Although I've never tried it myself, some of my friends swear by freezies. I could see how this would be good: it's pretty much all water so it would help hydrate and prevent dry mouth (my mouth is constantly super dry when hungover); it tastes good; it's nice and cool (I often feel kinda hot when hungover and find cool things, like liquids or a breeze, to be very refreshing); you consume it slowly, so it would be less likely to upset your stomach.
@Kitteh_On_A_Cloud, I agree in part with what you say. However, I disagree that people who drink as a habit throughout their lives, with all the health consequences and potential embarassment that that entails, (like me), got there because of peer pressure.
I never had the least iota of peer pressure upon me to start drinking. In fact, as an evangelical Christian, it was exactly the opposite for the young version of me. I was under enormous, almost crushing peer pressure NOT to drink.
Despite that, I made the decision to try a wine cooler at age 23. The rest, as they say, is history. I kept doing it because it was so damned *pleasurable*! The one issue I almost never see addressed by the people who advocate against drinking (or any other addictive behavior - including video games, but especially the physical addictive behaviors), is that the addict, or alcoholic, gets started, and keeps doing it, because it *feels* good!
We could even be having almost the same discussion about sex.
@Awong124 - Not all beer is in the 2.75%-4.75% range, most of the stuff in my beer room is 7.5%-9% going up to 32%
I always take ZMA, a vitamin pill, a pinch of salt and a few pints of water before going to bed if someone`s forced me to have a few. Might be a little tired the next day but that`s about it.
@Awong124 - Not all beer is in the 2.75%-4.75% range, most of the stuff in my beer room is 7.5%-9% going up to 32%
I always take ZMA, a vitamin pill, a pinch of salt and a few pints of water before going to bed if someone`s forced me to have a few. Might be a little tired the next day but that`s about it.
I can't say I've ever seen 2.75% beer.
Me neither. I've seen 0.5%, which is non-alcoholic. And I've seen 4.5%, which is light beer. Regular beer is usually 5% where I am.
@belgarathmth: Of course it feels pleasurable. That's why you keep on drinking and wanting for more. That's the whole idea alcoholism is based on, actually. It's about having no willpower to resist and consume alcohol with moderation. Mind you, I'm not judging you, just giving my opinion. As for the peer pressure, don't underestimate it. It's especially the case for teenage boys, as they tend to challenge each other a lot into doing 'daring things'. Maybe this wasn't the case with you, but that doesn't mean it isn't the case anywhere else. I don't think alcohol is evil, so to speak, I think the problem is rather with the PEOPLE consuming it, their drinking behaviour. The key factor is moderation. This goes for pretty much everything in life, be it work, free time, playing games or even having sex. Too much of something often has repercussions in the long run.
@Awong124 - Not all beer is in the 2.75%-4.75% range, most of the stuff in my beer room is 7.5%-9% going up to 32%
I always take ZMA, a vitamin pill, a pinch of salt and a few pints of water before going to bed if someone`s forced me to have a few. Might be a little tired the next day but that`s about it.
I can't say I've ever seen 2.75% beer.
Belgian ale, which is what I prefer, has alcohol content of about 9%. Chimay Grand Reserve (Blue Label) is my fave.
@Djimmy: Exactly. Personally I prefer a good cup of hot chocolate with whipped cream now and then. SO much better than something that slowly eats away on your liver and brain cells.
Depends on the country your in. Regular stores in Norway have a 4.5% limit, with a little margin for error so they can sell a beer tested to contain less than 4.75% ABV, If it`s 5%+ then you have to go to "Vinmonopolet",a specialist store selling up to 60%, anything over 60% is labeld as narcotics and illegal in Norway. Light beer over here is up to 2.75%. At 18 years of age you can buy up to 22% abv products, for stronger stuff you must be 20.
Sweden has different categories including a weaker "folkøl" that`s up to 2.5% and mellanøl that weighs in at 3.5%. Anything stronger and you have to go to "Systembolaget", which sells stronger beer, wine etc.
@Awong124 Nope, And if you were to try and bring it in, customs would confiscate it. We get a lot of smuggled 95% though, grew up on the stuff. Now a days i only have an ale or two every now and then. Partying`s not my thing.
@Awong124 - Not all beer is in the 2.75%-4.75% range, most of the stuff in my beer room is 7.5%-9% going up to 32%
I always take ZMA, a vitamin pill, a pinch of salt and a few pints of water before going to bed if someone`s forced me to have a few. Might be a little tired the next day but that`s about it.
I can't say I've ever seen 2.75% beer.
Belgian ale, which is what I prefer, has alcohol content of about 9%. Chimay Grand Reserve (Blue Label) is my fave.
