other people do to get over them. If you don't want to drink, fine. Not drinking is an excellent preventative solution. I've got a number of friends, mainly orthodox Muslims, who choose not to drink.
Besides, there is a difference between promoting the use of alcohol and promoting the fact that people drink alcohol. If I was indirectly doing any promoting by creating this thread it was for the latter, but only as a secondary effect of discussing hangovers to begin with. If people read threads about peoples hangover solutions and find themselves thinking "hey, I'm going to start drinking now because I've read this forum thread" than they have bigger issues.
I don't want to negatively influence any young people. Somebody said "I don't understand why people drink", or something like that, so I told why I do. If you don't feel the need to try it or do it, then you shouldn't. It is very risky to drink, especially if you are out somewhere: it impairs your judgment and makes you do and say dumb things, it will ruin your health if you do it long enough, and you can get hooked on it.
This is why we don't legally allow people to make that choice until they are at least 21 years of age.
I also don't see how people can get shitfaced drunk on beer. The low alcohol content of beer means it requires so much beer to actually get drunk. I can't even drink that much water, let alone something that fills you up like beer. If your goal is just to get drunk, then vodka is probably the best way, relatively cheap.
The reason people think that the hard liquor has more alcohol is because, if you shoot it, you're getting the whole dose in 1.5 ounces and immediately, whereas if you're drinking a beer, you don't get the alcohol dose into your stomach until you've had all 12 ounces of fluid.
Beer can be one of the most impairing forms of alcohol, because so many people think that it's a weaker form of drinking when it's not really. Level of drunkenesss is a function of amount of alcohol to time period - the average body can metabolize about one beer, cocktail, shot or glass of wine per hour.
That means if you have one beer in an hour, at the end of one hour after you drink the last drop in the can, you will be dead sober. The second beer will impair you for the next two hours after you drink the last drop in the can. And so forth. If you have a six-pack, it is going to take you a whopping six hours to sober up.
The level of drunkeness will depend on how fast you drank it. Keeping with the example of the six-pack, if you have all six beers in one hour, the first one will be almost metabolized, but you'll have five beers in your system to get rid of, and you'll probably be pretty lit.
If you drink the same six-pack, say at a friendly barbeque, over six hours, by the time you're at the end of that sixth hour, assuming you finished off one can every hour, you're only going to have one beer in your system. You'll barely be buzzed.
Food in the stomach also plays a role in rate of absorption into the bloodstream. Most people know that drinking on an empty stomach will cause the alcohol to hit your system very rapidly. With food in the stomach, the rate of absorption slows down.
Complete metabolization is still going to take roughly an hour per serving of alcohol, though, no matter what you do.
I'm typing all this information because I hope it is helpful to somebody who might read, and might make them think twice before they have too many beers at a party.
My tried and trusted hangover cure.
Place bacon in frying pan, with butter. Fattier the better.
Meanwhile, crack two eggs and place in a cup.
Put on kettle and make a strong cuppa tea. My Brother swears two sugars. I have none. (oh, for johnny foriegners this would be english breakfast tea... The kinda tea the british drink ALL the time (why is it called breakfast tea!?!))
Down eggs.
Place bacon on WHITE unwholesome bread.
Washdown with tea.
If you ain't better after that, you have died!
Oh... If delicate, I suppose you could always fry the eggs...
Have you heard the term quaff?
I like to quaff when I can, and wench when I can't.
This is perfect english as I am married... Please think about it...
Everyone in England over the age of 16 would have liver failure at this rate... Brain cell damage is the problem. And who can name an englishman who has ever had a bright idea or invented anything, we are totally brain cell dead
I was not trying to take an English gentleman like you away from his beer, do what you like man, just don't try to convince people (or yourself) that what you do is actually good for you.
Or an RP without it eventually decaying into softcore porn, lol
You make a good point. At this point I'm just propagating a useless argument. I think I'll go delete my last comment and hopefully this thread can go back to discussing the actual topic.
I always take ZMA, a vitamin pill, a pinch of salt and a few pints of water before going to bed if someone`s forced me to have a few. Might be a little tired the next day but that`s about it.