Belgian Beers are GREAT!!! Delirium Tremens, Maredsous and st Bernardus are my favorite, though there are many more Belgian Beers that I can point out..
@Lemernis: As a Belgian myself, your post makes me proud of my country. As for chocolates! Leonidas FTW. Just ask @Cheesebelly. He's experienced the exquisite taste of Belgian chocolate himself.
Too bad I am on a diet XD It is true though, Belgians chocolate tends to have more chocolate and less sugar, which makes it better than any other chocolate on the market.
Don't know a thing of Belgian alcohol. Guess it's better that way
We have a saying in Belgium, that we have beers with every known flavors. It's a bit of an exaggeration, really, but we do have over 600-800 sorts of different beers. (I don't know the exact number, it varies even amongst official and is a part of the legend). Fruity beer, strong beer, refreshing beer, sweet beer, beer that when you take them you aren't hungry anymore... There really is a grand choice over here.
Indeed! The usual white, milk brown and dark chocolate, infused with all kinds of jummy fillings...Cream filling, nuts, butter paste, marzipan, ... Too many to name! If you ever visit Belgium, don't you dare to forget trying out some chocolates. ^_^ (shameless country advertising)
We have a saying in Belgium, that we have beers with every known flavors. It's a bit of an exaggeration, really, but we do have over 600-800 sorts of different beers. (I don't know the exact number, it varies even amongst official and is a part of the legend). Fruity beer, strong beer, refreshing beer, sweet beer, beer that when you take them you aren't hungry anymore... There really is a grand choice over here.
There is a store at Brugge with 780 kinds of Belgian Beer, A little paradise!! I have to visit there again sometime in my life..
Also I like the Kwak Glass.. never encountered this type of glass before
@belgarathmth Do not be offended, I apologize for my words. But I do not apologize for my opinion, because I'm so angry at, not you, but the bigger problem. I think you're a very mature person to of responded to my rage so courteously. Minors are reading this (I guess I don't count under the circumstances :P) but obviously you aren't reaching the masses with your drunken escapades.
Firstly, I could care less if you are disgusted I could make a topic on this. If you don't want to read about it, no one is forcing you to. Just like no one forces you or I to drink. I could also care less about your holier than thou attitude, which at 17 will hopefully change along with other things in your life.
It's not about me man, it's about everyone around you. If you think I'm here to lay my own superiority, you're a rude little man to feel so challenged. I'm not here to dictate over you or cockfight, I'm here because you did the wrong thing. Making this thread. I'm worried about this world and I do what I can to make it a little better, and this thread does not help.
Perhaps you didn't read my second post with the lyrics on it. You need to read that and see the bigger problem instead of attacking me when this thread is only a small piece in the puzzle when it comes to the influence DRINK has over people.
If kids in your country are drinking everywhere, the fault lies with your government and their parents/other adults giving them liquor, not with the pop music industry or with me.
Do you really think ANY government cares about what kids are doing? Nobody is here to protect your interests man, they're here to protect their own interests. Kids are separated from their parents as soon as they're old enough to walk, because they say to them "Oh you need to give your children space to develop and learn."
I call bullshit. They do that so they can use the POP MUSIC you so incorrectly dismissed blame from, to influence what these kids think. If you don't realize what power this music has to form a teenager's mind you're a fool.
People, including children, do dumb things, but that does not stop it from being either their (or their parents) fault.
It's both their fault, but mainly, it's the fault of the businessmen I was talking about earlier. When children are let loose by their parents in a world where the people in control of them have business interests over nuturing, they are DEAD.
I thought what the heck, this is an off topic part of the forum and it could be kind of interesting what other people do to get over them.
And it is the part of not just you, but everybody, to not promote such behaviour by making threads about it. It is promoted simply by talking about it, even when the message is clearly to avoid such things. The human brain is illogical like that, especially in kids.
I can't tell you to save the world, but don't make the situation worse. There's no reason to discuss getting sloshed and the best way to get over it for work on Monday next.
Besides, there is a difference between promoting the use of alcohol and promoting the fact that people drink alcohol. If I was indirectly doing any promoting by creating this thread it was for the latter, but only as a secondary effect of discussing hangovers to begin with. If people read threads about peoples hangover solutions and find themselves thinking "hey, I'm going to start drinking now because I've read this forum thread" than they have bigger issues.
You pretty much are right, you indirectly promoted drinking alcohol. I'm not trying to victimize you over it, I just don't agree with it because people are very susceptible to the behaviour of others and easily take after their example. People really are dim occasionally.
It's not about me man, it's about everyone around you. If you think I'm here to lay my own superiority, you're a rude little man to feel so challenged. I'm not here to dictate over you or cockfight, I'm here because you did the wrong thing. Making this thread. I'm worried about this world and I do what I can to make it a little better, and this thread does not help.
Yeah. You're not making it better. You're moralizing where it's not wanted, and frankly the world could very much benefit from less of that.
People drink. Sometimes they drink too much and feel lousy the next day. Acknowledging that and talking about it isn't promoting anything or 'doing wrong.' It's being a rational, functional adult.
You'll be a lot happier in this life once you realize that people will do what they will do and most of the time there is *nothing* you can do to change that.
Your problem -- and the one you're now creating for the likes of Elminster -- is easily solved. If you don't like the thread, don't post in it. Don't read it. If this idea offends you so much, feel free to move on to the next forum on the internet.
@Ward : @elminster Did nothing wrong when he created the tread, a thread like this does not promote drinking or force it on people. People hangovers, i know at least 2 that get hung over from 1 or 2 glasses of wine. They still have that glass now and the with a meal because they enjoy it and who are you to judge what is right or wrong for another adult?
You know what type of person in my group that have a problem with drink? Children who`s parents sheltered them from alcohol, kids who never saw an adult enjoy one beer with a meal or football match, They never learned that you could have 1 and stop. they drink until they pass out because they don`t know any better.
Same thing with censorship, it causes intolerance. There is no longer room in society for certain people, opinions or activities because they are different in some way or some "might" find it offensive, when you have a problem with something, try to keep it as such rather than making it everyone's problem. it`s common sense really.
@Brude I don't see why you rush to his defense when I am not even putting up a fight. I do realize people will do what they do and if you fail to have the motivation, the interest or the knowledge to change the darker side of our actions, then you concede your will to those who seek to control it.
Like I said, you don't have to save the world, but you can do a lot in your own life to educate people. When I say educate, I do not mean preach, belittle or ridicule, I mean making decisions in your own life to be less dependant on people (such as those funding pop music and alcohol and drugs). People lead by our example.
As I told you guys before I am 17 and all my 'associates' if that is the right word drink. Stupid little kids who come to school on Monday stoned or hungover and it pisses me off because these ignorant children are being done over by the people that are marketing alcohol to them. I do my best to show them another way of having fun.
@Tr_ond Children who have been sheltered from alcohol won't know not to use it, and therefore, you are correct. However, if the children are educated about it, then they won't improperly use it.
The solution isn't banning alcohol and preventing kids from knowing about it. They need to be enlightened and the only thing they're being taught about alcohol is from music or their parents. How reliable the parents are depends on the parents.
Censorship does cause intolerance and it causes information to be lost and for information to be determined by those who have the authority to feed the information they choose. That is why censorship is a breach of every right to this mankind, because once you censor things you can then choose what is known instead of the individual choosing what he believes.
@Ward Teaching them about the effect of use and abuse only does so much though. Drinking is like a lot of things in life. You learn by doing rather than benefit fully from the generations that came before. You can learn the how`s and why`s, but it`s by doing you learn how they relate to you and your life/body. Everyone responds to it differently, no two brains are alike etc. Good food and drink enrich life, to much of a good thing does not whether it`s ale or chocolate.
@Tr_ond A girl once told me at a party, if I never get plastered and regret it, I'll never learn not to do it.
Well her advice is poor advice because not only has she not learnt her own lesson, but I do not drink and don't need to drink to know not to.
You don't learn by doing when it comes to alcohol, you learn by common sense and seeing what it does to people. You see people falling at your feet around you and beautiful girls turning into tramps before they're legal age. That puts life into perspective. That teaches you not to drink, irresponsibly anyway.
Owkay that does it. I had high hopes when we spoke of belgian chocolate and our godly beers, but I think the debate here is remarkably off-topic even for... an off-topic subject. And too much hate, too many emotions.
I'll take all your hate on me and lock the thread sorry @elminster
I never had the least iota of peer pressure upon me to start drinking. In fact, as an evangelical Christian, it was exactly the opposite for the young version of me. I was under enormous, almost crushing peer pressure NOT to drink.
Despite that, I made the decision to try a wine cooler at age 23. The rest, as they say, is history. I kept doing it because it was so damned *pleasurable*! The one issue I almost never see addressed by the people who advocate against drinking (or any other addictive behavior - including video games, but especially the physical addictive behaviors), is that the addict, or alcoholic, gets started, and keeps doing it, because it *feels* good!
We could even be having almost the same discussion about sex.
Yes that is the standard % for beer where I am from.
Sweden has different categories including a weaker "folkøl" that`s up to 2.5% and mellanøl that weighs in at 3.5%. Anything stronger and you have to go to "Systembolaget", which sells stronger beer, wine etc.
We get a lot of smuggled 95% though, grew up on the stuff. Now a days i only have an ale or two every now and then. Partying`s not my thing.
Belgium. A-ok with me.
It is true though, Belgians chocolate tends to have more chocolate and less sugar, which makes it better than any other chocolate on the market.
Don't know a thing of Belgian alcohol. Guess it's better that way
Same can be said with chocolate, of course
Also I like the Kwak Glass.. never encountered this type of glass before
@Tr_ond I tasted a lot of types of beer in Belgium, but unfortunately never this one.. too many beers...
Perhaps you didn't read my second post with the lyrics on it. You need to read that and see the bigger problem instead of attacking me when this thread is only a small piece in the puzzle when it comes to the influence DRINK has over people. Do you really think ANY government cares about what kids are doing? Nobody is here to protect your interests man, they're here to protect their own interests. Kids are separated from their parents as soon as they're old enough to walk, because they say to them "Oh you need to give your children space to develop and learn."
I call bullshit. They do that so they can use the POP MUSIC you so incorrectly dismissed blame from, to influence what these kids think. If you don't realize what power this music has to form a teenager's mind you're a fool. It's both their fault, but mainly, it's the fault of the businessmen I was talking about earlier. When children are let loose by their parents in a world where the people in control of them have business interests over nuturing, they are DEAD. And it is the part of not just you, but everybody, to not promote such behaviour by making threads about it. It is promoted simply by talking about it, even when the message is clearly to avoid such things. The human brain is illogical like that, especially in kids.
I can't tell you to save the world, but don't make the situation worse. There's no reason to discuss getting sloshed and the best way to get over it for work on Monday next. You pretty much are right, you indirectly promoted drinking alcohol. I'm not trying to victimize you over it, I just don't agree with it because people are very susceptible to the behaviour of others and easily take after their example. People really are dim occasionally.
People drink. Sometimes they drink too much and feel lousy the next day. Acknowledging that and talking about it isn't promoting anything or 'doing wrong.' It's being a rational, functional adult.
You'll be a lot happier in this life once you realize that people will do what they will do and most of the time there is *nothing* you can do to change that.
Your problem -- and the one you're now creating for the likes of Elminster -- is easily solved. If you don't like the thread, don't post in it. Don't read it. If this idea offends you so much, feel free to move on to the next forum on the internet.
You know what type of person in my group that have a problem with drink? Children who`s parents sheltered them from alcohol, kids who never saw an adult enjoy one beer with a meal or football match, They never learned that you could have 1 and stop. they drink until they pass out because they don`t know any better.
Same thing with censorship, it causes intolerance. There is no longer room in society for certain people, opinions or activities because they are different in some way or some "might" find it offensive, when you have a problem with something, try to keep it as such rather than making it everyone's problem. it`s common sense really.
Like I said, you don't have to save the world, but you can do a lot in your own life to educate people. When I say educate, I do not mean preach, belittle or ridicule, I mean making decisions in your own life to be less dependant on people (such as those funding pop music and alcohol and drugs). People lead by our example.
As I told you guys before I am 17 and all my 'associates' if that is the right word drink. Stupid little kids who come to school on Monday stoned or hungover and it pisses me off because these ignorant children are being done over by the people that are marketing alcohol to them. I do my best to show them another way of having fun.
@Tr_ond Children who have been sheltered from alcohol won't know not to use it, and therefore, you are correct. However, if the children are educated about it, then they won't improperly use it.
The solution isn't banning alcohol and preventing kids from knowing about it. They need to be enlightened and the only thing they're being taught about alcohol is from music or their parents. How reliable the parents are depends on the parents.
Censorship does cause intolerance and it causes information to be lost and for information to be determined by those who have the authority to feed the information they choose. That is why censorship is a breach of every right to this mankind, because once you censor things you can then choose what is known instead of the individual choosing what he believes.
You can learn the how`s and why`s, but it`s by doing you learn how they relate to you and your life/body. Everyone responds to it differently, no two brains are alike etc.
Good food and drink enrich life, to much of a good thing does not whether it`s ale or chocolate.
Well her advice is poor advice because not only has she not learnt her own lesson, but I do not drink and don't need to drink to know not to.
You don't learn by doing when it comes to alcohol, you learn by common sense and seeing what it does to people. You see people falling at your feet around you and beautiful girls turning into tramps before they're legal age. That puts life into perspective. That teaches you not to drink, irresponsibly anyway.
I'll take all your hate on me and lock the thread